Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 311 Crusade War

Chapter 311 Crusade ([-])
"Who?" The other commander looked at Lek puzzled.

"A very amazing guy." Lek hesitated, using a slightly awkward adjective.


"Well, let's not talk about that, save people first. Since those people are not under mind control, they must have relevant equipment, and remotely control a hover car to go there." Leke's eyes flickered as if he had made a decision.

"Yes, Commander." The soldiers on the side immediately went to make arrangements.

A hover vehicle took off directly from the temporary base and flew towards the center of the tiankeng.

However, before the hover car flew into the Xiluo Tiankeng, two or three thick tentacles suddenly sprang out from the ground and entangled the hover car. With a flick, like throwing a stone, the heavy suspension vehicle was thrown out, directly hitting the temporary base.

The hover vehicle fell down, causing a commotion in the temporary base.

"This." Lek looked at the rioting temporary base in shock. He didn't expect this monster to be so intelligent that it would intercept flying objects.

The action was fruitless, and Lek fell into silence.

I didn't expect that in addition to giant tentacles and difficult small tentacles, there are even more difficult medium-sized tentacles. What does this monster look like? Could it be a meat ball completely composed of tentacles?
And those three thick, medium-sized tentacles also slowly retracted to the ground.

When it reappeared, all three medium-sized tentacles appeared in front of Lei Yiyi's eyes, forming a siege, and drew towards Lei Yiyi.

Seeing the tentacles as thick as three people hugging suddenly stretched out, Lei Yiyi was also taken aback, stepped on the ground, and under the stress reaction, jumped directly into the sky, avoiding the whipping of the three tentacles.

But the moment he jumped into the air, Lei Yiyi felt a little regretful, there was no point of focus in the air, and it would be dangerous if he was attacked again.

Then in the next moment, Lei Yiyi regretted her wild thinking, because in the next moment, three tentacles popped out quickly, entangled Lei Yiyi in the air.

It could be seen that Solomon already knew that if he wanted to grab his own food, the first thing he had to deal with was Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu.

The moment Lei Yiyi was in the air, the dagger in his hand spun and bit his mouth, while his right hand grabbed the hilt of Amaterasu Knife.


The blazing white sword glow, like a small sun, appeared in the mid-air of Xiluo Tiankeng, quickly devoured the three tentacles blocking the way, and then cut heavily on the ground of the giant meteorite.

The scorching fire wave also hindered the advance route of the other members of King Qin's hunting group.

Lei Yiyi fell safely from the sky, but there was a gully with a depth of two meters on the ground, and an astonishing heat was still emitting from the gully.

Lei Yiyi took a deep breath, straightened up, and looked at the other three tentacles that were burned.

"Let's solve it in one go." Lei Yiyi exhaled.

"Yi-chan." Yuanxin Sakura pulled out the skates and shouted with serious eyes.

"Sakura, don't move, I can handle it myself." Lei Yiyi said seriously.

The next instant Lei Yiyi disappeared in place, not because of his state of Martial God, but because of Lei Yiyi's new move, Instant Slash.

The afterimage dragged the light of the knife across the torso of the tentacle, directly cutting off half of the torso of the thick tentacle, and the moment Lei Yiyi rushed over, he stomped on his feet, turned around suddenly, turned around and slashed again.

The samurai sword cut through the other half of the tentacle, and after the stroke, the thick and amazing tentacle was cut in two without even having time to twist and struggle.

"Sister Yi, that's too strong." Everyone in King Qin's hunting group was greatly encouraged.

Yang Qingzhi directly raised his gun and shot at one of the remaining two tentacles: "Sister Yi can't let Sister Yi go all out alone, we have to help, everyone focus on this tentacle."

One person's bullets may have limited damage to this medium-sized tentacle, but the combined effect of a group of people is different. The dense bullets crazily tilted towards the disgusting body of the tentacle.

No matter how little flesh and blood is taken away by one bullet, a pile of bullets can smash a tentacle hugged by three people into a puddle of mud.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yiyi also breathed a sigh of relief, everyone seemed to be back in shape.

Yuan Xinying held the ice blade in her hand, and was ready to exert her strength at any time to ensure the safety of everyone.

"Don't love to fight, retreat quickly." Zhang Pingping's voice suddenly reached Lei Yiyi's ears.

Lei Yiyi just wanted to explain, but Zhang Pingze said calmly: "Just move forward, I will deal with those medium-sized tentacles."

Zhang Pingze crouched behind the mound, and calmly pushed a silver bullet into the Razer's bullet port.

Aiming didn't take more than a second, and the finger pulled the trigger steadily.


Like the firing of a machine gun, a dull sound erupted from the thickened muzzle of the Razer, and the ring-shaped air wave spread around like a substance.

Lei Lei Yiyi didn't speak yet, she just felt a gust of wind passing by her side, and the only remaining tentacle seemed to be hit by a stick suddenly, and her whole body curled up.

Then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, it exploded.

Blue and black flesh and blood splattered all around.

Zhang Pingping returned the shell case expressionlessly, then picked up a custom-made explosive shell worth at least [-] Galaxy Points again, and pushed it into the barrel of the gun.

This is completely spending money, piercing bullets, which belong to high-end ammunition, not to mention the piercing bullets specially customized for Razer, each shot is a real galaxy point.

But Zhang Pingzhe's expression didn't change at all, he just felt that the [-] flowers were still worth it, even though he didn't have much money at hand, why didn't he make money when he was out to make money, on the contrary, he felt a little bit about to lose money ?
Thinking about this serious question, Zhang Pingze pushed the silver bullet into the barrel of the gun again.

Although everyone in King Qin's hunting group has been strengthened by Zhang Pingche, it is obvious that they want to be as fast as Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu.

Fleeing from the periphery of the Xiluo Tiankeng, it took half an hour for this short distance to reach the edge of the Tiankeng.

"Brother Zhang, everyone has escaped." Lei Yiyi said a little tiredly, even Lei Yiyi felt tired after such a long time of high-intensity fighting.

"Well, good, evacuate, the farther away from Xiluo Tiankeng, the better." Zhang Pingze said quickly.

Lei Yiyi seemed to realize something, and looked up at the Trident starship in the sky. Gaia's front main gun muzzle had already begun to emit a faint yellow light.

"A big one? But can the Star Destroyer really destroy this guy?" Lei Yiyi looked at Solomon's huge body hesitantly. With such a huge body, even a flying dragon whose wings were enough to cover the sky and sun, Kunpeng is no match.

"Warning, warning, nuclear fluctuation detected, nuclear fluctuation detected." The prompt sounded over and over again, but there was no one in the command room to control it.

Lek and the other commander looked up at Gaia who was accumulating energy in the air, their eyes filled with shock.

"Brother, tell me, what are these people thinking now? A worm-class supply ship is actually equipped with a star-killing main gun?" The two commanders beside Leke shook their heads and looked at Gaia in the air. Said the starship.

"You ask me, how do I know, what is it to install a main cannon, did you see that little girl in red armor just now, hehe, a punch is stronger than a mech, can you believe it?" Lek was angry He raised his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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