Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 295 It's time to make progress

Chapter 295 It's time to make progress

"Why do you think it's too little?" Xiera looked at Shenghua strangely. She knew Shenghua's living conditions best. For her, [-] Galaxy Points was definitely a huge sum of money.

But now Shenghua actually put on a very disdainful look, which made Xiera feel very subtle.

"No, I've been busy recently and don't have time." Sheng Hua waved his hand.

Hilla also felt Shenghua's disdain. Although she didn't know why Shenghua suddenly changed her attitude, Hilla had a mission. She didn't know how long it would take for the storm in Xiluo Tiankeng to dissipate. The important thing is to find out what's inside.

"Don't, it's really important. You must help me." Xiera quickly grabbed Shenghua, but she said it in front of Jiang Xinguo. inappropriate.

Besides, this matter is related to the safety of Shenxuan City, and the lives of more than 300 people, so there must be no carelessness or hesitation.

"It's not that I won't help you, it's just that I don't do it myself now, I listen to the boss's arrangements." Sheng Hua moved Zhang Pingping out without thinking.

"Huh?" Sheila looked at Sheng Hua in surprise.

What kind of person Shenghua is, Hilla also knows a little bit about it. Apart from being excited about fiddling with machinery, Shenghua is almost indifferent to other things. He doesn't even bother to wash his clothes, and his hair is always frizzy. The whole person gives people a decadent feeling, such a guy, which boss can take a fancy to, just looking at this crumpled blue shirt, I am afraid that HR can keep away.

"Um, who is your boss?" Sheila asked hesitantly.

Sheng Hua operated the personal terminal, and then directly pushed a virtual screen in front of Shirla's eyes: "Tell him yourself."

Shirla was stunned for a moment, then straightened her uniform, puffed her chest out, and prepared to see what kind of character this boss who can take Shenghua as his subordinate was in the best condition.

Not long after, Zhang Pingche's paralyzed face immediately appeared on the screen.

"What's the matter, Sheng Hua? Huh? Are you?" Zhang Pingping raised his eyes and looked at Sheila calmly.

Sheila looked at the expressionless Zhang Pingche, and she didn't feel nervous at all. After all, she was the manager of the hunting service center, and she could still keep a smile on her face even if she had a brutal and savage face.

"Hello, I'm the manager of the Shenxuan City Hunting Service Center branch, Xiera, are you the boss of Shenghua? What is your first and last name?" Xiera said with a smile.

"Oh, hello, Zhang Pingze, nice to meet you." Zhang Pingze responded calmly, "What's the matter?"

"Well, Mr. Zhang, the thing is like this." This is not on the negotiating table, so Hilla didn't use any words, but said the matter concisely and quickly.

Zhang Ping calmly listened to Shirla's words, without any expression on his face, and Shirla naturally didn't catch any important micro-expressions.

"Oh, it turned out that something like this happened, so it's understandable for us to help, but this matter is mainly done by Shenghua alone. I'm afraid the work will be a bit hard for Shenghua. Although I am Shenghua's boss, but I will not interfere with Shenghua's decision, if Shenghua decides to help, I will naturally agree." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Sheila nodded with a smile on her face, all right, at the end of the detour, she still came back.

"Shenghua, you have been here since the establishment of Shenxuan City. You can be regarded as an old man in Shenxuan City. Now, whether it is the military or those who have lost contact, you need your skills, please." Hill Putting his hands together, he said with a begging look on his face.

Sheng Hua scratched the messy hair on his head, and said boredly: "But I'm really tired recently, I don't want to work, I don't want to go out, I don't want to talk to people."

Hilla's eyebrows twitched, you are not tired at all, but your lazy cancer has relapsed.

"Make a price." Sheila said with her eyebrows twitching.

"I really don't want to move." Shenghua Xianyu said.

"One hundred thousand galaxy points will do the head office." The blue veins on Xiera's forehead slightly protruded.

"One hundred thousand?" Sheng Hua asked suspiciously.

"A total of [-]! At least five." Sheila said through gritted teeth.

"Forget it." Sheng Hua put his hands in his pockets and shrugged lazily.

"Ah - well, one hundred thousand, I want it tomorrow." Hilla roared angrily.

Sheng Hua counted with his fingers, then nodded: "This is no problem, the materials will be delivered, and they will be shipped to you in the evening."

"Huh—" Hilla took a deep breath, then let it out, calmed down the urge to hit someone, and smiled: "Okay, dear."

"Huh~ It's fake." Sheng Hua shivered, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the underground workshop.

Hilla kept a smile on her face, but the veins on her forehead kept pulsating up and down.

However, Xiera looked helpless, Shenghua's technology was unique in Shenxuan City, and she couldn't help but have other choices.

Gaia starship
Zhang Pingze tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically. Behind him was a mouse locked in an insulated tank. Lightning flashed from the mouse's body, but it only lasted for a moment. There was a lot of blue smoke coming out of his body.

Zhang Pingze directly fished out the mouse and began to check it.

"Electricized myself to death? There was no such sudden outbreak in a coma before."

"Before the discharge, I knocked on the insulating tank. Will the external stimulus cause an electromagnetic explosion?"

"Maybe try cutting the spine."

Zhang Pingze recorded each piece of information on the virtual board next to his hand.

Then he connected all kinds of information together. Seeing the neatly arranged information, Zhang Pingze's fingers began to tap rhythmically again.

After a while, after writing down several conjectures, Zhang Pingping got up and loosened his muscles and bones. Researching new genes is not something that can be accomplished overnight. A little curious.

Of course, it was just a little curiosity. He didn't intend to go down and intervene for the time being. It's better to watch the development of the situation first.

Lei Yiyi's body has recovered, and she is alive and well after leaving the training cabin.

"Perhaps the electromagnetic ability can be put aside for a while, let's strengthen the B-level stage first." Zhang Pingze thought for a while and said to himself.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu have almost adapted to the C-level strengthened body, and it is time to continue exploring.

He has already prepared the B-level biological materials and related genomes, and it is enough to directly strengthen them now.

"Yiyi, Huayu, come to the laboratory." Zhang Pingze called Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu through the communicator

 Ps: the second update
(End of this chapter)

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