Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 343 Liu Cheng's Ambition

Chapter 343 Liu Cheng's Ambition

After half a month of star flight, everyone in King Qin's hunting group finally returned to Kunlun Star.

The guy who came to greet everyone was still Ling Xiaochen.

After all, Zhang Pingze had promised to give him some A-grade biological materials, which was a big deal, so Ling Xiaochen naturally came to pick him up now.

"Haha, Yasha, you are back." Ling Xiaochen posted it with a smile.

"How was the journey going smoothly?"

"It's okay." Zhang Pingping nodded and said.

After Adverse Business was deflated, there was no news about it. This made Zhang Pingze a little strange and worried. The calmer it was, the more dangerous it was. A lunatic organization like Adverse Business would definitely not give up easily. It has not moved now. , It is estimated that it is preparing for a big move.

Zhang Pingze didn't have much to do about it. The strength of the Adverse Business Organization was not something he could fight against now. He had already told Crecy about the matter. It is a non-governmental organization, but it is still controlled by the Human Development Association after all. As long as the military department intends to protect it, Adverse Business will not make matters worse, at most it will use some secret means.

As long as it wasn't a direct snatch, Zhang Pingze believed that with some small tricks, he could still handle it.

Anyway, the Eye of Solomon was about to be handed over to the military department. After handing over the Eye of Solomon, Zhang Pingping led his people away and went to wander in the Star Sea again, not giving Adverse Business too many opportunities to act.

Besides, if the Eye of Solomon is not in hand, an organization like Adverse Business will not use too many resources to hunt down and kill it. After all, such a big organization is not full of food all day long.

"Yasha, have you brought the A-level material sales that you promised me?" Ling Xiaochen asked anxiously after leading everyone on the suspension vehicle.

"Bring it, when you get back, you can arrange the auction." Zhang Pingze nodded calmly.

"Great, hahaha, with A-level materials as the foundation, I will make some big moves to suppress those guys in one fell swoop, and then I will be the only one in the auction house in Taixu City Hahaha." Ling Xiaochen didn't show any shyness in front of Zhang Pingche, and started to yell carelessly.

Zhang Pingche shook his head slightly.

"Then congratulations in advance."

"Hey, no need, no need, isn't it thanks to you? By the way, can your hunting group hunt A-level creatures now?" Ling Xiaochen said with a smile, but still looked at Lei Yiyi who was at the side.

"I picked up a bargain, and we caught up with that A-level bug when it was weak."

"That's it, you guys are so lucky to be able to pick up such a bargain."

"Well, good luck." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Of course he would not say that this luck was obtained by cheating other people.

After all, the process is not important, what matters is the result.

"By the way, have you ever seen the alien beast in the starry sky on Xuan Krypton? From the pictures, it's really not small." Ling Xiaochen said with a smile.

"I've seen it, and its size is considered a top-notch part among giant creatures."

"Didn't you get something good from that starry sky beast?" Ling Xiaochen rubbed his hands and asked.

"No, the military's control is very strict, it's not that easy."

Although he knew that Zhang Pingzhen would not admit it, Ling Xiaochen couldn't help but want to ask, if Zhang Pingzhen really had something good and put it up for auction, wouldn't it be possible for him to make another fortune.

"By the way, is there anyone on your path who can build a space jump door?" Zhang Pingze asked suddenly.

"Dimensional transition door?" Ling Xiaochen's eyes widened, "Why did you build that thing? It's thankless."

"You don't have to worry about it, just tell me if there is any."

"Yes, there are, as long as you let the wind out for this thing, there will definitely be a lot of professional teams to grab it." Ling Xiaochen said with a strange expression.

"That simple?"

"Of course, the components of the space transition gate can be purchased in the factory. The task of the professional team is to set up and calibrate it. Otherwise, do you think a space transition gate can be built in just half a month?"

Zhang Pingchee nodded. He didn't know much about these things. It turns out that the space transition gate has realized this kind of distribution and assembly mode.

No wonder human space stations are built wherever they go.

"Okay, please help me find a better construction team. The working hours are about one year, and the price is easy to negotiate." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"This is a trivial matter, but do you really want to build a space station?"

"En." Zhang Pingze nodded calmly.

Ling Xiaochen scratched his head, not knowing exactly where Zhang Pingze was going to build the space station.

But these have nothing to do with him, and soon Ling Xiaochen put this issue behind him.

The most important thing now is to use the A-level materials that Zhang Pingze brought back to operate well.


"Mr. Liu, that Zhang Pingping seems to be back today. A younger brother saw that Mr. Ling went to the space station to pick up people in person." An Ruiying was standing next to Liu Cheng, who was potbellied, and reported.

"Huh? You're back? Very good." Liu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and a fierce look appeared in his narrowed eyes.

Liu Cheng opened his personal terminal and clicked on a contact with the AQ logo.

After a few busy tones, the communication was quickly connected there.

"Boss Liu, what can I do for you?"

"My lord, of course there is something wrong. The person you asked me to pay attention to returned to Kunlun Star today. I came here to inform you." Liu Cheng said flatteringly.

"Huh? Okay, you've done a good job. The organization won't treat you badly. Hang up first, and I'll contact you later."

After finishing talking over there, the communication was directly closed.

Liu Cheng's naive and fat face slowly turned cold, he snorted coldly and said to himself: "If you fight with me, you will die sooner or later."

"Mr. Liu, the contact person of Adversity Business is too airy, do they really have the sincerity to cooperate?" An Ruiying frowned.

"What do you know, this Adverse Business is a giant, even the People's Development Association has to give some face, how can such an organization play some small tricks."

"Even the Human Development Association wants to give face? Is it so scary?"

"The strength of this adverse business is beyond your guess." Liu Cheng snorted coldly.

"But last time, didn't they attack Zhang Pingche on Xuan Krypton? How did Zhang Pingche come back?" An Ruiying asked.

Liu Cheng turned his head to look at An Ruiying in a daze, looked at him for a long time, then shook his head and said, "How the hell do I know, maybe Zhang Pingzheng runs fast."


If you say this, you won't believe it yourself.An Ruiying couldn't help complaining in her heart.

However, Liu Cheng waited more than ten days for this news, and his whole body lost a lot of weight because of his anxiety.

All day like a 300-jin salted fish, nestled in the office.

The moment he knew the communication was ringing, Liu Chengcai jumped up, instantly full of energy, and the fat all over his body was trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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