Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 296 The Restless Xiao Meng

Chapter 296 The Restless Xiao Meng
"Yijiang and Huayusang have been in for an hour." Genshin Sakura said worriedly while sitting in the lounge.

"It's normal. It will take a long time even for strengthening liquid, not to mention Zhang Pingche's strange genetic enhancement." Silver Wolf sat on a slightly higher round stool, shaking his calf, with a look on his face. Said indifferently.

"Will it be dangerous?"

"Maybe, there is no relevant record in my database." Silver Wolf spread his hands.

"No, I'm going to take a look." Yuan Xinying said uncontrollably.

"I don't think it's a problem. Paying some price for power, isn't it a normal exchange?" Lanna, who was wiping the pistol beside her, raised her head and laughed.

"Although I subconsciously don't want to agree with what the single-celled creature said, I have to say that this guy is right." Silver Wolf nodded calmly and seriously.

Lanna reassembled the gun parts in her hand, and said while assembling: "I really want to carry out the so-called genetic enhancement. Lei Yiyi's power is really enviable."

Yuanxin Sakura sighed: "It's all because I'm not strong enough. If I was strong enough, maybe Yichan wouldn't have to bear such a danger."

Lanna shook her head and continued to assemble her favorite gun. After the assembly was complete, she carefully put it into the gun case.

Yuanxinying sighed and worried about this and that outside, but the experiments in the laboratory were proceeding steadily. With previous experience and the process of genetic enhancement, Zhang Pingze had also become proficient. Fortify.

And this time Zhang Pingche also found out the habit of devouring the gene, and directly carried out the all-quality enhancement, and prepared a copy of each type of enhancement liquid.

This batch of B-level enhanced genes is also thanks to Ling Xiaochen. Ling Xiaochen directly used biological materials to replace the two biological agents, g92 culture fluid and g94 concentrate, brought by Zhang Pingze.

After adding the remaining B-level materials from before, he managed to gather a full-quality enhanced gene.

It took Zhang Pingze an entire hour to implant all the prepared enhanced genes into the bodies of Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu, and the rest was to wait for the devouring genes to take effect.

This is a long process, but Zhang Pingze is not in a hurry, let Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu enter the training cabin every day for [-] hours of catalysis, and the other time is used to adapt to the body. It will take less than half a month to strengthen the effect It can play about [-]%.

After checking the physical condition of the two, Zhang Pingping rubbed his eyebrows and left the laboratory.

The continuous high-intensity experiments have consumed a lot of energy, and he needs to take a break.

But before Zhang Pingze entered the room to rest, there was a hasty knock on the door.

Zhang Pingping opened the door, but saw Xiao Meng standing in front of the door with a serious face in a small windbreaker with a black background and white border. Although it was a small windbreaker, wearing it with Xiao Meng's figure was like wearing a special Like the baggy nuns' robes.

"Senior Xiao Meng, what's the matter?" Zhang Pingping looked down at Loli Yu, who was not taller than his shoulders.

"The commander requested to go to war. I don't want to stay in the starship anymore. I want to fight, I want to do missions, and I want to make money." Xiao Meng said seriously.

"Sister Xiao Meng, have you ever held a gun?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"Of course, as a high-achieving student in the command department, what I have to learn is not only to drive a starship, but I have also passed the combat class." Xiao Meng said confidently.

"Combat class?" Zhang Pingche looked suspiciously at Xiao Meng's small arms and legs, how could he fight with this figure?

Xiao Meng seemed to have expected that Zhang Pingche would show such an expression, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and the moment the small windbreaker with black background and white border trembled, a delicate electromagnetic pistol appeared in her hand, and the muzzle was pointed directly at Zhang Pingche , the whole movement was done in one go, without sloppiness, and it can be seen that it has also been professionally trained.

It was only because of her height that Xiao Meng's hand was so high that she pointed at Zhang Pingchee's head, almost stood on tiptoe, and stared at Zhang Pingchee with her small face upside down, looking serious look.

Zhang Pingping's eyebrows twitched. Although Xiao Meng's "super fierce" loli face was not so intimidating, it really didn't feel good to be pointed at with a gun all of a sudden.

And when Xiao Meng drew out the gun just now, Zhang Pingche had at least ten ways to prevent her from pulling out the gun, but considering Xiao Meng's safety, Zhang Pingche still restrained her body.

"How about it, don't underestimate me." Xiao Meng said proudly.

"so what?"

"So, I can help in the battle, so you must also let me participate in a mission. I won't ask for too much dividends." Xiao Meng's face softened, and she begged.

"You are short of money, right?" Zhang Pingping said expressionlessly.

Xiao Meng froze immediately, and said with a sneer, "Why, I just want to help, not to make money."

"Is it?"

"Of course, junior Zhang Pingping, I'm your senior sister, don't you believe me?" Xiao Meng said with her hands on her hips.

Zhang Pingche was silent for a while: "Okay, but you can't go as the commander, you have to obey the orders and obey the command."

"You agree?" Xiao Meng looked at Zhang Pingche in disbelief. At first she thought she would make another move, acting like a baby and pretending to be pitiful, forgiving three consecutive moves.

"En." Zhang Pingze nodded.

"Originally, I planned to send Yang Qingzhi and Xu Zhengyuan to take on some small tasks for a while. This time, you go with Lanna and Ying. It's just a taste of life. If you can't hold on, you can tell me anytime." Zhang He said calmly.

After experiencing the initial surprise on Xiao Meng's face, she became excited in an instant, and said with all her mouth, "Okay, okay, my junior is really great."

Zhang Pingping watched Xiao Meng leave happily, and then connected with Yang Qingzhi and Xu Zhengyuan internally to arrange a matter.

The missing persons incident in Xiluo Tiankeng has concerned people concerned. He only intends to let Yang Qingzhi, Xu Zhengyuan and the others take some small tasks around the area to improve the tacit understanding of the team. No big problems.

After all, this is a hunting group, and we can't stop hunting group activities just because Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu are strengthened.

Yang Qingzhi and Xu Zhengyuan nodded in response after hearing this, and they were mostly happy and excited when they said it.

When Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu were around, they were a supply team, preparing replacement equipment for the two of them at any time. Although this kind of thing was safe, it always made them feel aggrieved.

Now is an opportunity to show their worth.

Everyone moved very quickly, and when Zhang Pingche was resting, they all finished their preparations, greeted Silver Wolf, and drove the hover car directly to the Shenxuan City below.

(End of this chapter)

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