Chapter 299 Unknown
Yang Qingzhi didn't wait for the other party to speak, and asked first: "Boss Weier, we believe in you, so we took this mission. What do you mean by temporarily changing the itinerary? If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid We will now charge liquidated damages and return directly.”

"Brother Yang, don't worry, I'm sending you a newsletter just to explain to you." Weier's black face appeared on the virtual screen with a flattering smile.

"Tell me." Yang Qingzhi directly ordered the suspension car to stop, and said in a cold voice without giving face at all.

They didn't come out this time to make any money, and Zhang Pingche didn't need them to make money, they were just here to train, safety is something that Zhang Pingche has repeatedly emphasized, such changes will inevitably mean increased risks, he can't do it easily Decide.

The escort group stopped, and the ore truck also had to stop.

"Brother Yang, we also have difficulties. You also know that Shenxuan City is currently under control, and all missions near the Xiluo Tiankeng are prohibited. We have no choice but to do so. Our mine is [-] kilometers away from the Xiluo Tiankeng. In this position, we have no choice but to do so," Weier said with a smile.

"Then why didn't you explain it before?" Yang Qingzhi's face softened a little. Such things are common in Interstellar, not to mention temporary changes in routes, even temporary changes in tasks, but usually temporary changes require a large payment Liquidated damages.

"The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. If the government obstructs it, it will be difficult to handle it." Weil smiled, his black face squeezed into a chrysanthemum.

"Look at this, Brother Yang, your commission is [-] Galaxy points, I'll give you ten times that, [-], how about it?" Weier smiled.

Yang Qingzhi shook his head after hearing this. If he had been licking blood before, maybe he would have agreed. Ten times the price was very tempting, but now, it is not acceptable.

"Boss Weier, we appreciate your kindness, but we won't accept it, and we won't charge liquidated damages, so that's it, the rest of the way, you go on your own." Yang Qingzhi shook his head and said.

Holding the tablet in her hand, Xiao Meng squirmed her lips, but said nothing.

"Don't be like this, brother Yang, how about I increase the price by twelve times?" Weier said eagerly.

"The Xiluo Tiankeng is not peaceful now, we don't want to make this money, I'm sorry Boss Weier." Yang Qingzhi said politely.

"Twenty times!! Plus the Galaxy standard 60g krypton gold." Weier roared with red eyes.

Now even Yang Qingzhi felt a little hot in his heart. Such a condition should not be too tempting. Looking at Weier's appearance, he knew that these prices were already his bottom line.

"Why don't you just promise him, anyway, there are no flying species in Xuan Krypton, so there shouldn't be any danger." Xiao Meng said while holding the tablet with her small hands, eyes shining with money.

"Here, Commander, you know that the captain of the ship ordered it"

"Okay, Yang Qingzhi, stop rambling, I said it's fine!" Xiao Meng said sternly without stopping.

Yang Qingzhi looked at Xiao Meng's stern face, with bright eyes, hesitating: "Let me ask."

"Don't ask!" Xiao Meng waved her hand, as if pointing the country.

"Then I will thank the commander for his care first, and I will pay the liquidated damages later." Wilton breathed a sigh of relief happily.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Meng waved her paw vigorously.

In Xiao Meng's view, if you have money, you can spend money happily. Anyway, there is no danger, so why not do it?


In the gravity room of the Gaia starship, Zhang Pingze was holding a notebook tablet and recording some data, while in the gravity room, the figures of Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu shuttled back and forth, fists colliding with each other, making a dull sound of bang bang.

Hulan Huayu's throwing skills are superb, and Lei Yiyi's close-fitting bunt style is restrained. For a while, she is not Hulan Huayu's opponent. The physical damage caused by a fall in a twenty-fold gravity room is only suffered by these two non-humans. Living.

However, when Zhang Pingze was recording the body data of the two, a prompt sounded, and Zhang Pingze opened his personal terminal. A miniature map popped up on the terminal, and a light spot on the map was entering a red circle.

"Have you entered the area of ​​Xiluo Tiankeng? These guys are not worrying." Zhang Pingze said to himself calmly.

Zhang Pingze closed his personal terminal and opened a file. There were a lot of pictures and videos on the file, most of which were from Xiluo Tiankeng.

These pictures and videos were obtained by the search and exploration of the path-finding robot made by Shenghua. After all, the robot made by Shenghua himself collected these contents easily through special channels.

There is a piece of yellow sand and dust around the picture, and the visibility is extremely low, but there are a few thick black phantoms that can be seen from the pictures, but I don’t know what is behind the sand and dust.

There are also dusty suspension vehicles and prototype mechas, which must have been left by the killed mercenaries and students of the Kunlun Star Military Academy, and a layer of dust has accumulated in the wind and sand.

After sorting out all the pictures for a week, Zhang Pingze habitually tapped his fingers on the tablet and began to think.

After thinking about it, I still have no idea.

Zhang Pingze ignored it, and the two who were training in the gravity room walked directly to the command room.

In the command room, Silver Wolf is holding the largest light screen in the command room to play games.

"...Silver Wolf, stop playing, turn on the viewer, and call up the shooting records of the Xiluo Tiankeng during a week." Zhang Pingze said calmly with blue veins on his forehead.

Silver Wolf turned his head lazily, then lazily closed the game, directly called up a bunch of pictures, and said without vigor: "Here, it's all here, Captain Xianyu, what are you going to do?"

"Maybe it's saving lives." Zhang Pingze said uncertainly, arranged the pictures with a blank expression, and then split and arranged the data pictures on the personal terminal according to time and arranged them behind the bird's-eye views.

Silver Wolf looked at the picture with Zhang Pingchee at the side. After looking at it for a while, Zhang Pingchee rubbed his brows, then logged into the military network of Shenxuan City, and recalled various recent military records.

"What are you looking for?" Silver Wolf asked.

"Look for the weakness of this big guy." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Big guy?" Silver Wolf tilted his head in doubt.

"Yes, big guy."

Zhang Pingping stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the bird's-eye view, and the scope of this circle included the entire Xiluo Tiankeng.

"It's big enough." Silver Wolf nodded and said seriously.


The moment Xiao Meng woke up, she looked at the strange things around her, her eyes were a little dazed.

On the tawny stone wall, fluorescent bacteria shone faintly.

"Where is this? I was just doing rumors." Xiao Meng said to herself in shock.

The people around were also in the same situation. Yuan Xinying woke up, her fox eyes narrowed slightly, and the long knife at her waist was slightly unsheathed, revealing an inch of cold light.

Lanna sat up and tapped her head, looking a little puzzled.

And Yang Qingzhi and others also woke up one by one, all terrified by the unknown environment.

The most frightening thing was not the dim environment, but that they had no idea how they got here, and the unknown fear filled their hearts instantly.

 PS: Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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