Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 313 Correct Usage of Mecha

Chapter 313 Correct Usage of Mecha

The width of the Xiluo Tiankeng is not large, but the depth is not comparable to that of the Beiluo Tiankeng. The three of Zhang Pingzhe have dived for a distance of several thousand meters, and they have not yet touched the bottom. nothingness.

And because the meteorite just broke apart, the air in the entire tiankeng was a bit turbid. If the three of them hadn't all had relatively good physiques, they probably wouldn't be able to stand the air.

"King Solomon is known as the most intelligent emperor. His political, military, and production and life wisdom far surpassed that of humans at that time. However, after confirming the existence of alien beasts in the interstellar era, some scholars passed The study found that the knowledge and wisdom displayed by King Solomon did not belong to the era at that time. Much of the advanced knowledge was the same as the knowledge framework of many alien races. Of course, the hypothesis that King Solomon was a genius cannot be ruled out, but scholars I am more inclined to believe that King Solomon was parasitized by a kind of alien beast in the starry sky named the Gate of Truth."

"The Gate of Truth? Is this the name of the alien beast in the starry sky? Is that the big octopus?" Hulan Huayu asked curiously.

"No, the Gate of Truth does not have a fixed form. His form changes, depending on his preferences. He can hatch into whatever he wants to be. Every time he arrives at a new life planet, he will start over again. After hatching once, and after accumulating enough power, it will start traveling in the starry sky again."

"Start traveling again? How to start?" Lei Yiyi couldn't figure out how that octopus-like guy could go on star travel.

"Give him enough time and materials, the Gate of Truth can start from the most basic, burn bricks and tiles, make iron and steel, build a processing workshop, and then build a spaceship." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"This, so powerful?" Lei Yiyi said with her eyes widened.

"Of course it is, but fortunately, this kind of creature has an endless thirst for knowledge and doesn't like to stay in one place for too long. Otherwise, once the knowledge it possesses is used, it will not be enough to create a new interstellar empire." Impossible." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Lei Yiyi's eyes were full of amazement, as if he still couldn't understand this magical creature.

"But this time we didn't find anything special about this monster, so it was easily defeated by us?" Lei Yiyi asked puzzled.

"Because we didn't give him time to prepare at all. Remember the meteor report half a month ago? It is estimated that this meteorite landed on Xuan Krypton at that time, and this half month is only enough for Solomon to hatch." , of course there will be no preparations."

"Of course, the more reason is that the Gate of Truth is too confident." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"The Gate of Truth, such an awkward name, it doesn't seem like the name of some starry beast." Lei Yiyi shook his head.

Before Lei Yiyi could finish speaking, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up, and the light belonging to fluorescent bacteria appeared on the wall, and the surrounding scene gradually became clearer.

"Brother Zhang, look quickly, we're in the end." Lei Yiyi exclaimed in surprise.

Looking down from a high place, the bottom of the pit is full of rubble and twisted tentacles, some of which are still twisting unconsciously under the dim light, and the picture looks extremely strange.

Looking around, Zhang Pingping immediately spotted the mecha trio in the distance.

But at the moment, the trio didn't notice the three of Zhang Pingche who had fallen silently, but they seemed to be discussing something when they got together.

Chris: "By the way, with so many gravels, how can we be sure if this guy is dead or not?"

Lin Feng suggested: "Attack those exposed tentacles and try his reaction."

Nero frowned for a while, obviously this proposal was a bit taken for granted: "It's a pity that we don't know this kind of alien beast in the starry sky, otherwise we can ask someone who knows to confirm it."

Chris controlled the white bear to crush a tentacle at will, with a painful expression on her face: "I said Captain, you took us down without any preparation? Are you a tiger?"

Nero was also a little embarrassed at this time. When he came down before, he didn't expect such a scene, so he could only vaguely say: "Looking at it like this, I probably won't be able to survive."

"Hey, captain, do you feel embarrassed, do you want to find a crack in the ground and sneak in?" Chris laughed.

"Ahem, Chris, don't you want the performance points this time?" Lin Feng's gloating voice came.

"No, Captain, I was wrong, please don't withhold my performance." Chris instantly confessed.

"I have sent the field data back to the headquarters of the Guardian Legion. The headquarters is looking for experts to check the information of the alien beast." Nero said calmly.

Both Chris and Lin Feng were taken aback for a moment, and then there was a bit of resentment on their faces.

"Are you encountering a problem?" Just as the three of them were waiting for the response from the military department, a voice came.

The three of them turned around vigilantly in an instant, and Bai Xiong and Feijian had already revealed their weapons.

In the dim light, three figures floated slowly, and the shining individual aircraft behind them made the three of them slightly relieved.

"Who are you and why are you here!" Lin Feng asked.

"Don't be so nervous, we were allies fighting side by side before." Lei Yiyi smiled helplessly.


Zhang Pingze said calmly: "The starship that fired the Star Destroyer just now is the flagship of our hunting group."

"Huh? This voice is the handsome boy?" Chris suddenly shouted.

"Little handsome guy?" Nero and Lin Feng looked at Chris with weird faces, how strange this title sounded.

"Well, it's me. I haven't seen Chris for a long time." Zhang Pingping complied calmly when he heard someone say he was handsome.

"Haha, it's really your little handsome guy, long time no see." Chris almost jumped off the white bear in excitement.

The three of Zhang Pingche, who got permission, approached, and Ni Luo and Lin Feng also saw the appearance of the three of them clearly.

"Those two girls?!" Lin Feng looked at Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu in surprise.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu used cold weapons to protect a large group of people from evacuating under the attack of alien beasts in the starry sky. Lin Feng and Ni Luo had seen it before, and they were obviously a little surprised to meet here at this moment.

"You guys came down to check whether this starry sky beast is dead." Zhang Pingzheng said straight to the point.

"Yes, handsome boy, are you too? Do you know this starry sky beast?" Chris laughed, but the sound came out through the white bear's loudspeaker, which always felt a little strange.

"En." Zhang Pingchee replied with a word, but the information contained in this word made the eyes of the three people shine.

"Then is this big guy dead?" Chris continued to ask.

"Of course not. With such a huge body, its vitality is naturally extremely strong, but now that the meteorite has collapsed, it also limits its mobility. Now is the best time to make up the knife." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"How?" Nero asked in a deep voice.

"Come on, come with me."

"Dig from here."

"Yes, just dig like this, don't dig too much."


"Go up and help, too. Although you are a light mecha, you have much more strength than us."

"Digging a hole is a technical job. Looking at the load-bearing structure here, it is obvious that we can't continue digging. We should break through from the side."


"Oh, the sword can't cut it in. You pull it hard with your hand, and it will come out."


Then Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu looked at Zhang Pingche with twitching corners of their mouths, and commanded the three mechas to squat down on the ground to dig a hole, feeling a bit strange in their painting style.

If the bosses of the Guardian Legion knew that Zhang Pingche commanded expensive mechs to do such a job, they might not be able to resist adding a buff to Zhang Pingche's head.

 ps: Come on, guys who don’t vote, come here, don’t be afraid, I’ll give you a buff.

(End of this chapter)

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