Chapter 356 Trading
"What's wrong with these robots, why are they still not moving?" Lei Yiyi asked in surprise, looking at the completely still mechanical killers around him.

It didn't stop for too long, and soon a spherical robot similar to the one made by Shenghua suddenly flew out of the mechanical killer, with two slender mechanical arms and a cute shape, without any sense of threat.

"Mr. Zhang Pingche, I didn't expect our second communication to be in this form." A gentle voice suddenly came from the chubby spherical robot.

"I didn't expect that either." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Alright Zhang Pingze, to make a long story short, I don't have time to waste with you." A hot voice came slowly.

"Sorry, the initiative is in my hands now, you don't think that these mechanical killers alone can threaten us." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Oh, can't it?" The fiery tone became playful.

Zhang Pingze calmly raised his wrist, a black bracelet was revealed from his cuff.

"Individual shields? Individual shields can't block too many bullets, and besides, you are the only one with individual shields and the lives of others, don't you care?" Zhi hot laughed.

"They don't need it."



Lei Yiyi instantly understood what Zhang Pingze meant, and with a sudden movement of her feet, she disappeared in place instantly, and the white stone bricks on the ground were directly covered with cracks.

But the next moment Lei Yiyi had already appeared 50 meters away, punching a mechanical killer on the head.

As if the mechanical killer had been hit by a shell suddenly, it flew up into the air, and the various connecting parts of the head also flew up along with the body.

After landing, the mechanical killer immediately lost its combat capability, and its whole body was completely scrapped with electric sparks.

As for Lei Yiyi, after the attack, his figure flickered again, appearing directly behind the ball robot.

During this period, the mechanical killer's shooting lock did not keep up with Lei Yiyi's speed at all. Even if the brain's reaction could keep up, the speed of the gun's muzzle rotation could not keep up with the speed of the teleportation.

And the scientists who witnessed the whole process with their own eyes dropped their glasses.

"It's impossible, how can a person's speed be so fast!" The old man in a white coat shouted directly, spitting all over the place.

"This kind of speed!" After seeing this scene, the Caucasian youth's originally sloppy expression became surprisingly serious.

"This speed is too scary." The white youth took a deep breath and repeated it again.

Zhire shook her head with a wry smile, and then continued: "Okay, I admit that she is fast enough, but I can definitely order to kill you only."

"You can try, and you will never get this thing before I die."

Zhang Pingchee said indifferently.

Xire rubbed his fingers habitually, and looked at the screen, Zhang Pingze, who had a calm face, seemed to be lost in thought.

However, after thinking about many possibilities, Xire realized that he was not absolutely sure that he could get the contents of the box safely.

"Don't tell me these things, you are not sure about leaving safely." Zhi hot said with a smile.

Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the ball robot in front of him: "That's why we're talking here now."

Hot: "Well, since it's a negotiation, I'll give you two options. One, hand over the box in your hand, and then I'll let you go. Two, put the box down, as long as you can defeat all the machines on the Hanging Garden Killer, I will let you go."

Zhang Pingping looked at the hundreds of mechanical killers around him, then shook his head: "Then let me tell you about my plan. First, I will destroy the box and fight to the end. Second, we will leave safely, and I will take the box away. If you find another chance to snatch it from the military, it will be none of my business."

"You're thinking very well, you have to keep the box today no matter what." Zhi hot laughed.

"Oh, then you can come and get it." Zhang Pingze said calmly, holding the incubator indifferently.

in a private apartment.
The frequency of hot rubbing fingers accelerated, looking at Zhang Pingze who was carrying the box, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Looking at the hot expression, the white youth also knew that the hot now seemed to be in a difficult choice.

"What are you hesitating about? Why don't you come up with a backup plan? Don't you still have a backup plan?" the white young man asked puzzled.

"I'm weighing the pros and cons." Zhire showed a bright smile, but this smile made people feel chilling.

"What are the pros and cons? Originally, I could successfully place an internal response next to Zhang Pingze, but once I used the backup plan, then this placement failed." Zhi hot said with a smile.

"There are plenty of opportunities to arrange internal response." The white young man laughed.

"No, considering Zhang Pingze's special power, chances are probably very few." Zhire rubbed his fingers and said.

"That is also the most important task."

"That's the only way to go." Zhi Nuo took a deep breath and said.

Zhi Ran straightened his expression, then looked at the screen and said calmly: "Zhang Pingze, you don't care about your own life, you should care about the life of the woman around you."

"I don't think I can threaten them with these things." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"The abilities of the three of them are indeed very strong, but they are definitely not unsolvable, and there is still one life, but it is directly in your hands." Zhi Nuo seemed to have regained the initiative, and his tone became calm and confident.

Speaking of which, a virtual projection appeared in front of Zhang Pingze. On the virtual projection, it turned out to be an image of the hotel lobby.

In the video, Yinlang and Yuanxin Sakura are resting in the lobby, beside the waiter girl who looks adoring, and Yang Qingzhi is guarding the surroundings.

Zhang Pingze didn't know what the significance of Xire playing this video was.

But then the situation changed, the waiter girl who was excitedly holding Silver Wolf's hand suddenly picked up a pistol and put it on Silver Wolf's forehead, then quickly strangled Silver Wolf's neck with her slender arms, The originally kind face also became hideous.

"Silver Wolf!" Lei Yiyi's face changed slightly, and he looked at the projection screen in shock.

"If you don't want her to die, just follow what I said, and I can guarantee that I will keep my promise." Zhi hot laughed.

"There are two options, one is to resist, and the other is to trade."

Said hot and aggressively.

Zhang Pingche's expression changed slightly, then he squeezed the box in his hand and said calmly, "Let's trade."

"That's right, why bother?" Zhi hot laughed.

Zhang Pingze set the grenade hanging in the incubator to be triggered, and then calmly placed it on the ground.

"The bomb has been set as a trigger. As long as I control it, it will explode. I hope you will keep your promise." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"I will do what I say." Xire said calmly.

Zhang Pingping backed away, and then the cute spherical robot flew directly onto the incubator, and the two slender robotic arms directly grabbed the incubator and lifted it up, and then flew back slowly. The mechanical killers are also slowly receding.

 ps: Exam the day after tomorrow, no update tomorrow, please inform in advance,'s chapter

(End of this chapter)

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