Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 323 Sheng Hua's Counterattack

Chapter 323 Sheng Hua's Counterattack

Zhang Pingche's experiment was coming to an end, and Zhang Pingche seemed to have other plans to leave as soon as possible, so he had already notified Shenghua and was ready to leave at any time.

King Qin's hunting group and Zhang Pingping were very trustworthy in Sheng Hua's observation, so when they learned that they could officially join the King Qin's hunting group, a big stone in their hearts fell.

As for this laboratory, the door was bombarded by the silver wolf, and Sheng Hua was not too angry. He was about to leave anyway, so he just lived there temporarily and left in a few days.

In just a few days, Shenghua felt that there would be no problems at all. He had lived here for a year and had nothing to do, and it was not bad for a few days.

When Sheng Hua got up in a daze, he scratched his hair casually, and then directly turned on the access controller by the bedside, and the monitoring screen outside the door appeared on the virtual screen.

Two soldiers in strict military uniforms appeared on the surveillance screen, and Sheng Hua scratched his head: "Huh? The military department is looking for me for something?"

After muttering, Sheng Hua put on his coat and was about to go out to ask. Sheng Hua would not let strangers in this basement. The military department asked her for something, so she had no choice but to go out and ask.

Sheng Hua walked towards the exit of the basement with long legs, and muttered as he walked, "Oh, I have more fat on my legs, and I've become more and more lazy recently."

Sheng Hua muttered to himself, then opened the door, looked at the soldiers standing outside the door and asked, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Walter raised his head and looked at Sheng Hua with a smile: "Beautiful Miss Thief, I'm here to look for you on behalf of the organization."

Sheng Hua looked at Walter's face, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, and he staggered two steps back with a look of despair.

"What's the matter, beautiful Miss Thief, are you surprised to see us? You made it easy for the organization to find you. Last time, our two brothers were killed by you and almost died on the Extreme East Star." Walter said with a kind smile. .

"I, I didn't do it on purpose, I had to." Sheng Hua looked at Walter in horror.

"Okay, I don't want to pursue the past anymore, Miss Mechanic, the organization has given you two choices, and your choice determines our attitude towards you." Gentleman Walter said.

"What choice?"

"One, return to the organization with us and become part of the organization's great plan. The organization will give you the favorable treatment you want. Two, resist our invitation, and then we will take you back and brainwash you, and then you You will lose your ego and become a real research machine." Walter said with a smile.

"I seem to have no choice." Sheng Hua said in confusion after listening to Lu.

"No, you have a choice." Walter insisted.

"Don't scare me, all the people who enter Adverse Business have been brainwashed by you, I don't want to become such a machine that has no emotions and only knows how to work, you will never know the feeling of sleeping in bed, and you will never enjoy the game brought by you. You are just a bunch of machines." Sheng Hua roared.

Walter's face became gloomy: "Miss thief, you are lazy, as a member of the organization, how can you have such evil thoughts, the meaning of our existence is for the organization, and your evil thoughts will only breed corruption. "

"Don't be too whimsical. All the high-level officials don't treat us as people, but as tools. If you want to give up at any time, just give up. Even if I die, I won't go back." Sheng Hua recalled what he saw The picture, the whole body is trembling.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about." The smile on Walter's face bloomed again, but this kind of smile made Shenghua feel only ferocious and ugly.

Sheng Hua stepped back quickly, and then directly reached out and patted a button on the wall, and a solid metal plate suddenly protruded from the wall of the basement.

But what hangs on the metal plate is a robot with an extremely slender skeleton. The arm of this robot is not a mechanical arm, but from the small arm, there are two sharp knives, shining coldly.

The robot stood on the ground in an instant, and raised two sharp knives, facing Walter directly.

Sheng Hua continued to run back, kicked down the box on the ground, and a blue chubby robot flew out of the box. The predecessor of this cute spherical robot was a pair of built-in laser beams. arms.

The spherical robot floated beside Shenghua, and the laser weapon aimed directly at Walter at the door.

"Is this your confidence, Miss Thief, you just made these cute little toys with the information of the organization?" Walter said with a relaxed face.

"Don't move, α's laser weapon has locked on you, as long as you move, you will be shot through." Sheng Hua was protected by two robots, and his mood stabilized.

"Haha, lovely lady thief, you seem to have forgotten that there are too many toys like this in the organized warrior training." Walter laughed.

Sheng Hua's heart tightened. These two robots were indeed training machines used by Ni Shang to train fighters, and Ni Shang's fighters must have a way to deal with them.

"Hmph, I don't need to defeat you, as long as I hold you back, someone will come to clean you up soon." Sheng Hua glanced at the personal terminal on the bed.

"Hold on? Hehe, don't underestimate us, Miss Thief, we passed with full marks!"

Before Walter finished speaking, his body moved suddenly, and the α robot beside Shenghua also directly fired blue laser rays.However, although the laser beam penetrated Walter's body, it hit the empty space.

"How is this possible!" Sheng Hua couldn't believe that Walter could pass faster, the robot's reaction was faster than the laser, but the facts before him were so.

Walter directly dodged to avoid the β robot's sharp knife attack: "Black, this guy is for you to play with."

Sheng Hua turned his head and ran away, without looking back, allowing the α robot to attack on its own, and now the most important thing is to quickly send the news to Zhang Pingchen.

Sheng Hua didn't know what was going on in her mind, anyway, she only had one thought, which was to send a message to Zhang Pingche. In her subconscious, it seemed that only Zhang Pingche could save her.

Black, who was wearing a military uniform, rammed in from the outside like a wild beast, and directly hit the body of the β robot. Two big hands directly grabbed the slender arm of the β robot, and then relying on kinetic energy, directly pushed the slender and agile The β robot fell to the ground, and relying on its strong arm strength, restricted the β's movement, and completed a strangling action directly in the air. The straight arm of the β robot was directly torn off abruptly.

And Walter stepped on strange steps, miraculously dodged alpha's laser shots repeatedly, and rushed to Shenghua's back in almost a few seconds.

After Walter avoided α's shooting again, his big hand like an eagle's claw directly grabbed the floating α, and threw the spherical α fiercely towards the wall.


With a crisp crashing sound, α's chubby body fell on the wall. Before it could rest again, a long leg wearing military boots stepped on its body fiercely, causing α to burst into electric sparks. , the indicator light lost its light and fell straight down.

"Oh, what a boring toy." Walter retracted his legs and looked at Shenghua with a smile.

 ps: Thank you for the 100 rewards of [Tao Palace Nine Stars: Breaking the Army], by the way, please recommend and subscribe, and they are all subscribed.

(End of this chapter)

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