Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 320 Improvement

Chapter 320 Improvement
"Captain Xianyu, stay away from my sister Lei Yiyi, now sister Lei Yiyi belongs to me." Yin Lang lay on the sofa, pillowed on Lei Yiyi's thigh, and said lazily.

Lei Yiyi looked helpless, but she had no resistance at all to the cute little loli like Yinlang.

"I'm not looking for Lei Yiyi, I'm looking for you, Silver Wolf, come with me." Zhang Pingping said calmly, he was still wearing a white coat, and it looked like he had just come out of the laboratory.

"Huh? Looking for me? What's the matter? If there is nothing important, please don't disturb Yinlang and Sister Lei Yiyi's private time." Yinlang said unmoved.

"It's very important." Zhang Pingze put his hands in his pockets and said seriously.

"Well, it seems that without Silver Wolf, Captain Salted Fish is really useless." Silver Wolf spoke venomously as always.

Sometimes Zhang Pingze really doubts who Silver Wolf learned this bad habit from, neither Milu Ji nor Lei Yiyi seem to have such a style of speaking.

Speaking of which, Silver Wolf got up from the sofa, stuffed his feet in white knee socks into plush slippers with fruit patterns, walked to Zhang Pingche's side, raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Come with me." Zhang Pingche put his hands in his pockets and led Silver Wolf out of the room.

Lei Yiyi froze for a moment, then followed.

Zhang Pingping took Silver Wolf directly to the laboratory on the first floor, and then directly led Silver Wolf into the gate. Lei Yiyi looked at the closed gate inexplicably.

He muttered: "Brother Zhang brought Silver Wolf into the laboratory, did he want Silver Wolf to help with some experiments?"

Lei Yiyi stood outside the door with some confusion, feeling a little disappointed that Zhang Pingping didn't let her in.

However, in less than a minute, the door of the laboratory was opened with a bang, and Silver Wolf ran out barefoot, wearing a fruit-patterned slipper on one foot, and lost the slipper on the other. The white knee socks stepped on the ground, and ran out expressionlessly, as if there was some terrible monster inside.

"Hey? Silver wolf, what are you doing?" Lei Yiyi looked at the silver wolf that was running out with an inexplicable expression on his face.

However, although Silver Wolf tried his best to escape, he still had short legs after all, and within two steps, he was grabbed by the neck by a big white hand.

"Lei Yiyi, save—"


The door of the laboratory was closed again, Lei Yiyi stared at the laboratory blankly with rounded eyes.

"What happened just now?" Lei Yiyi suspected that he had hallucinations just now.

while in the laboratory

The silver wolf kicked his calf indiscriminately, and directly threw the other slipper away, yelling incessantly: "Captain Salted Fish, not the captain, the captain, the captain, the silver wolf does not want the injection. "

"It's up to you, besides, I'm just taking some of your genetic samples, and it won't hurt." Zhang Pingping calmly pressed Silver Wolf.

Don't look at Yinlang commanding 19-C to show off his power, but in fact her physical fitness is not much better than that of a seven or eight-year-old girl.

"Don't, don't, Zhang Pingze! Zhang Pingze! Stop it, Captain, please forgive me!"

The silver wolf resisted vigorously until Zhang Pingche pressed her on the chair, and then pierced a needle into Bai Nen's arm like a lotus root.

Silver Wolf's whole body tensed up instantly, his face suddenly became stagnant, and his eyes lost focus.

"Okay." Zhang Pingze pulled out the vacuum needle, and then turned his head directly into the experiment.

Silver Wolf sat on the chair with a blank face. After a long time, his whole body trembled, jumped off the chair, and moved the chair curiously to Zhang Pingche's experimental platform.

"What are you going to do?" Silver Wolf asked.

"Try to modify the phagocytosis gene." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"How to transform?" Silver Wolf asked curiously.

"Improve the universality of the phagocytosis gene and reduce the host requirements."

"What do you mean?"

"Help me solve this calculation formula, and I will tell you."

Zhang Pingze put an extremely complicated mathematical formula in front of Yinlang's eyes.

"This is simple." Silver Wolf directly entered the conclusion.

After Zhang Pingping took a look, he started to operate again, and said by the way: "It is to make the phagocytic gene match with more people, and no longer be picky."

"Oh, what's the use?" Silver Wolf asked.

"In this way, the number of participants in the Valkyrie Project will increase, and with a large enough number of successful people, it will prove the value of my father's and my research."

"That's all?"

"That's all!"

Zhang Pingze's gaze is firm and persistent. The starting point of the researcher is sometimes, in the eyes of others, sometimes it is really a trivial matter, but in the process of research, various rich experiences and Emotion will slowly replace the original purpose and produce a more definite pursuit.

"What's the use of having so many supermen?" Silver Wolf asked, staring at the movements of Zhang Pingche's hands.

"Maybe it can change this era. Imagine that one day, human beings can be like the characters in mythology, flying into the sky, moving mountains and filling the sea, omnipotent." Zhang Pingze's eyes shone with excitement.

"Oh, it's scary to study lunatics." Silver Wolf clicked his tongue.

"You have a long life, Silver Wolf, you will see it one day, but I don't know if I can." Zhang Pingze pushed the plano glasses, and the microscopic computer on the glasses began to check.

"Hmph, I'm not interested." Silver Wolf tiptoed to watch the ongoing fusion on the test bench.

"Your vitality gene, Solomon's regeneration gene, fused together, should be able to alleviate the destructive nature of the devouring gene, as long as a certain balance can be formed." Zhang Pingze said with radiant eyes.

After a while, the images in the cultivation area began to change, the colorless solution began to turn into a faint yellow, Zhang Pingze's eyes flashed with excitement, but before Zhang Pingze was happy for a while, all the yellow color faded away, and then the whole The culture area turned into a puddle of transparent solution again.

"Hey, what's the matter, what's the matter? Was it successful?" Silver Wolf asked curiously.

Zhang Pingze straightened up silently, and then Pingguang's eyes shone with a faint white light.

If Lei Yiyi was present, he might immediately remind Silver Wolf: You still have time to run.

But Lei Yiyi was obviously not there, but outside the laboratory, so under the inexplicable gaze of the silver wolf, Zhang Pingze directly pulled out a vacuum needle and grabbed the silver wolf.

"Come again? No, Zhang Pingze, I will fight with you! Don't force me."

Then, 1 minute later, Yinlang sat on the chair with a dazed face, shook his head, and looked at Zhang Pingche with resentment: "Why don't you smoke all at once?"

"Your physique is quite special. After the cells are isolated from the body, they will dissolve quickly in a short period of time. Therefore, I can only use and smoke immediately." Zhang Pingche said with a face of course.

 ps: Madmen don't deserve girlfriends.

(End of this chapter)

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