Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 294 One wave is not flat, another wave is rising again

Chapter 294 A wave of ups and downs and another wave ([-])
"I'm afraid things are a bit difficult to handle. You must know that there are at least five hunting groups going to the rescue. Even if it is conservatively estimated, there are 200 people, plus more than 100 elite students, more than 300 people are fully armed and have all the communication equipment. , It just disappeared without a sound."

In the military and political center of Shenxuan City, the long square table was full of people.

Chris, Nero, and Lin Feng were also on the list. The person speaking at this moment was a middle-aged soldier with a badge on his chest.

The badge is similar to Zhang Pingche's badge of the hunter king species, but it is also a little different. The pioneer badge is mainly awarded to those who have discovered major resource stars.

And this soldier with a Chinese face who is speaking is officially the discoverer and pioneer of Xuan Krypton, and at the moment is also the supreme leader of Shen Xuan City, who will lead Xinguo.

Jiang Xinguo, a native of the earth, an authentic Chinese, joined the army at the age of 20, and has spent more than 30 years in the military. Only then did he enter the middle-level position of the military department and was promoted to a senior colonel, in charge of the development of Xuan Krypton.

Jiang Xinguo's acting style is prudent and prudent. Maybe he missed many good opportunities because he was too cautious, but he couldn't make any major mistakes.

At this moment, such a strange and weird thing suddenly happened. The first thing to do in Xinguo is to call all the military and political high-level officials in Shenxuan City to discuss matters, and then stop the operations in the major collection areas, and prepare to evacuate back to Shenxuan at any time city ​​preparations.

Although all the people in the room seemed a little too nervous, they didn't say anything. After all, no one had a clue about such a big incident, and they would not rush to give opinions to the top leaders.

"Is it lost contact for a short time? It's like the electromagnetic shielding of the Beiluo Tiankeng before." A thin-looking man in a politician's uniform said.

"No, the students of our Kunlun Star Military Academy are equipped with a certain number of dark signal communicators. Even electromagnetic shielding can't block dark signals, but now even dark signal communication can't be contacted." Lin Feng said calmly. Said.

Chris nodded. Although the dark signal communicator is not equipped too much, it is definitely equipped. Even if there is a problem, the dark signal communication will not be blocked.

"Forced anti-observation, there is no result. The result of the observation is that the surroundings are dark and there is no reference." Lin Feng continued.

"total darkness?"

"Could it be in the belly of the bug?"

I don't know who said something, and the scene was a little chaotic, and the voices of guessing sounded.

"Silence!" Jiang Xinguo patted the table with his callused hands and said in a deep voice.

"UAVs have started a large-scale search, but the recent sandstorms have been too severe, and the range of activities of drones is limited, especially in the western position of Beiluo Tiankeng, where a large amount of dust has just blown up, making it impossible to carry out the search. After careful exploration, do you have any good suggestions?" Jiang Xinguo coughed lightly, and said calmly and majesticly.

"I'm afraid it's really difficult to deal with a big storm. It's too dangerous to send people over there, and drones can't withstand the impact of the storm. It's really difficult." A soldier with the rank of lieutenant colonel shook his head.

"Humans can't go, maybe let the robot try." said the thin man who spoke before.

"Robots? Ordinary robots may not be able to move an inch in the storm."

"Then don't use ordinary robots, and use more powerful robots." After the breakthrough direction, more people spoke in an instant.

"Robots? But there is no such thing in Shenxuan City. If you apply to the military department for these things, you may be able to expedite the military industry, but now the time is tight and it's too late."

"No, what you said, I think of someone." The brown-haired woman who had been sitting aside and wearing the uniform of the hunting service center said suddenly.

The brown-haired woman is the current branch manager of the Shenxuan City Hunting Service Center, and her name is Sheila Yasi.

"Huh? Who?"

"A partner of our hunting service center, a mechanical master with a fairly high level, she should be able to help." Sheila said.

"Okay, then I'll leave the task to you, Hilla. You can contact her as soon as possible to see if you can make a robot that is not afraid of the storm in a short time." Jiang Xinguo said solemnly.

Hilla nodded: "Okay, then I'll leave first."

"Well, let's go."

"Let's continue to discuss the next thing." Jiang Xinguo continued with a light cough.

Although the problem of probing has been solved for the time being, there are more things to deal with.


"Silver Wolf, hand over the password to me. 19-C still needs to be debugged before it can be used." In the dark underground workshop, Sheng Hua's roar echoed.

"No, the 19-C was assembled by Silver Wolf himself. It doesn't need to be debugged and can be used directly. It was prepared for me by Captain Xianyu." Silver Wolf snorted.

"You nonsense, if the combat machine doesn't debug the intelligent program, once there is a mistake, it will be fatal." Sheng Hua said spitting.

Silver Wolf snorted indifferently: "Silver Wolf's 19-C doesn't need any intelligent program, Silver Wolf can directly control it."

"Nonsense." Sheng Hua shouted angrily, there is no fighting machine that does not need intelligent program control.

"Hmph, forget it if you don't believe it. Anyway, what Silver Wolf said is right. Silver Wolf is not wrong. Even if Silver Wolf is wrong, he is right." Silver Wolf looked at Sheng Hua with disdain, and said with a small face without any expression .

"You! You!!" Just as Shenghua was about to argue, the doorbell sounded.

Sheng Hua's voice froze, he glanced at the monitor and muttered, "It's obviously closed, who is here again?"

When seeing Shirla's appearance, Sheng Hua frowned: "Why is she here, haven't I already paid the rent?"

But since he was the administrator of the hunting service center, Sheng Hua couldn't be negligent, and walked out of the underground workshop with his hair like a chicken coop, went up to the shop, and opened the door expressionlessly.

"Long time no see, Shenghua!" Sheila said familiarly.

"Ang." Sheng Hua scratched his messy hair like a chicken coop, and replied dully.

Hilla stood at the door, looking at Shenghua with a smile: "Shenghua, how is business doing recently?"

"That's it." Sheng Hua waved his hand.

"Does Shenghua want to start a big business and make a lot of money?" Xiera walked in familiarly, and began to observe the various robots on the display cabinets around.

Xiera obviously already knew Shenghua's temperament very well, and she was afraid of trouble, so it was best not to go around when talking about things, and to speak out directly, the effect would be the best.

"Make money? Probably, think about it." Sheng Hua hesitated.

If it was Shenghua before, he would have accepted it directly, but now that he is relying on the thighs of local tyrants, Shenghua always feels that the little money he earned before is really too stingy, unlike Zhang Pingping who directly smashed it to support the research of 19-C One million came in, making her excited.

"Um." Sheila was a little embarrassed, what is meant by "probability", wasn't Shenghua a fan of money in the past, why is he so indifferent now.

"It's a big business, at least earn this amount." Shirla shook her three slender fingers.

Sheng Hua: "?"

Hilla smiled and said, "Thirty thousand."

Sheng Hua: "Hehe."

 Ps: the first update

(End of this chapter)

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