Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 267 Aftermath?not that much trouble

Chapter 267 Aftermath?not that much trouble

Lanna looked at Lei Yiyi who had a serious expression on her face, and the corner of her mouth raised an arc of interest.

Lei Yiyi's pupils constricted slightly, and her attention was instantly concentrated. She swept away at Lanna's leg. The speed of sweeping her leg has exceeded the limit that the naked eye can capture. From the perspective of outsiders, only a blurred light and shadow flashed by.

The whistling sound of breaking wind was like a soft whip piercing through the air, and being able to kick such a breaking wind sound with his legs was enough to show that the explosive power of his legs was terrifying.

As Lanna faced such a whip leg that surpassed the limit of the human body, she took a step back like a foresight. Lei Yiyi's toes brushed against the tip of Lanna's nose. The sharp wind made Lanna feel that the side of her face was like It was like being cut by a gust of wind, full of a faint tingling sensation.

Lanna, who dodged the kick, didn't show any ease, she just stepped back and immediately distanced herself from Lei Yiyi.

Lanna looked at Lei Yiyi with horror in her eyes. She felt that Lei Yiyi might be very strong, but she didn't expect to be so abnormal. The speed of kicking up just now was equivalent to no warning at all.

If it hadn't been for predicting the action by catching Lei Yiyi's eyes before, Lanna might not be able to avoid this whip kick no matter what.

"It's dangerous, are you an A-level enhancer?"

Lei Yiyi didn't talk to her, and kicked empty, but her body didn't stop, she just continued to spin, and jumped out suddenly, with the other leg, kicking back fiercely, she directly rushed towards Lanna.

Faced with a more fierce back kick, Lanna directly centered on one foot, spun her whole body and dodged to one side, and at the same time swung her arms, counterattacking Lei Yiyi who was in the air.

If you only dodge but do not counterattack, you will be pressed and beaten all the time. Dodging will always make mistakes, so proper counterattacks put pressure on the opponent, and then wait for an opportunity to win is the relatively weaker side's style of play.

The moment Lanna got out of the way, Lei Yiyi kicked back and kicked directly on the handrail of the stairs. The reinforced metal handrail deformed instantly under the huge force, and the part hit by Lei Yiyi bent directly, but it didn't Fracture, after all, this high-strength alloy is also excellent in toughness.

With a kick to bend the armrest, Lanna's backhand whip punch hit Lei Yiyi's lower abdomen.

Lei Yiyi's whole body was still in the horizontal state, and she was powerless to dodge Lanna's whip punch.

Lanna has excellent evasive steps, but Lei Yiyi's fighting instincts are not vegetarian either. Facing the oncoming attack, although she didn't have any thoughts in her mind, she made the most correct response.

Covering the lower abdomen with one hand, the leg kicked on the armrest was immediately retracted, and the strong waist directly forcibly reversed the inertia of the leg, and kicked towards Lanna.

This reaction completely exceeded Lanna's expectations. The backhand whip punch hit Lei Yiyi's palm in front of her lower abdomen, but at the same time, Lei Yiyi grabbed her tightly, and at the same time, a strong wind came over her. .

Lanna is good at predicting movements, but Lei Yiyi's completely free-spirited and intuitive fighting style just restrained her, and the movement of forcibly reversing the inertia of the legs is so fast, what is this person's waist made of?I'm afraid I'm not fighting a monster in human skin.

But before Lanna could think about it, she only had time to block her arms by her side, and Lanna was smothered by Lei Yiyi's leg.

It was really stuffy. In the face of the huge force, Lanna's C-level strengthened body was like paper. It couldn't hold it even for a moment, and all the joints made an unpleasant clicking sound.

Lanna was swept to the ground by one leg, and her body collided heavily with the ground. At that moment, Lanna also lost her ability to think, lying on the ground like a corpse, her elbow joints were still twisted. It was during the block just now that the elbow dislocation occurred.

Ling Xiaochen exclaimed, "It's going to be okay!"

Zhang Pingze's eyes fluctuated slightly: "Probably not."

With the current level of medical treatment, as long as he is not brain-dead on the spot, everything else can be rescued, and things like fractures are not difficult to treat.

But even though he said that, Zhang Pingze took the lead to rush downstairs instead of continuing to watch the play.

After finishing Lanna with one kick, Lei Yiyi went back to pick up the knife box, and then prepared to continue upstairs.

"Okay, stop making trouble!" The familiar voice made Lei Yiyi's body tremble uncontrollably, and he looked up at the stairs.

Zhang Pingzheng walked down calmly, followed by Ling Xiaochen who looked a little embarrassed, and Al with a pale face.

Al looked at Lanna, whose life and death were uncertain on the ground, his eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't help but rubbed behind Zhang Pingchee, holding Zhang Pingchee's sleeve with his small hand.

Ling Xiaochen looked at Al's reaction with a strange expression on his face, and then looked at Zhang Pingchee in puzzlement, why did this paralyzed face inexplicably cause lethality to women?
At this juncture, the legal loli behind her actually rubbed behind Zhang Pingchee, instead of rubbing behind her who was closer to her.

Looking at Zhang Pingping and Ling Xiaochen, Lei Yiyi's originally indifferent expression finally collapsed, and asked with a face full of despair: "Brother Zhang, why? Is it because I'm not good enough? Why did you come to this kind of place? What do you think, you Tell me, and I'll change it."

Zhang Pingche shook his head: "Why are you here? I'm here for other things."

