Chapter 344

In the professional training ground in Taixu City
What is going on at the moment is an actual combat confrontation, and the two sides of the confrontation are Yuanxin Sakura and Lanna.

Lanna is holding a training gun, while Genshin Sakura is carrying her sword.

Kunlun Star has a large number of mercenaries. In the city, training grounds are indispensable. Professional training grounds have two modes: machine confrontation and human confrontation.

There are also various game modes, the most distinctive of which is probably the ranking mode.

Each training ground has its own separate ranking list, and everyone can challenge the records or people on the ranking list, and those who are on the ranking list can get bonuses provided by the training ground at the monthly settlement.

Although the bonus is not a lot of money, it is not too small. After all, it is settled every month, which also makes many mercenaries often hang out in the training ground.

There are only two training grounds in Taixu City, and the one where Zhang Pingze and the others are at the moment is the bigger one, and of course the fees are also high.

In this training ground called the Land of Trials, No.1 in various rankings can get 2 galaxy points, No.3 [-], No.[-] [-], and top ten [-].

This is the galaxy point reward that can be obtained every month. Of course, if you want to obtain these galaxy points, you must abide by some rules of the training ground to get them.

In addition to the rankings, it is gambling. Choose man-machine battles, or everyone battles. The winner can get all the rest of the gambling money after deducting the handling fee in the training ground.

And now the battle between Lanna and Yuanxin Sakura is naturally an ordinary friendly battle mode, just for training and entertainment.

The training ground is not a huge empty arena, but has various terrains and distractions that are automatically formed.

The floor of the training ground is distributed in a dot matrix, and the terrain can be randomly generated.

The terrain structure where Lanna and Yuanxin Sakura are now is an ordinary hilly model.

Lanna stood high on the hill, holding a training pistol in both hands, and shot wildly at Yuanxin Sakura who rushed up.

But Yuanxin Sakura didn't dodge or dodge at all, the knife in her hand almost formed a knife screen in front of her eyes, and all the marked bullets were either bounced by the knife or flashed by Yuanxin Sakura.

"Sakura, the control over the body is simply too strong. It has been strengthened in such a short period of time, and it has adapted to the explosive growth of various physical qualities." Lei Yiyi praised.

In the watching room, Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu, and Yinlang were all there, while Xiao Meng and Sheng Hua were in the room.

"I'm afraid Lanna can't hold on anymore. The gun used for training has a great impact on her gun fighting skills." Hulan Huayu thought.

"Well, it's true, but this time it was originally for Sakura to adapt to the changes in her physical fitness. Lanna is more suitable as a training partner than the two of you."

Zhang Pingze turned on the recording screen, recorded various data calmly, and said casually.

The marked bullets of the training gun will not bounce back. Lanna's various ejection skills have become decorations. In addition, the speed of the marked bullets is not enough. Not to mention the dynamic visual enhancement of Yuanxin Sakura, even if it is above B-level Enhancers can avoid slow-moving marked bullets.

Under the ebb and flow, Lanna, whose physical fitness was not good enough, fell into a passive position.

However, what surprised Zhang Pingping was Lanna's will to fight. In an extremely passive situation, she was able to fight tenaciously. She used her limited conditions to the extreme, and her vitality was as tenacious as a cockroach.

Yuan Xinying confuses Lanna's prediction with a flash step, and rushes directly to Lanna's body, the knife in her hand is drawn out like a knife, and the speed is so fast that it almost forms a silver lightning.

This knife, Zhang Pingping thought to himself, couldn't dodge it.

But Lana's actions were beyond everyone's expectations.

The body of the training gun directly blocked Yuanxin Sakura's knife, while the other training gun pointed directly at Yuanxin Sakura's forehead, which was close in front of her eyes.

A sharp look flashed in Yuanxin Yinghu's eyes.

"Blade back." The moment Lanna pulled the trigger, Yuanxin Sakura's whole body twisted instantly, and her body was like an electric drill, and she went directly from Lanna's side in an instant.

Yuanxin Ying passed through Lanna's position directly, with the knife lying across her side, then slowly stood up straight, and gracefully put the knife back into its sheath.

Lanna stared blankly at the front, as if she hadn't reacted, a piece of cloth slowly fell down.

Lanna looked at the fragments of the small cloak that fell on the ground, with a dejected expression on her face: "Oh, I still lost, Sakura, your sword is fast again."

The moment she passed by just now, Yuanxin Sakura was able to cut open her abdomen with a single knife, but in the end she only cut off the fragments of Lanna's small cloak under control.

"No, Lanna, you are really a respectable opponent." Yuanxin Sakura turned around, with her long pink hair flying, showing a faint smile.

"Captain Xianyu, Silver Wolf remembered a new vocabulary just now." Silver Wolf looked at the two people in the field, turned his head and said.


"Business blows to each other."


Lei Yiyi directly gave Silver Wolf a shudder: "I've been watching some messed up stuff all day long, and if I learn these strange words again, I won't make fruit pudding for you in the future."

"No, sister Lei Yiyi, please give Silver Wolf a chance to reorganize his language." Silver Wolf threw himself directly on Lei Yiyi's thigh, hugging Lei Yiyi's perfectly proportioned long legs.

"Okay, let's talk."

"prprpr thigh."

Lei Yiyi froze, and looked at Silver Wolf helplessly: "Who taught you these strange languages, why can't I understand them?"

"Silver Wolf saw it on the Internet. Doesn't prprpr describe a perfect and cute thing?" Silver Wolf tilted his head.

"PR means lick." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Silver Wolf looked stunned: "So that's how it is."

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingping with shame and indignation: "Brother Zhang, why do you know so well!"

Before Zhang Pingze could explain, Yuanxinying and Lanna came out.

Lanna was a little panting and her feet were weak. After she came out, she slumped on the chair, unwilling to move, while Yuanxin Sakura still had a lot of energy.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Pingze asked, changing the subject.

"Fortunately, it's just that I'm not used to the sudden increase in power." Yuanxin Sakura said calmly.

"Your current strength is far from reaching its peak. This period is the stage of rapid strength growth. You can practice more on the training ground. Don't worry about the cost." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Okay." Yuanxin Sakura nodded without evading it, but made another account in her heart, and it seemed that the amount she owed was getting bigger and bigger.

Yuan Xinying was frustrated to find out that after working for Zhang Pingping for so long, the amount owed increased instead of decreased.

Zhang Pingping left Yuanxin Ying to practice on his own, and he took Lei Yiyi and others to leave.

Yuanxin Sakura stroked her pink hair, then looked around blankly, and then locked her eyes on the leaderboard display board.

make money!make money!
Earn money to redeem yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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