Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 266 Serious Lei Yiyi

Chapter 266 Serious Lei Yiyi
"Miss, you are too rude." Just as Lei Yiyi was advancing, a blond man in casual clothes walked out of the room ahead.

"It's Master An Ruiying!" When the security guards saw the blond man, they were all shocked, as if they suddenly had a backbone, and shouted excitedly.

"Get out of the way!" Lei Yiyi said unmoved at all.

"Miss, this is my territory after all, isn't it a little too much for you to make such a fuss?" An Ruiying said with a smile, calmly reached out and rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, revealing her sharp and strong arms.

"I said I'm looking for someone, and I'll leave as soon as I find someone." Lei Yiyi said calmly.

"This is an entertainment city, it's better for Miss to follow the rules."

"What if I don't obey?"

"Then don't blame me for being unsympathetic." An Ruiying put her blond hair back behind her ears and smiled charmingly.

"Quickly put down your weapons and surrender, or you won't have time to regret it when the instructor makes a move." The security guards behind shouted.

"Noisy." Lei Yiyi carried the box unmoved and continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to An Ruiying.

"Looking at the posture of the lady, she should be a strengthener."

Lei Yiyi didn't answer, but just walked forward indifferently, each step became smaller and smaller, and her attention was focused on the joints of An Ruiying's body. Although she didn't say anything, Lei Yiyi still followed the behavior habits taught by Zhang Pingche Action, no matter what kind of opponent you face, you must act cautiously.

"Although strengtheners are stronger than ordinary people, miss, you have to know that there are people out there. Don't think that after a few low-level enhancements, you can run amok. There is also a huge gap between strengtheners and strengtheners." An Ruiying laughed.

"Are you annoying?" Lei Yiyi said irritably.

An Ruiying's eyes froze suddenly, her body turned from stillness in an instant, and her fierce straight fist hit Lei Yiyi's chin directly.

It is the eternal truth in actual combat to catch the unprepared by surprise.

An Ruiying's speed was fast enough, even the security guards didn't see his punch clearly, they intuitively saw that An Ruiying's body moved before his fist hit Lei Yiyi's face.

But the expected scene of knocking Lei Yiyi into the air or knocking down Lei Yiyi's slender body did not appear. The lightning-like fist did hit Lei Yiyi in front of her eyes, but it was firmly blocked by a thin palm. .

Lei Yiyi moved his left hand slightly, and directly pushed An Ruiying's fist aside, and then said expressionlessly: "So it's just a C-level enhancer."

Seeing many high-level enhancers in the Youth Fighting Competition, Lei Yiyi has no idea about the enhancement level of enhancers. The only thing she remembers is that the B-level grandmaster seems to be able to do two tricks, and everyone else is just soft-footed shrimp.

And An Ruiying, who was kicked away, froze in place with a collapsed world view, her fist was thrown aside and she even forgot to take it back.

What is a C-level enhancer? C-level enhancement is already a very strong level of enhancement. For the sake of C-level enhancement, he tied the rest of his life in this entertainment city to complete the C-level enhancement, but this C-level enhancement is so unbearable in the eyes of this girl. What does that contemptuous tone mean?
"Damn it! What's wrong with the C-level enhancer!! I will defend the dignity of the enhancer, no matter who it is, I can't underestimate my efforts!!" An Ruiying was furious instantly, and charged directly at Lei Yiyi.

As a C-level all-attribute enhancer, An Ruiying's strength is indeed quite good, whether it is strength or speed, he is much stronger than ordinary enhancers, but he meets Lei Yiyi.

Lei Yiyi dodges An Ruiying's fierce straight fist sideways.

An Ruiying red-eyed and instantly kicked Lei Yiyi's legs. The fierce low whip kick was enough to break a small tree. If the kick hit a human joint, it was enough to completely destroy the joint.

Facing the fierce sweeping kick, Lei Yiyi silently raised his knee to block, and used the face bone of his calf to meet An Ruiying's low whip leg.

It has to be said that the power of this pair of legs is far worse than that of the ax after the mutant, and An Ruiying has not practiced his legwork to a superb level like the axe, and there is no change or back move at all for a sweep kick.

The collision of the frontal bones is the most dangerous. The fragile frontal bones appear so fragile under the huge force.

