Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 297 Is it the normal development process of a hunting group to start from small things?

Chapter 297 Is it the normal development process of a hunting group to start from small things?
After sending everyone away, there were only four people left in the entire Gaia starship, one of them was sleeping, and two of them were soaking in culture fluid. Silver Wolf opened up the game "Krypton Gold 3" that Xiao Meng had played before.

With the intelligence level of Silver Wolf, after 1 minute, he understood all the game methods, and used the junior character in his hand to kill pigs and ducks all the way without injury, and easily passed the level.

"It looks easy, why is it so hard to watch Xiao Meng play?" Silver Wolf muttered.

I jumped off the high stool, stepped on the ground with my little feet in white knee socks, ran to the refrigerator with short legs, took out three servings of fruit pudding, hesitated for a while, and took out another. The barrel of Coke was bigger than her face.

Silver Wolf is ready to fight all afternoon, so let's set a small goal first and get through all levels.

Silver Wolf is not tired of such a quiet time, doing his own thing, this is a very comfortable process, and he doesn't want to do anything else at all.

Silver Wolf was lying on the sofa, drinking coke and eating fruit pudding with a lazy face.

It was already night in a blink of an eye.

Silver Wolf patted the Coke bottle that he had already drunk, then turned over lazily, and played the game lying on his back. This game is still good, with exquisite graphics, full of shock, and a loving plot. The only problem is probably the card pool The explosion rate is up.

"Planning the dog, I'm afraid the whole family will die." Silver Wolf calmly controlled the drawn A-level character.

But at the moment outside Shenxuan City, Xiao Meng looked at the sky with tears in his eyes, surrounded by a desolate desert, surrounded by thick tents, and surrounded by ice, only the fire in front of him could bring a touch of warmth.

"Commander, it's time to turn off the fire. Get into the tent quickly. There will be a vigil in the second half of the night." Yang Qingzhi said helplessly.

Xiao Meng withdrew her gaze and shrank her shoulders, then nodded, and got into the tent with a bitter face.

In the tent, Lanna was sleeping soundly on her back, and Yuanxin Sakura was sitting and meditating with a bunch of swords in her arms.

Although it was warmer in the tent, Xiao Meng still missed her big bed on the Gaia starship.

"Woo, I really want to go home." Xiao Meng thought sadly.

This time the King Qin hunting group took on a small task of patrolling at night. This kind of task is relatively safe and meets Zhang Pingze's requirements.

The type of task Zhang Pingze requested is: the conditions are more difficult and safe.

Zhang Pingping obviously wanted to discourage Xiao Meng's enthusiasm. As a commander, he actually wanted to go to the front to fight. Isn't this causing trouble for others, so Zhang Pingping also planned to make Xiao Meng suffer.

In fact, the effect has been achieved, but Xiao Meng is more persistent than he imagined.

Huddled in the tent, Xiao Meng turned on the portable tablet and started the game, looking for a sense of balance in the game.

Xiao Meng, who has spent a lot of money, has now become a boss as he wished, but the operation is still very fast.

But Xiao Meng also had a lot of fun in this way, and the characters in it were as cute as the daughters she raised with her own hands.

Immersed in the game at night, Xiao Meng also left the hard work behind.

Until the second half of the night vigil, Xiao Meng was wearing warm clothes with his hands in his pockets. The cold weather did not allow him to play games at all, so he could only stare at the sky in a daze.

"It's hard, but for the sake of my daughters, I endured it." Xiao Meng looked at the stars in the sky seriously and said to herself.

Even Zhang Pingze didn't expect that Xiao Meng could survive the happiest three days for such a belief.

Three days later, Xiao Meng has almost adapted to the daily life, and there is no such strong contrast as when she first came here.

"Commander, we're about to set off, come quickly, our task is a little easier this time, just follow the mine truck." Yang Qingzhi shouted in the communication.

Xiao Meng crawled out of the bed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, then quickly started dressing, took the portable tablet with her, and went out directly.

Lanna was already at the door, chewing some kind of bubble gum, with her hands in her pockets, and she looked very youthful and relaxed in a white casual uniform.

Seeing Xiao Meng come out, Lanna blew the bubble gum in her mouth, and then greeted with a smile: "Morning, Commander."

"Morning, Lanna." Xiao Meng waved her short hands, and immediately picked up the tablet to log in to the game.

Not long after, Yuanxin Sakura, who was wearing a blue denim vest and a white T-shirt, walked over with two knives: "Ooh~"

After the three of them said hello, they went directly downstairs. The escort mission this time was not dangerous, it was just responsible for escorting the ore trucks of private mines. The mission was very simple and the pay was very low, so everyone prepared simply. After a while, they assembled and set off.

Xuan Krypton is a newly developed planet with relatively simple ingredients, and there are still very few things that block roads. Besides, the mine trucks transported no particularly valuable minerals. It is also because of private mines that a hunting group can be hired to escort them. The Lord is more cautious.

Some people in Shenxuan City have been panicking recently, and perhaps this tense atmosphere also made some people feel nervous. The mercenaries walking on the road all looked a little hurried.

"Is everyone here?" The private mine owner took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked eagerly.

Yang Qingzhi took a look at the slightly fat private mine owner: "The agreed time has not yet arrived, Boss Weier, don't be in such a hurry."

"Ahem, am I in a hurry?" Boss Weier laughed dryly.

Yang Qingzhi shook his head, but there was something strange in his heart. This black boss seemed a little strange.

Just when Yang Qingzhi was hesitating, the three of Xiao Meng also came slowly. Lanna put her hands in her pockets and was blowing bubble gum in her mouth. Holding a knife, his sharp eyes are always paying attention to everything around him.

When the three girls with their own characteristics came, the anxious black boss was taken aback.

There are so many beauties in the star sea, and under the background of the times, it is very easy to get a beauty embryo. Although beauties are common, beauties with distinctive characteristics and unique temperament are not common, and the three women walking in front of them are obviously extremely outstanding. beautiful personality.

Lanna's innocence and liveliness, Xiao Meng's earnestness and cuteness, and Yuanxin Sakura's coldness and calmness, the three of them have shown three unique temperaments along the way, forming a landscape.

The private mine owner named Weier, amazed and salivating flashed in his eyes, but was replaced by an anxious look immediately, and immediately smiled: "Mr. Yang, these three should be the three beauties you mentioned."

"Yes." To be honest, Yang Qingzhi was slightly intimidated by the temperament of the three of them, but he quickly reacted and nodded.

"Now everyone is ready, let's set off. If there is anything, I will tell you in detail on the way." Weier smiled, showing his snow-white teeth. The white teeth formed a great contrast with his dark skin, and he looked a little friendly. Self-confidence makes people feel a little bit more stable.

"All right." Yang Qingzhi nodded.

Yang Qingzhi said helplessly to Xiao Meng: "Commander, get in the car first and then play."


This appellation caused Weier mine owner to hesitate. That seemingly harmless little loli is actually the commander?Such a title seems to be only available to some hunting groups with starships.

Judging from the size of the Qin Wang hunting group, it doesn't look like there will be a private starship.

But in any case, Yang Qingzhi's appellation made Weir calm down a little, and some unrealistic thoughts were temporarily frozen.

Yang Qingzhi glanced at Weir, who seemed to have calmed down, then looked away, and sighed: "It's time to miss the captain of the ship."

 ps: I don’t know if there will be an update tomorrow, I’m so worried when I go back to my hometown to work
(End of this chapter)

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