Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 322 Bit Brothers

Chapter 322 Bit Brothers
"You actually gave us the right to use the Titan?" the black youth wearing a white beret asked somewhat suspiciously.

Next to the black youth is a white youth wearing a white beret. If you observe confidently, you will find that the two of them have very similar appearances, but their skin colors are completely opposite.

Standing together, the two are like products of different colors made from the same mold.

"Stupid brother, I have already confirmed the question you just thought of, and the news is correct." The white young man smiled.

"Wouldn't that mean we can have a good time?" the black youth said with some excitement in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, my dear brother, we can't play around with this task, the commanding of our actions is a fiery ghost, that's someone we can't offend." The white youth shook his head and said.

"Fiery ghost? A person who is more powerful than my brother?" The black youth looked at the white youth with a blank expression.

The white youth smiled, and then touched the black youth's head. The black youth's physique was obviously much stronger than the white youth's, but he did not resist the white youth's head touching.

"Well, yes, so this time, Black can't mess around." The white youth laughed.

"Okay, brother."

After the two communicated, they walked out of the dark alley. Outside the alley was the main road of Shenxuan City.

The two walked along the main road, as if they were taking a walk, walking leisurely, looking like the aborigines in Shenxuan City.

"Bit Brothers started to move?" In the high-end hotel in Shenxuan City, a middle-aged and two-year-old young man wearing pajamas with a bear pattern got up and said, looking at the light spots that started to move on the tablet.

"Well, I told them to start as soon as possible." The smiling young man on the side said with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"It's hot, what era is it, and you still use an ancient cleaning tool like a toothbrush." ​​said the second-year-old youth.

"It's safer." The smiling young man said vaguely.

"You're just being too careful. Do you need it? You brought all your tools yourself. You have nothing to be afraid of." The second-year-old said disdainfully.

"got used to."

"What a weird person, no wonder everyone calls you a ghost."

"That's not why I got my nickname." The smiling young man said helplessly.

"Haha, who knows." The second-year-old shrugged indifferently.

"You should watch where Brother Bit is." The smiling young man didn't want to argue any more, so he changed the subject directly.

The second-year-old turned his head to look at the tracker and was surprised: "Why so fast? We have reached our destination?"

"Bit Brothers are, after all, A-level enhancers who have been vigorously cultivated by the organization, so there is nothing surprising."

"Tsk, A-level enhancers, don't there are many such things in the organization? I don't think they are very powerful, can they really do it?" the second-year youth wondered.

"Except for xinxing problems, the strengthening level is real and there will be no problems, let alone dealing with an ordinary person without a strengthening level." The smiling young man smiled.

"But isn't the target protected by the military?"

"Just the ordinary soldiers in that small group, there is nothing serious."

"I have to wait and see. I haven't had much contact with the clones of the organization." The second-year-old young man sat cross-legged on the bed, and quickly opened a virtual interface.

On the interface, the two locked are Bit Brothers.

"Directly hacked into the monitoring system of Xuan Shen City? Are you afraid of being discovered?" The smiling young man approached curiously.

"Discovered? Hehe, let them practice for another ten years, and they won't even think about discovering me." The second-year middle school youth snorted proudly.

The smiling young man smiled and didn't say anything, but looked at the surveillance screen.

The Bitter brothers, the black-skinned brother Blake, and the white-skinned brother Walter.

The appearance carved out of the same mold, but the completely opposite skin color is the most distinctive feature of the Bit brothers. At this moment, the two are walking leisurely to Shenghua's small machinery shop.

And it was still early in the morning, and there were not many pedestrians on the road, because the low temperature at night had not yet fully risen, and the air was filled with a biting chill, and even the two soldiers standing at the door of the shop were wearing winter clothes.

Although the crusade mission has ended, according to the original agreement, the Shenxuan City military will protect Shenghua, and Shenghua will leave Xuankrypton.

The approach of the Bit Brothers also cheered up the soldiers a little. They straightened their waists, then looked at the two of them and said: "This place has been taken over by the military department, and randomness is prohibited."

Before the soldiers finished speaking, Brother Bit suddenly moved, and in just an instant, they rushed in front of the two soldiers.

The two soldiers fell down with a look of hesitation and panic on their faces.

Brother Bit directly dragged the two soldiers into the corner, and after a while, the two men in military uniform appeared at the door again.

The two had already observed the security situation at the entrance of the entire store, and now they had about half an hour to act. They opened the door of the store through their ID cards, and the two of them walked directly into the store.

The shop with a small space had a panoramic view, and then the two of them set their eyes on the security door leading to the basement. The security door was only repaired with some common materials at the moment, and the whole door did not look very secure, as if it had been What powerful weapon has destroyed it.

"It's easier this time." Walter froze for a moment, then smiled.

Originally, I thought it would take a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect the protection inside to be so simple.

"Brother, these robots are really good, I want one too." At this moment, Black was attracted by the robots hanging on the outside wall of the shop.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you after completing the task." Walter said softly.

After finishing speaking, Walter walked to the simple door and observed it, and then saw a button similar to a doorbell.


Press it down, and an extremely old and simple bell sounded. Walter felt that such a monotonous ringtone was extraordinarily novel. Such a door must be a complete fool. Now he has some doubts, whether he has found the wrong place.

The guy who can steal the organization's confidential information actually doesn't care about security measures so much?

Just as Walter was thinking, a lazy female voice came: "Who, didn't you say, there is nothing urgent, don't bother me?"

Sheng Hua got up from the messy bed, with long hair messily draped over his shoulders, with two dark circles under his eyes, and a decadent look of lack of sleep.

Hearing the bell, Sheng Hua didn't think too much. It can even be said that she is relaxed now, because she will leave this ghostly place in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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