Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 301 Once upon a time there was Dongsheng Shenzhou

Chapter 301 Once upon a time there was Dongsheng Shenzhou
"Go on, why not?" Solomon asked.

Xiao Meng quickly typed what she heard. Thanks to the hand speed practiced in playing games, Xiao Meng's input speed was quite fast.

Soon there were new texts on the tablet.

"In addition to fruit pudding, there is also something called Dingbu fruit water. Its effect is different from that of fruit pudding. It is an extremely terrible food. Any creature that eats it will turn into a piece of fruit pudding. .” Xiao Meng bit the bullet and finished this passage, which in her opinion was simply nonsense.

The people around all have expressions like, I don't read enough and you don't lie to me.

But Solomon, who seemed to know everything, didn't make any moves.

"Hey, hold the grass, is this okay?" Yang Qingzhi opened his eyes.

Zhang Pingping stopped typing, and then looked at Xiao Meng's peaceful scene, his face remained indifferent as usual.

"Sure enough."

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" Solomon said suddenly through a voice transmission, and more than half of the purple tentacles on top of his head came in.

"No, how could I lie to you, it's just that not everyone knows about the monster Dingbu Guoshui, they haven't heard of it." Xiao Meng's forehead broke out in cold sweat instantly.

"But your emotions are also telling me that you are lying." Solomon became angry instantly, and his purple tentacles danced wildly, as if the next one would crush Xiao Meng.

Xiao Meng was frightened and dumbfounded, looking at the wildly dancing tentacles, she was completely absent-minded.

Just when Xiao Meng lost his mind, a voice came out: "By the way, Commander, is there really that kind of food?"

Lan Na stared at Xiao Meng and asked worriedly.

"Yes, yes." Xiao Meng replied stiffly.

"This, this is terrible." Lanna's eyes became a little frightened.

The crazy Solomon suddenly calmed down, and his tone was a bit puzzled: "Someone actually believed it. Could it be that I misunderstood it?"

Yuan Xinying retracted the knife and sheathed it, and looked at the flustered Lanna twitchingly at the corner of her mouth. Is this white-haired fool really believing it?

But it's a good thing to believe, at least it saved Xiao Meng's life.

Lan Na turned her head and blinked at Yuan Xinying and Xiao Meng, her eyes were rather funny, and then continued to change into a look of horror.

Yuan Xinying and Xiao Meng immediately understood that Lanna was obviously pretending.

Gaia starship
"Fortunately, Lanna's military literacy is high enough to be able to hypnotize herself." Zhang Ping said calmly with a sigh of relief.

"However, some content has been clarified by now. First of all, this guy named Solomon is not very intelligent, and even a little mentally retarded; secondly, Solomon should communicate with the outside world through the spiritual level, and his sense of reality is relatively weak. ; Moreover, Solomon is not picky about the acquisition of knowledge, even the existence of illusory existence, as long as someone has a sense of identity, they will be regarded as believing." Zhang Pingze calmly looked at the screen on the command screen and said.

And this sound was also transmitted to Xiao Meng's tablet computer through the network.

When the sound came out, Xiao Meng was startled, but it didn't cause any reaction from the purple tentacles.

"Can't you hear the sound?" Xiao Meng had a thought.

"It's true that Solomon can't hear the sound, but Solomon knows what you are thinking, so this does not hinder communication." Solomon said with a cheerful smile, "By the way, please continue the topic just now, we talked about Dingbugo water."

Xiao Meng clicked her tongue, and couldn't help but marvel at Zhang Pingze's sharp thinking.

Everyone else put their hopeful eyes on Xiao Meng, and now Xiao Meng, who controls the communication with the outside world, is their savior.

"Ahem, let's not talk about that today, let me tell you a story." Xiao Meng cleared her throat and said.

"I feel that Pangu opened up, the three emperors ruled the world, and the five emperors established the lun. The world is divided into four major continents: Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanfangbuzhou, and North Juluzhou. Dongshengshenzhou There is a country outside the continent called Aolai Country." The more Xiao Meng read it, the more embarrassing she became.

emmm?Isn't this Journey to the West?Is it really okay to tell this kind of novel to this murderous star beast?

Others looked even weirder. There are quite a few people in Journey to the West. They have watched the film and television version that has been remade countless times, and not many people have read the book, but there is no problem with their sense of identity.

"Who the hell came up with this bad move?" The corner of Weir's mouth twitched as he looked at Xiao Meng, who was reciting Journey to the West with great emotion.

Journey to the West, a mythical masterpiece with historical and cultural heritage, has not withdrawn from the stage after years of baptism, but has become more mellow. Therefore, many people present have watched the film and television version of Journey to the West from various channels. The sense of identity is high.

After Zhang Pingping sent the full version of Journey to the West with annotations, he also sent all Strange Tales from Liaozhai and the Romance of the Gods.

"Okay, these are enough for a while." After sending out, Zhang Pingze clapped his hands in a relaxed manner, and he had completed the first step of the rescue mission.

Afterwards, Zhang Pingping packed all the information on the Xiluo Tiankeng into a package and sent it to the military and political processing center in Shenxuan City.

Of course, when it was sent, it also used a little bit of power, and hung the medal code of the king hunter species on the mail.

And at this moment, Jiang Xinguo is at a loss because of the incident in Xiluo Tiankeng.

"Sir, there is a special mail sent to the military and political processing center, please deal with it as soon as possible." The little secretary of government affairs on the personal terminal reminded.

"What special mail?" Jiang Xinguo clicked on the special mail annoyed.

After browsing the content in general, he immediately ordered all units to gather for a meeting.


When Zhang Pingzheng was arranging various matters slowly, Yinlang walked over with short legs: "Captain Xianyu, I think you seem to have forgotten something."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Pingping asked in bewilderment, at first he thought that Silver Wolf was here to make trouble, but unexpectedly he came to talk about something.

"That guy Xiao Meng's tablet computer probably won't last long." Silver Wolf said calmly.

Zhang Pingche suddenly woke up, and unexpectedly forgot this most important thing before.

"Even for a tablet with good battery life, the screen will not last for more than five days at most, which means you only have five days at most." Silver Wolf reminded.

"Yiyi, Huayu, make some preparations and get ready to go." Zhang Pingze directly called the two through the communication.

Silver Wolf followed Zhang Pingze's buttocks: "What about me, Captain Salted Fish?"

"You are also ready to go, and the self-disciplined combat robot 19-C prepared for you has also been debugged, just waiting for you to go there and control it yourself." Zhang Pingze said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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