Chapter 300 Solomon
"This, is this a worm's nest?" Lanna looked at the surrounding environment and said in surprise, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Said Lanna pinched her own face.

"Why are we here?" Yuanxin Sakura asked vigilantly.

"I don't know. Didn't we just discuss changing the route and remuneration?" Xiao Meng said with a confused face.

Lanna walked back and forth, observing the entire space. This place was similar to an urn, except for a round hole with a diameter of about three meters on the top of the head, there was no other exit.

How and why they came in, they don't know at all, just like Lanna said, it's like having a dream, there is no trace.

"Hello!" came a voice.

No, it's not a voice, but a spiritual voice. Obviously there is no sound wave coming, but everyone has heard these three words in their minds.

A look of horror instantly filled everyone's faces.

"Don't be nervous, I brought you here, I just want to hear some new things." The voice still conveyed clearly.

"What monster?"

"Monster? Well, from your human's definition of a monster, I am indeed a monster, but I don't intend to eat you, but I want to get some interesting knowledge from you, by the way, you can call me , Solomon, well, I like that name." The voice seemed cheerful.

"Of course, if your knowledge is not new, maybe you can only serve as my nourishment." The voice calling itself Solomon laughed.

"You humans are a very interesting creature, much better than those hard shells that don't have much thought. By the way, you should call them bugs, or Zerg."

"So who should I start with? I can't wait to learn new knowledge. The humans who were guests last time let me know a lot of novel knowledge."

The guy who called himself Solomon seemed to be a complete chatterbox, talking non-stop for a moment, and his spirit was extremely excited.

"Then it's you, a white-skinned human with charming earth-coloured clothes." Solomon designated a white miner in a tawny uniform.

"Me? Me? What do you want me to do?"

"Tell me some interesting knowledge that I haven't heard before." Solomon said excitedly.

"I, I, I, just know how to mine."

"Mining, I know, is there anything else?"

"I can drive."

"I know how to drive."

"I, I..." The miner's forehead suddenly shed cold sweat.

"Do you know anything else?"

"I don't know either." The white miner was about to cry anxiously, but the more anxious he became, the more his mind became a mess.

"Oh, then I'm sorry, dear white-skinned human being." Solomon's laughing voice reached everyone's ears.

The next moment, a purple-black tentacle like an octopus tentacles poked in from the upper exit, and then accurately wrapped the white miner and dragged it out.

The whole movement was so fast that everyone was caught off guard. In the blink of an eye, the white miner was dragged out screaming. After a while, the screaming disappeared.

Everyone's face suddenly became extremely frightened.

"Okay, next person, whose turn is it?"

"Can I get in touch with the outside world?" Yang Qingzhi asked anxiously.

"All the equipment has been taken away, and this guy can even unlock the personal terminal?" Xu Zhengyuan looked at his empty wrist and said seriously.

"Maybe it didn't untie it." Lanna turned her head and whispered.

"That's right, your communication equipment was disarmed voluntarily by you." Solomon's voice immediately reached everyone's ears.

Yang Qingzhi and Xu Zhengyuan looked at each other, unable to hide the horror in their hearts, this guy could hear their words like this.

While speaking, another miner was carried out by the purple tentacles, and his life and death were unknown.

"It's boring, it's boring, don't you guys have any new knowledge?" Solomon said with some disappointment.

"Okay, then I'll ask someone else to ask questions."

As soon as such words were uttered, everyone's hearts suddenly tightened, and they were worried that the chosen one was themselves.

"Hey, cute little human girl, it's you, what interesting knowledge can you bring me?" Solomon's excited voice came out.

Xiao Meng's mind went cold. Although she didn't specify it, she clearly felt that Solomon was referring to herself.

"I'm not a little girl, I'm already 20 years old, I'm already an adult!" Xiao Meng frowned instantly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but first let me tell you what new knowledge you have, Solomon, I have traveled to more than a dozen planets, and there is nothing Solomon doesn't know." Solomon smiled.

"Huh? Knowledge?" Xiao Meng asked meaningfully while holding the tablet computer used for playing games.

"Huh, didn't you say that?" A miner pointed to the tablet in Xiao Meng's hand and said doubtfully.

"Shut up!" Yang Qingzhi interrupted the miner with a loud bang.

The miner was taken aback and shut up quickly.

Although I don't know why Xiao Meng brought the tablet in, there is hope anyway, right?

"Do you have any new knowledge? If not, Solomon will be rude." A purple tentacle was already exposed on the mouth of the urn.

"Then what do you want to learn, starship piloting? Starship cluster combat tactics? Or starship single-ship evasion skills?" Xiao Meng said while operating the tablet calmly.

"It's all very interesting. Tell me about it. I know that the starship is the kind of thing that you humans invented that can fly in the sky." Solomon said excitedly.

"That's not okay. If I tell you everything, it will take too much time and you won't be able to ask other people. It's not fair to them." Xiao Meng looked at the tablet and said.

"Well, that's right, then tell me one kind first." Solomon said excitedly.

Xiao Meng stared at the tablet in silence for a while, and then continued: "Before learning to drive, you must first know how to eat reasonably, such as fruit pudding??? It is rich in vitamins and sugar, which can provide the energy needed for human activities. Substances. And nutrients for growth and development??? What the hell is this?"

While talking, Xiao Meng looked at the tablet with a nonsense expression.

Gaia starship
Zhang Pingping lifted Silver Wolf away from the command screen: "Don't make trouble, I'll play with you later."

Silver Wolf snorted, and sat on a high-footed swivel chair beside him, swinging his calves and looking at the screen on the command screen.

Silver Wolf owns half of Elk Ji's database, and I'm afraid no one can surpass her in terms of knowledge reserves, but now this is an opportunity to test that creature named Solomon, and Zhang Pingze cannot let Silver Wolf make trouble.

Xiao Meng looked up at the tentacles on the top of her head, and found that the scary tentacles did not move. Could it be that what she just said following the prompts is also a new knowledge category?
"Go on, why not?" Solomon asked.

Xiao Meng quickly typed what she heard. Thanks to the hand speed practiced in playing games, Xiao Meng's input speed was quite fast.

Soon there were new texts on the tablet.

 ps: Is there no one around recently?
(End of this chapter)

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