An Ruiying screamed, her calf was bent at an unbelievable angle, and the crisp sound of breaking echoed in the corridor.

But at the same time as An Ruiying screamed, she jumped up on one leg, and threw her elbow fiercely at Lei Yiyi's face.

Even if she was injured, she had to exchange injuries for injuries. An Ruiying knew very well that her strength might not be as good as this black, long, straight girl, so she could only fight in this way.

The jumping elbow, which poured all its strength into it, was so fast that it was unbelievable, and it almost fell down Lei Yiyi's eyes the moment he jumped up.

Lei Yiyi's reaction was equally decisive. She didn't underestimate An Ruiying at first. The moment he jumped up, the front leg that blocked the whip kick fell to the ground instantly, and there was a thunderous explosion sound as he stepped on the ground. With the sound of the sound, Lei Yiyi's body leaned forward suddenly, and was put into An Ruiying's arms.

The tip of the most powerful jumping elbow brushed past Lei Yiyi's head, and Lei Yiyi had already crashed into the arms of An Ruiying who was flying into the air.

Stick to the mountain!
Twisting her waist close to her body, a short explosive force instantly acted on An Ruiying's body. An Ruiying's body jumped up, as if suddenly stopped in the air, and then the next moment, her face instantly became distorted, An Ruiying The sturdy body flew backwards in an instant, flying almost in parallel for more than ten meters, and hit the wall at the end of the corridor.

Lei Yiyi saw that An Ruiying had slid down the wall, and calmly raised her feet and continued to walk forward, as if what she had just done was just a trivial matter.

In fact, Lei Yiyi has already shown mercy. If she really wanted to use her strength to use the most lethal force, An Ruiying might not fly out, but she would definitely lose her life. It would definitely not be just broken ribs like now. The pain passed out.

But all this looks different to other people. The visual shock of falling to the ground with an inch of strength is definitely not as strong as the visual shock of being shot ten meters away now.

The security guards trembled and did not dare to go forward again.

Lei Yiyi walked to the stairs leading to the fifth floor, looked at the white-haired girl at the stairs, and frowned, "Are you also here to stop me?"

"No, no, no, I just want to ask, who are you looking for trouble with? Is it convenient to ask his name?" The white-haired girl asked with a smile.

"Why did I tell you?" Lei Yiyi said disdainfully.

"If you don't tell me, I won't let you go up." Lanna smiled meanly with her arms crossed.

The unscrupulous Lanna never misses any opportunity to make trouble, because it is very fun, if life is too boring, wouldn't it be very boring.

"Then there's nothing to say." Lei Yiyi shook his head, suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he kicked out his slender legs instantly, directly towards Lanna's waist.

"So decisive? I like it." Lanna laughed loudly, moved her footsteps, took a strange step, and then lightly dodged Lei Yiyi's side kick, and her slender long legs whipped back instantly.

Lei Yiyi stood in front of him with his hands, but was kicked back by a powerful kick. After all, he was standing on one foot, and the side kicked leg hadn't been retracted yet, so the control of his center of gravity was a little unstable.

"Tsk tsk, you can't hit me at this speed." Lanna laughed and taunted.

The most important part of melee gun fighting is dodging. Lanna is an expert in melee gun fighting. The pace of dodging has been deeply rooted in her bones. Self-confidence naturally has its own capital.

Lei Yiyi put her feet back and stood, then calmly put down the knife box in her hand, and threw the small off-white windbreaker directly to the side, her graceful body was well-contrasted by the slim black casual clothes, and her calm face was even more famous For a serious expression.

Serious Lei Yiyi, Ling Xiaochen's eyes became serious.

He learned from Wang Jue that Lei Yiyi was on par with the demonized Chen Bai with a thermal cutting knife that had no energy.

Wang Jue said that Lei Yiyi, who was in a serious state, let go of all his thoughts, and his fighting intuition soared, enough to reach a strange super god state.

But intuition, it's intuition, Wang Jue can't see why, and he can't describe it in detail, or is it that a woman's intuition is terrifying?
It's just that he doesn't know how such fighting instinct will play against Lanna who dodges Max, Ling Xiaochen's eyes are full of anticipation.

 Ps: Supplementary changes.

(End of this chapter)

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