Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 310 Crusade War

Chapter 310 Crusade ([-])
Lei Yiyi's instant slash, relying on its extremely fast speed, barely made up for the lack of weapons, facing all the tentacles in two.

But even if Lei Yiyi's speed was fast enough, tentacles were constantly appearing on the walls of the cave.

"Why was it discovered? Isn't this monster fighting the troops outside?" Lei Yiyi gritted his teeth.

"Because he needs food." Zhang Pingze's calm voice came.


"During the battle, Solomon was injured, but healed at an incredible speed. I'm afraid he needs a lot of energy and nutrients to heal, so he needs to eat urgently now. Yiyi, be careful. If you can't handle it, keep yourself safe." Zhang Pingze reminded.

After hearing this, Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth, looked at the people who were still climbing, and accelerated to clean up the surrounding tentacles again.

A tentacle protruding from the ground halfway up the wall was cut off by Lei Yiyi, who jumped up.

At this moment, a lot of tentacles have piled up on the ground of the cave, which looks extremely disgusting.

Fortunately, everyone in King Qin's hunting group still had some weapons on them, so they could hold their ground even in the face of a large number of tentacles.

Yuan Xinying was the last one to climb up, and then looked worriedly at Lei Yiyi at the bottom of the cave.

Tentacles protruded from the hole, as if trying to block the hole.

Everyone's weapons seemed a little weak in the face of the hard leather tentacles. Even if an intensifier like Yuan Xinying slashed it, it would only cut a gap, and could not cut it like Lei Yiyi.

Not to mention firearms, except for Lanna's armor-piercing bullets that can penetrate the flesh of the tentacles, other bullets can't penetrate these tentacles at all.

But everyone's worries were unnecessary, Lei Yiyi cut off the tentacles blocking the entrance of the cave with one knife, and then jumped out of the cave.

"Let's go." Lei Yiyi said out of breath after coming up.

When everyone saw Lei Yiyi coming up, they nodded seriously as if they had a backbone.

"Humanity!!!" The piercing voice sounded in everyone's head, the voice was extremely distorted, and everyone felt that their heads were severely cut, which was painful.

Lei Yiyi's face turned pale: "What's that voice? He's obviously already wearing a mental disruptor."

But after that roar, no sound came from behind.

After experiencing heart palpitations, Lei Yiyi didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly ran out of the tiankeng with everyone from King Qin's hunting group.

In the distance ahead, I also saw the students of Kunlun Star, standing there with a dazed expression on their faces, letting those tentacles roll up, as if they were going to drag them into the ground.

"It's broken." Lei Yiyi stamped her feet anxiously.

She couldn't walk away from King Qin's hunting group, the range of effect of the mind disruptor was limited, but Lei Yiyi felt extremely uncomfortable watching those students from Kunlun Star being swept away by the tentacles.

But just when Lei Yiyi felt that he was at a loss, Hulan Huayu arrived with a sword behind her.

The slender saber can be controlled freely after the Hulan Huayu is strengthened again, and the powerful power endows it with easier control.

The originally heavy saber, in Hulan Huayu's hands, seemed to be as dexterous as Genshin Sakura's dagger.

Picking, chopping, stabbing, teasing, the shadows of knives flying, directly cut off all the tentacles surrounding the students of Kunlun Star Military Academy.

"Everyone follow me closely." Hulan Huayu said quickly, dragging a two-meter-long saber.

"What just happened?" A student rubbed his swollen head.

"You are under the control of Solomon again, now is not the time to ask questions, leave this place first." Hulan Huayu stood up straight, looked at the tentacles that began to emerge around her, and said calmly.

"Um, are you here to save us? Okay, we won't hold back, we still have weapons," said a student.

Hulan Huayu glanced at Lei Yiyi who was behind: "Okay, then rush out with me."

Seeing that Hulan Huayu had saved those students, Lei Yiyi nodded in relief.

The short knife in his hand is covered with sticky black blood from the tentacles, the blade has been blunted by continuous hacking, the hardness of the tentacles is not even weaker than metal, it is a bit too hard for the handicraft knife in Lei Yiyi's hand up.

"Yichan, feel the power of the knife as you practiced, and don't use brute force to cut." Yuanxin Ying stood behind Lei Yiyi, surrounded by dense tentacles protruding from the ground.

Looking at the battlefield outside the tiankeng, the number of small tentacles has decreased significantly, and they must have all been transferred to their side.

"Okay." Lei Yiyi nodded solemnly, and then took the slender katana from Yuanxin Sakura.

The short knife is on the left and the long knife is on the right. Looking at the tentacles in front of him, Lei Yiyi whispered: "Follow closely."

Yuan Xinying looked at Lei Yiyi's back, feeling a little sad in her heart, sad that she was useless, unable to help Lei Yiyi, this kind of tenacious tentacles were too difficult for a strengthener like her.

The red figure, dragging the silver knife light, rushed out.

The tentacles in front of him were severed with a single knife, turned over and dodged the entanglement of the tentacles, cut horizontally with the short knife, exerted force on the wrist, and the cutting force of the knife erupted smoothly, cutting off the entangled tentacles.

The footsteps flickered, and Lei Yiyi's figure was like a butterfly flying among the flowers, dancing beautifully. Wherever it passed, the broken tentacles flew to the sky, and the black blood couldn't touch it. On Lei Yiyi's armor.

On the other side, Hulan Huayu relied on the sharpness of the saber to open and close, sweeping forward like mowing grass.

"Commander, the observation found that under the monster's feet, there seems to be a large number of people moving, some of whom are students from the Kunlun Star Military Academy." After looking back from the insect-class starship in the sky, the observer also discovered the Xiluo Tiankeng Changes in the surface of giant meteorites.

The main reason is that a large number of tentacles suddenly appeared on the surface of the giant meteorite, which attracted the attention of the observers, otherwise they might not be able to find the two teams that were retreating outward.

Lek and the other commander glanced at each other: "Call up the observation screen."

The virtual projection screen directly projects the close-ups of the two teams.

"Here, isn't this Lei Yiyi?" Lieke was very impressed with Lei Yiyi, and immediately recognized Lei Yiyi in crimson armor, and another girl wearing a similar style of armor seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"This, is this still human? Why do those tentacles look so fragile?" The other commander was attracted by something else.

The purple tentacles that caused the soldiers a headache, in front of the two girls in strange armors, broke and fell in pieces like cutting grass.

Lieke slapped his head, looked at the huge worm-class supply ship in the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "If Lei Yiyi is here, that guy must have come too. This starship is probably also his arrangement."

(End of this chapter)

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