Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 321 The Invitation of Adverse Business

Chapter 321 The Invitation of Adverse Business

Jiyuan City is a relatively backward third-tier city among the cities in the Kunlun Star Continent. In the city, just like the third district in the central area of ​​the earth, the pace of life is slow, and the residents live and work in peace and contentment, doing ordinary jobs, and living a not-so-rich life. Children are still playing in the street, and old people often play gwent in the gazebo.

The vegetation coverage in Jiyuan City is very high, and there are lush green trees everywhere. Many rich people have manors for vacation in Jiyuan City. These manors are usually idle on weekdays, except for some workers who are responsible for housekeeping. Ladies and gentlemen, there has always been no one wandering around in this huge manor.

At this moment, in a huge manor on the outskirts of Epoch City, a group of two young men in very ordinary clothes were talking and taking a walk.

"Minister, after summarizing the news from various sources, it seems that they are all concentrated on a hunting group called King Qin Hunting Group." A young man said while holding an extremely old small paper notebook.

"Oh, what's different about this hunting group?" Another young man seemed to be laughing and not acting right.

"The difference is not too different. The investor behind the Qin Wang hunting group is Qin Wang Biopharmaceuticals. The captain of the team is Zhang Pingping, the nephew of Qin Wang Bio's boss Qin Aiguo. Among the other members, their identities can also be found out. people."

"This Zhang Pingze, is it fun?" The branch manager asked with a smile.

"Uh, it's more fun. First of all, Zhang Pingze is the developer of g92. He has some talents in biological sciences, and by establishing a relationship with the military department, he has received key attention from the military department along the way. In addition, he is an ancient non-enhanced Warriors, whose strength is at most no more than a C-level enhancer, have shown certain commanding skills in many battles, are thoughtful, decisive and ruthless."

Just when the secretary wanted to report further, he was interrupted by the branch chief who shook his hand.

"Biological science talent? Well, let's send someone to contact him first to see if he has any intention of selling Solomon's Eye." The branch chief said with his hands behind his back.


"Also, try to solicit. Although we are less involved in the field of biological sciences, since we are talents, we should try to solicit as much as possible. The conditions are up to him, as long as it does not violate our basic rules."


"Also, it was reported recently that the guy who stole our secrets is hiding in Xuan Krypton. By the way, send someone to find her out."


After finishing the order, the branch chief waved his hand impatiently: "Go."

"Minister, what if Zhang Pingze doesn't agree to our solicitation?" the secretary asked.

"Then I still need to teach you?"

"Uh, I understand."

When the secretary walked away in a hurry, the young man in casual clothes walked casually with his hands in his pockets: "This secretary should be changed too. After working for so long, I haven't made any progress at all."

And just after the secretary left, these messages and orders were passed on layer by layer, and the huge organization began to operate quickly.


Zhang Pingche, who was still struggling with the phagocytic gene, frowned when he saw the communication that he suddenly remembered, how did this person find himself with an unfamiliar number?
"Who?" After connecting to the communication, Zhang Pingze asked directly.

"You are Mr. Zhang Pingche." The other party said directly with a smile.

"Yes." Zhang Pingze was not at all curious that the other party knew his name. How could someone who could find his communication number not know his name?

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang Pingche, I now officially inform you of good news. You have been spotted by our great organization, and now you will have a chance to join my organization." The second feeling is coming.

"What organization?" Zhang Pingze frowned, and he always felt that the organization was definitely not very clever when he spoke in such a way.

"Actually, it's okay to say it. My organization has never been afraid of any challenges, so are you ready to listen to me say the name of our organization?"

Zhang Pingping turned off the communication with a blank face, and didn't scold him a word, it's already a shame to make a stick.

Soon the communication rang again, and the familiar voice of the Second Second came again.

"Why did you hang up the communication? Could it be that you had a premonition of the strength of my organization and accidentally touched the hangup button with your hands? It doesn't matter, I can excuse it."

Zhang Pingze hung up the phone again.

"Hey, you did it on purpose, didn't you? You definitely did it on purpose. How dare you hang up on my communication." The man called back persistently again.

"Do you know who this uncle is! This uncle is Ni."

Zhang Pingze hung up again, and then added the number to the blacklist.

The young man on the other end of the communication line who was in charge of the wooing task threw the communicator on the ground: "Fengdan, you actually blackmailed me! Let's fight, let's fight, wait for the bastard!"

"Don't be so embarrassing. If you talk like that, nine out of ten will block you." Another young man in a black uniform laughed.

The black uniforms worn by the two have a delicate English logo AQ embroidered on the lining.

"However, the result can probably be predicted. I'm afraid that Zhang Pingze won't join our Adversary Business just by talking about it, so let the action team prepare, first teach him a small lesson, and then talk to him." Another youth said with a smile.

"Hmph, you don't have to drink a toast, and you don't have to drink fine wine. My uncle said to him in a nice voice, but he didn't appreciate it. He insisted on trying our force. If you want me to say, these people are cheap."

"Let's go this time, Brother Bit, they just came out of the confinement room, and this is also their chance to make up for their mistakes." The smiling young man said.

"Bit brother? You really dare to use it. If something happens again, it will be bad." The second-year middle school youth said with lingering fear.

"Nothing will happen." The smiling young man said with a smile, "By the way, the informant from Xuan Krypton said that the thief who stole the secrets was found in Shenxuan City, and the thief took our achievements before, greatly made a splash."

"Then what are you waiting for, we will personally go out and catch her back." The second-year-old youth said eagerly.

"No, no, the most important thing is that the thief overlaps with our goal, maybe we can solve it together." The smiling young man smiled.

"Solve it together? You have a lot of appetite. The two women next to that Zhang Pingche are not human. You really have confidence in Bit Brothers."

"This time it's not just Brother Bit, but the two Titan self-discipline mechas assigned to us by the division chief, haha."

 ps: Oops, it's almost late again.

(End of this chapter)

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