Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 314 Attack on Giant

Chapter 314 Attack on Giant

"Have you dug it?" Chris asked standing at the bottom of a big pit.

"Almost." Zhang Pingping said standing on the top of the pit.

"Almost? We've already dug this deep." Chris had a painful expression on her face.

Chris looked at Ice Bear's somewhat worn arm with distress. It would cost a lot of performance points to repair the wear and tear. I really don't know if the deal was a profit or a loss.

"There has been no movement for such a long time. That guy must have been crushed to death. We don't need to dig any further." Lin Feng complained.

"No, and the purpose of asking you to dig is not just to make up the knife, but to collect materials by the way. There should be a biological core next to the vital parts of this starry sky beast. It is the biological material of this starry sky beast. You can take it back. Exchange for performance points." Zhang Pingze squatted by the pit and said.

"We take it, you don't want anything?" Nero asked calmly.

"No, of course not, I want another piece of biological material, his eyes." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Let's talk about it when we find it." Nero didn't agree immediately, but said calmly.

The level of this starry sky beast is definitely not low. If you can really get high-level biological materials, you can exchange them for considerable performance points on the military network.

Performance points can be used to purchase equipment to strengthen armor.

So the biomaterials that Zhang Pingze mentioned made the three of them a little tempted, and their movements couldn't help but speed up.

"One meter or so further down, it should be his vital parts. Now we should be more gentle when digging, otherwise, it will be difficult to wake it up." Zhang Pingze said.

Zhang Pingze squatted by the pit and looked at the three people who had obviously accelerated and became more violent, obviously not listening to his opinion at all.

Shaking his head, Zhang Pingping stood up and took two steps back.

The next moment, there seemed to be waves of earthquake-like vibrations coming from below.

The thick meteorite rubble trembled slightly, and suddenly six giant tentacles full of scars suddenly protruded from the ground.

The tentacles were covered with scorched black marks, and more than half of the flesh and blood were missing. It seemed that only the internal muscles were left for support.

But even so, no one dared to underestimate the power of the giant tentacles.

Zhang Pingping looked up at the six broken giant tentacles that suddenly protruded from the ground, and clicked his tongue: "There are still six left, a little more than expected."

While Zhang Pingze was muttering, the three mechas at the bottom of the pit jumped out sensitively, watching the six giant tentacles dancing in the air vigilantly.

Chris said even more angrily: "There is no harm at all, are you fooling us?"

"No, this guy will come out soon." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

When the Star Destroyer is launched, Solomon will inevitably recover the tentacles to resist the power of the Star Destroyer, block the giant tentacles in the only way of the cannon wave, and then protect his vitals, so Solomon will not be fatally injured.

The reason why Solomon didn't move after being shelled was just pretending to be dead, and the excavation by Zhang Pingping, Chris and others obviously made Solomon feel the crisis, so he simply violently prepared to use force to deal with the most difficult All of them were buried at the bottom of the tiankeng.

Six giant tentacles directly surrounded everyone, and then, a large number of small tentacles poked out from the ground again with difficulty.

"This, guy, it's nothing at all, so it's just pretending to be dead." Chris frowned.

The dense tentacles around were even more than what they had seen on the ground before. The three of Nero felt their scalps tingling for a while. They didn't look weak, they were obviously more ferocious.

"Little handsome guy, aren't you cheating, this guy is fine at all." Chris said with a little trepidation.

Although the Star Destroyer Cannon is powerful, after penetrating the meteorite layer, and then weakened by the giant tentacles, no matter how strong the penetrating power is, it will be completely wiped out. Zhang Pingze had expected this.

"I didn't expect it either, but up to now, we have to fight to the death, otherwise we won't even be able to escape." Zhang Pingxiang said with a blank expression on his hands.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu looked at Zhang Pingche's appearance, and immediately knew that Zhang Pingche was talking nonsense with his eyes open again, but neither of them talked much. Since Zhang Pingche said so, there must be a reason.

The three of Nero felt a little bit bitter. If the mecha team was outside and the supplies were sufficient, they still had confidence. However, if they fought alone down here, even the strongest Nero would find it a little difficult to deal with. .

When they were flying off the ground, the three of them looked at the six giant tentacles at the top with trepidation. The lower part of the giant tentacles was clumsy, but the soft upper part was extremely flexible.

This is also one of the reasons why mechs generally do not engage in aerial battles.

Mechas equipped with ordinary aircraft are not so flexible when moving in the air, and even mecha masters with advanced aircraft cannot afford it.

Nero regretted it a little at the moment: "If I knew it earlier, I would update an advanced aircraft."

The way to fly and escape is a bit unreliable, so I can only fight.

"Attack the giant tentacles first, and then find an opportunity to break through." Nero quickly determined the action plan and proposed the most feasible battle decision.

Since the road in the air is blocked, then break out a way by yourself.

Nero's strategy can be called rough, but it is indeed feasible. After all, there are three outstanding mecha masters present. It is possible to focus on one or two tentacles and break out a way.

"However, it's taken for granted." Zhang Pingche started the aircraft, and then floated backwards, avoiding the tentacles on the ground.

Soon there was a stronger sense of ground motion, and the ground, which was originally evenly divided, arched in an arc, as if something was drilling out of the ground.

A huge purple arm suddenly protruded from the ground, and then forcefully pushed away the gravel layer pressing on the top of the head, and then a human head-like thing was gradually revealed. Made of purple tentacles, it looks like a disgusting sight.

Immediately afterwards, the giant's body stood up slowly, revealing an upper body similar in structure to that of a human, but the lower body made everyone feel uncomfortable. The lower body was actually made of giant tentacles, many of which had been broken, revealing There was a hideous fracture.

"Oh my God." Chris looked in shock at the giant who was more than a dozen stories tall just from the upper body, and exclaimed.

"There are only giant tentacles, so where did those small tentacles come from?" Nero frowned.

As if in response to Nero's words, a large number of small giants appeared one after another on the ground. Their appearance was exactly the same as that of the large giant, but their size was much smaller, similar to the height of ordinary mechs.

There are so many such small giants that it makes one's scalp tingle.

(End of this chapter)

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