"What must be in this kind of place? I can do anything, Brother Zhang, why don't you understand?" Lei Yiyi shouted aggrievedly.

"Um, there is indeed some misunderstanding about this matter, Lei Yiyi, please calm down first, this time I mainly brought Zhang Pingze here, and this time, Zhang Pingze really did not come here as you thought."

Ling Xiaochen comforted with a wry smile, this matter is really his fault, since something went wrong, he had to take the blame.

click -

Lei Yiyi pressed the button with his fingers, and the handle of the heat cutting knife in the knife box popped out, and Lei Yiyi pulled it out with his backhand.

"I knew it was you who did it, are you ready to suffer?" Lei Yiyi pointed the knife at Ling Xiaochen with tears still on his face.

Ling Xiaochen's hair exploded in an instant, and he was shocked from head to toe. If he didn't face Lei Yiyi's murderous aura, he would never feel that kind of fear.

Ling Xiaochen's complexion became extremely ugly, the corners of his mouth twitched non-stop, and his eyebrows twitched, his whole person became unwell: "I'm just being polite, I can't blame me for this."

Ling Xiaochen immediately began to throw the pot away, saying that I will not spread the fire.

But Lei Yiyi didn't speak at all, completely convinced that Ling Xiaochen was the culprit, and walked over with a murderous look.

But before Lei Yi leaned close to the stairs, a figure stood up staggeringly: "Boss who wants to hurt me, please step over my corpse first."

Lanna raised her head, two lines of blood under her nose dripped down her delicate lips, her right arm was still hanging down, it looked like it had no bones, it looked a bit tragic.

"I used to be stupid and always fell for the tricks, and I couldn't protect my employer, but now, I will never allow my employer to die in front of my eyes." Lanna reached out and wiped the blood between her nose, grinning silly road.

"Then you die." Lei Yiyi didn't care about how pitiful the person blocking the way was, he raised his hand and punched Lanna in the face.

The huge force of the punch directly knocked Lanna back five or six steps, and she fell down on the stairs. The delicate skin on her face was also broken by the punch, and blood flowed out.

But Lanna stood up again staggeringly. Although her face was bruised, her eyes were full of firmness and optimism: "I said, I will never let you pass."

Lei Yiyi raised the knife silently.

Zhang Pingping walked down, pulled away Lanna who was standing in front, and looked at Lei Yiyi calmly: "Yiyi, stop making trouble, let's go home."

With Lei Yiyi's knife lying beside him, his body trembled a little, and tears glistened in his eyes: "Brother Zhang, I feel like I made a big mistake, and I don't know how to continue."

After Lei Yiyi saw Zhang Pingche, the depression in her heart was completely released. At this moment, when she recalled what she did just now, she felt a little flustered in her heart. What she did undoubtedly caused Zhang Pingche a lot of trouble. Lei Yiyi didn't know how to make up for it, so she could only choose to draw the sword, make mistakes again and again, and continue.

Sometimes people go on the wrong road, and it is too difficult to turn back. They can only walk along the wrong road until they reach the end of the road, or they can’t go on anymore. However, there are too many factors that prevent the prodigal son from turning back. up.

Maybe it's the expectations and worries of relatives, maybe it's self-esteem, or it's too wrong to turn around and there is no chance.

Zhang Pingping looked at the trembling Lei Yiyi, then at the smoky entertainment city, and calmly patted Lei Yiyi's head: "It's okay, I'll take care of your mistakes for you."

"Zhang, brother Zhang, woo, I was wrong, I was just afraid that you would not want me."

Looking at the crying Lei Yiyi, Zhang Pingping calmly shook his head: "I'm scared too."

Lei Yiyi's body froze, she threw the heat cutting knife on the ground, covered her face and cried, but there was a sense of relief in the crying, and after she finally adjusted her existence, Lei Yiyi finally felt relaxed.

When Lei Yiyi was crying in Zhang Pingche's arms, a large number of security guards rushed up from the entertainment city, and began to comfort the guests in the room, letting the guests go back to their rooms without worry, and a large number of people also turned to Zhang Pingche's side Come here.

Zhang Pingping patted Lei Yiyi comfortingly, and then told Lei Yiyi to go behind him. The following things do not require force.

Ling Xiaochen looked at Lei Yiyi but didn't dare to approach him. If Lei Yiyi suddenly attacked, he would kill him in seconds.

Ling Xiaochen looked at Lei Yiyi whose expression had calmed down, and was speechless, rushing over desperately, but was soothed by a word, how easy are you to deceive, is this the plot of some goofy novel? ?

Of course, the relationship between Lei Yiyi and Zhang Pingche is a bit complicated, and Ling Xiaochen can't say much, it's only serious to deal with the immediate matter first.

There is nothing to deal with, the identity background of this entertainment city
He doesn't need to deal with it at all.
This fart entertainment city is Wang Jue's property on Kunlun Star, and also belongs to the underground world, otherwise Ling Xiaochen would not be so familiar with such an entertainment city.

After all, Wang Jue started his home on the Kunlun star. Although most of the property was exchanged to other leaders when he went to Earth, this entertainment city was still preserved, so Ling Xiaochen brought Zhang Pingping here without any scruples. Happy.

In Wang Jue's territory, Zhang Pingping and Lei Yiyi caused such a thing, is it a problem?
That fellow Wang Jue still expects Lei Yiyi to win the title of underground king when he nominates the underground king in the underground world.

 ps: In this chapter, there are a lot of official complaints.

(End of this chapter)

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