Chapter 309

"Commander, those giant tentacles that are about to break off are healing quickly!"


Lek immediately looked at the real scene that was sent back. Those giant tentacles riddled with holes that were bombarded by the electromagnetic cannons merged quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the large wound on the wrist healed instantly. , revealing the pink and tender new flesh and blood.

"How can you fight like this!!" Lek looked at the real scene angrily.

"Commander, do you want to retreat?" Even the observers wanted to retreat.

It's not that the soldier's psychology is not strong enough, but because such an opponent is really hard to attack. Not to mention the powerful attack power, there is also a terrible resilience. Unfortunately, there are still hostages who cannot be eliminated with destructive weapons.

Of course, if it is really necessary, it will be sooner or later to use destructive weapons.

"Fuck off, fight him, I don't believe how much energy he has to recover." Lek gritted his teeth.

Soon Nero's words came back: "Continue to fight, the recovery ability is absolutely impossible to use without limit."

The ideas of the two coincided with each other, so the already overheated electromagnetic gun was loaded with ammunition again, and the hot track could even roast a person's hand instantly.

"Commander, the electromagnetic gun may need to cool down for a while. The firing speed is too fast. It is recommended to replace the conventional missile."

"Then change, what are you waiting for?"

"The number of conventional missiles is insufficient and urgent resupply is required."

The entire rear position was already busy, and the first batch of soldiers in the front fighting team also retreated. The replacement troops were on top, and the soldiers needed to rest before they could continue fighting.

Everyone seemed to be pulled out of ink, with blue and black blood all over their bodies. The soldiers dragged their tired bodies and sat down on the ground in silence, not having the strength to care whether the ground was dirty or not.

Everyone has a numb look on their faces. Facing the dense tentacles in the battle and the death of their comrades in arms, from the initial anger to the gradual numbness.

As the main force, the mecha division is still fighting on the front line. Unlike the soldiers who are physically exhausted, the mecha division is numb to the spirit.

There were only the last two of Chris's nuclear gun heads left, and she didn't dare to give up and detonate them at will, and directly used the big gun mechanically to sweep off all the tentacles entangled around her.

White bear mech exudes white mist, the main coolant has no time to dissipate heat, and the auxiliary cooling device has also been turned on.

And Zorro and Feijian on the side are in the same situation, each mech is covered with blue-black blood, it looks like it was fished out of the mud, and the white bear has become a black bear.

"I really don't know how much blood this monster can shed." Lin Feng's irritable and tired voice came.

"Be careful, the next round of giant tentacle smash is coming, pay attention to avoid it." Nero's reminder came.

"Damn it, it's so annoying. It would be great if there was a Star Destroyer now." Chris said annoyed.

"Hehe, Mysterious Krypton is just a new resource star. It doesn't even have a Python-class starship. Where did you get the Star Destroyer?" The other two laughed.

However, the voices of the two have not yet fallen.
"Wait, what's that in the sky?"

A gigantic monster slowly revealed its figure from high in the sky, but the hull structure of the Trident disappointed everyone again.

It turned out to be just a supply ship, but I don’t know which hunting group this supply ship belongs to. The firepower of the insect-class supply ship may not be as good as the dust-class main battleship, and the firepower of the troops on the ground has far exceeded the conventional dust-class starship. , Three electromagnetic guns, plus countless conventional guns, this kind of firepower is much stronger than those dust-class main battleships with only one electromagnetic rapid-fire gun.

Even this kind of firepower is useless. This giant, let alone adding another worm-class supply ship, even if adding a worm-class main battleship, it may not have any big impact on the battle situation in a short time. influences.

It is the tragedy of the Kryptonian military that there are no weapons of mass destruction.

Originally a small resource star, there were no powerful enemies at all. It was nothing more than facing some bugs that relied on numbers to win. Conventional weapons were enough. Now that a giant creature of this strength suddenly appeared, the Kryptonian military department controlled it. Can't stop the scene.

At the same time, Lei Yiyi has also found Yuanxin Ying and others.

Lei Yiyi descended from the sky like a god, and fell directly into the cave.

"Sister Yi!"

"Yi sauce!"

Everyone thought it was the gravel that came in from the entrance of the cave, but they didn't expect it to be Lei Yiyi.

"Is Yichan here to save me?" Yuanxin Ying stepped forward and asked.

"Yes, this monster has already attracted the attention of the army, let's escape now." Lei Yiyi said quickly.

"Sister Yi, but the commander has been assigned to another place, and we don't know where she is assigned." Yang Qingzhi said quickly.

"It's okay, Xiao Meng has been rescued by Hulan Huayu, I'm here to pick you up." Lei Yiyi said quickly.

After hearing this, Yang Qingzhi's eyes were a little shaken, but looking at the other three mercenaries who followed Yang Qingzhi, there was something more in their eyes.

Yang Qingzhi and others thought silently in their hearts, that they really did not follow the wrong person, what Zhang Pingping said back then: don't abandon, don't give up.

At first they thought it was just a formal talk, even though Zhang Pingche was nice to them later, they didn't believe that sentence, but now they don't have any doubts anymore.

In order to abide by the agreement, Zhang Pingping asked Lei Yiyi to take risks to save them.

Yang Qingzhi immediately hammered his chest, vowing secretly in his heart: as long as the Qin King Hunting Group doesn't take the initiative to give up on him, he is willing to sacrifice his life for the Qin King Hunting Group.


Said, Lei Yiyi directly handed the two ropes to Yang Qingzhi.

But before everyone could act, there was a sudden noise from the wall at the entrance of the cave, and thick purple tentacles broke through the wall and stretched in.

"What's going on?" Lei Yiyi frowned at the twisted purple tentacles.

"Okay, everyone, don't hesitate, climb up quickly, and I'll block it here." Lei Yiyi calmly drew out a short knife. This short knife is not a thermal cutting knife, but Yuanxin Ying bought it for her in Shenxuan City. a short knife.

The thermal cutting knife was destroyed in Lei Ze's battle, and Lei Yiyi could only use this knife first for emergency.

However, Lei Yiyi did not have any confidence shaken because of the backwardness of weapons.

Because she always has absolute confidence in her own strength.

As soon as she moved her footsteps, Lei Yiyi's figure instantly disappeared in place, with streaks of lights and shadows, directly slashing across the tentacles, where the figure passed, all the tentacles were cut off at the root.

This is a new move that Lei Yiyi researched after Wenxin Martial God broke out, Instant Slash.

Among them is the credit of Genshin Sakura's kendo guidance. Now that the moves are showing their sharpness, they show their ferocious fangs.

 ps: Oh, I’m in a hurry, the chapter is not marked, the name of this chapter is "Battle of Crusade (233333)" [-]
(End of this chapter)

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