Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 355 Special Power

Chapter 355 Special Power

"The target is approaching the encirclement, all units are ready."

A fierce-looking man in a combat uniform in the private apartment yelled into the communicator.

An armored hover vehicle quickly passed through the gaps of various high-rise buildings, aiming at a rather luxurious-looking sky garden in front of it.

There are rows of novelty-style three-story buildings in the sky garden, which look very emotional, but the periphery of the sky garden is a circle of large-scale isolation shields that look very thin.

Being able to apply energy shields to buildings, it can be seen that the people living in this community are basically either rich or noble.

"Ahead is that neighborhood, ha, finally here, if I hadn't bought a house here before, I'm afraid we would be doomed this time, haha." Liu Cheng's eyes showed excitement.

"Can such a thin layer of energy shield really stop them?" Hulan Huayu said worriedly.

"This is a low-energy operating state, and it must be adjusted to the highest level." Zhang Shaoxin said.

"Yes, yes, as long as I remind the person in charge of the community." Liu Cheng said immediately.

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Zhang Shaoxin gritted his teeth and said.

The armored hover vehicle directly passed through the selective energy shield and entered this sky garden.

The hover car landed directly on the ground paved with white square stones.

After everyone entered, the color of the energy shield also changed, becoming more solid.

"This is only a high-level intensity. If you need to turn on the top-level intensity, I'm afraid you have to go to the community staff to explain it." Liu Cheng said apologetically.

"Then trouble Boss Liu, I'm afraid this kind of strength can't be sustained." Zhang Shaoxin said, looking at the Adverse Business Hover Vehicle that had quickly followed.

Liu Cheng nodded, walked straight to open the cabin door, and directly got on the energy car parked in the community: "An Ruiying, come with me, Xiao Gao is here to accompany the adults."

Zhang Pingqie walked out of the hovercar with the data box in hand, watched the rushing hovercar being blocked by the energy shield, and said calmly, "It's such a quiet residential area."

Lei Yiyi patted her head: "That's right, there's no one there."

"Not even on the windows." Lanna shielded her forehead with one hand, blocking the sunlight and looking at the rows of exquisite small buildings.

Hulan Huayu muttered, "It's a little strange to be so quiet."

"It's not strange, but it's very strange. The hover car outside didn't attack the shield, and it seems that they have become less anxious." Duan Ming stretched his head and looked into the sky.

Ling Xiaochen directly pushed Duan Ming's head aside, and walked off the hover car with Bingli.

Zhang Shaoxin tightened his grip on the incubator: "Let's stay on the suspension vehicle."

"Wait, don't talk." Lei Yiyi said suddenly.

Everyone quieted down and looked at Lei Yiyi in puzzlement.

"Something is approaching." Lei Yiyi frowned.

Just when everyone was wondering, Lei Yiyi suddenly moved.


The whole person disappeared in place in an instant, and then appeared directly in front of Zhang Shaoxin, punching directly at the air beside Zhang Shaoxin.

The roar of the explosion was like a thunderbolt.

The air was quickly evacuated, and the air flow was like a sharp knife, directly bombarding the front.

A muffled hum came from the air, and a vague figure flew out and fell to the ground, revealing the body under the cloak.

And the place where Lei Yiyi's fist hit directly on the cloak left a hole directly.

The man got up in a panic, but after a while, he couldn't get up. He curled up on the ground and groaned in pain.

Lei Yiyi walked over, looked at the translucent figure on the ground, and then reached out to lift his cloak.

A sharp blade suddenly protruded from under the cloak and stabbed straight at Lei Yiyi's heart.


Lei Yiyi withdrew the sharp blade with a backhand. For Lei Yiyi whose dynamic vision was already superhuman, this speed of stabbing was just like a joke.

The people on the ground looked at Lei Yiyi in astonishment.

Lei Yiyi directly tore off the cloak on him, revealing the man's original appearance.

"A person who is against business?" Lei Yiyi looked at the infinity symbol on the man's collar and said.

"People who are against business are here, we have fallen into a trap." Zhang Shaoxin's face became ugly.

As soon as the voice fell, a frame of robots came out from every corner. These robots were not sharp-knife robots used as human sea tactics in the hotel, but more delicate-looking mechanical killers with square box-shaped heads. An automatic electromagnetic rifle with sharp double blades on both arms.

This kind of mechanical killer has been seen again on Yinlang Street in the central area of ​​the earth. I didn't expect to see this kind of war machine with a simple structure but powerful lethality now on Kunlun Star.

And the number is desperately large. It seems that the entire Hanging Garden is covered with such mechanical killers. There are at least a hundred of them.

Everyone retreated to the edge of the suspension vehicle. At this moment, everyone knew that they and others were probably caught in an ambush designed by the enemy long ago.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do?" Lei Yiyi returned to Zhang Pingche with the hidden person who looked like dead flesh in his hand.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Zhang Shaoxin, then suddenly moved behind Zhang Shaoxin, and struck Zhang Shaoxin on the back of his neck with his palm.

Zhang Shaoxin fell limply to the ground, then Zhang Pingping picked up the incubator, took a high-explosive grenade from Lanna's hand, hung it on the incubator, and raised the incubator in his hand.

in a private apartment

"What does he mean? Both jade and stone are destroyed?" asked the white young man beside him, rubbing his chin.

"It should be." Zhinu said with a slight smile on his face.

"He is willing?"

"He doesn't know how valuable that thing is." Xire said calmly.

"This is fun, what do you do?"

"Okay, let's send someone to contact the target."

"I'll go."

"You? Forget it. Don't underestimate that guy's ability. He is a special person just like you."

"What? This guy is also special?"

"Yes, I have experienced that kind of irresistible ability. If you match up, I dare not say who will win." Zhire said with lingering fear.

"I'm more interested in this instead." The white youth laughed.

Zhi Nuan shook his head, he had never experienced that feeling before, and could never imagine that the special power of the white youth might not be so incomprehensible, but in his opinion, Zhang Pingze's ability was even more difficult to deal with.

He wasn't sure who had the stronger special power between the two. He couldn't take risks, because the white youth was an important figure in the organization, and even if he had something to do, he couldn't let the white youth have something to do.

"It's better for me to ask in person and send a communication robot." Xire said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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