Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 357 Growth is always accompanied by pain

Chapter 357 Growth is always accompanied by pain
"Brother Zhang." Lei Yiyi glanced at Zhang Pingche, and then called out comfortingly.

Zhang Pingze shook his head: "Get in the car and prepare to leave."

The Adverse Merchant suspension vehicle in the air also retreated quickly. After all, if it was too late, it would be directly blocked by the military.

After King Qin's people left with the unconscious Zhang Shaoxin, the grenade on the incubator was quickly removed, and even the box was frozen.

Then, together with the frozen boxes, they were sent to the transport vehicle that had already been arranged.

Nishang has spent such a huge amount of effort to get something, and he will never dare to delay. As long as the Nishang people in the private apartment get the box, they will immediately board the starship and leave Kunlun Star to transport it to the headquarters of Nishang.


"Brother Zhang." The suspension car was unusually quiet, Lei Yiyi looked at the calm Zhang Pingze, and couldn't help asking a little nervously.

Zhang Pingze didn't respond, but silently opened the communication: "Sakura, Silver Wolf isn't injured, is it?"

"No, it's just that I seem to be in a bad mood right now." Genshin Sakura's calm face appeared on the screen.

"Well, as long as it's okay, tell Silver Wolf that you can't blame her for this matter, don't be sad." Zhang Pingzheng said calmly.

Yuanxin Sakura was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Turning off the communication, Yuanxin Sakura sighed. She originally wanted to say that Silver Wolf's bad mood might not be due to a mistake, but other aspects.

The harsh light from outside spilled into the hall, and after being reflected on the tiled floor of the hall, the entire hall was filled with light.

But in the bright light, the tall heavy weapons blocked a large area of ​​sunlight and propped up a black shadow.

And in the hands of the reloading bunny, he was holding a blood-stained corpse.

The silver wolf calmly looked at the blood-covered corpse in the hands of the heavy-armored rabbit, his eyes filled with dead calm.

"You're ridiculous, why are you fighting? You know you're going to die, why do you persist?" Silver Wolf said to himself, looking at the bloody girl's body.

The main course of the matter is.

Just after the agreement was reached, the girl put down her gun, her face no longer had the ferocious expression on her face, but she reached out and touched the silver wolf's head with a smile.

The silver wolf looked back at the girl blankly, and the girl raised the gun with a smile, and shot herself in the head.

Blood splashed all over Silver Wolf.

And the movement of the reloading rabbit to grab the gun was also a step slower, failing to grab the gun from the girl's hand, only able to drag the girl's fallen body in time.

"Silver Wolf, you must protect yourself well in the future." The girl said to Silver Wolf with a smile before shooting.

After the silver wolf dragged the girl's body, his eyes were blank and he fell into thought.

Before, Silver Wolf had sworn to brag to the girl about how strong he was, and the girl smiled adoringly and dotingly.

Later, the situation was reversed, the girl held her hostage, and she thought everything before was fake.

But when she thought everything before was false, the girl said such a sentence and chose to commit suicide, which had a huge impact on the ethical logic in Silver Wolf's mind.

Does the girl like herself or not? If she likes it, why does she have to threaten her with a gun? If she doesn't like it, why does she choose to let go of herself and kill herself after it's over?

Silver Wolf couldn't figure it out, but felt a little panicked in his heart.

"Silver Wolf, well, none of this is your fault." Yuan Xinying patted Silver Wolf's little head distressedly.

"Sister Sakura, Silver Wolf thinks he is sick." Silver Wolf raised his head, looking at Yuanxin Sakura with eyes without any emotional fluctuations.

"Why are you sick? Did you get dizzy from the bump before? Or does it hurt where you were beaten?" Yuan Xinying anxiously looked at Yin Lang's face, touching his forehead and checking the wound.

"No, it's here, it seems very uncomfortable." Silver Wolf pointed to his heart, his undeveloped chest was slightly heaving.

Yuan Xinying shook her head and looked at the silver wolf calmly: "It's okay, it means that the silver wolf has grown up."

"Because growing up comes with pain."

"Although Silver Wolf doesn't know why a human's normal physiological process produces pain, Silver Wolf doesn't want to grow up."

Yuanxin Sakura glanced at the corpse in the hands of the reloading rabbit, and a faint wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Okay."


In a private apartment.

Zhi Nuo stood up from his seat and stretched his waist: "Okay, pack up your things and prepare to retreat."

"Are you sure that's what we want?" the white youth asked.

"Don't worry, we did it after the military inspected the goods. If the military didn't pass the inspection, how could we reach a deal with Zhang Pingping? Moreover, during the transportation, this item has been under surveillance, and there is no possibility of package dropping." Possibly." Zhi hot smiled.

"It's true, if it's fake, how could those people work so hard." The white young man laughed, as if recalling the wonderful reversal scene before.

"So pack up your things and prepare to leave. Even if there are tracking devices in the box, it's useless. By the time they come, we've already left Kunlun Star."

"Good for you."

"After spending so much manpower and material resources, if it still fails, then I don't have to go back." Zhi hot laughed.

"By the way, which department is the woman who sneaked into them?" The white youth suddenly remembered, and finally reversed the person who played the decisive role in the drama.

"That? There is no department, just a newcomer." Zhi hot laughed.

"Newcomer? You can rest assured."

"There is nothing to worry about. If she doesn't do well, her fellow sister will die. She will definitely complete the task for the sake of her sister's life." Zhi Ran smiled.

"Tsk, the style of acting is still so ruthless and unscrupulous." The white young man clicked his tongue.

Zhi Nuan turned his face and said with a smile: "What's the matter? You can tell her sister after you go back. Her sister died at the hands of the King Qin's hunting group. At that time, I am looking forward to what that girl will do to me." surprise."

After hearing this, the young white man nodded in admiration.

All the personnel in the private apartment began to pack up the equipment, while the two interns who died in the corridor were stripped naked and thrown from the roof into the sea.

"Master Zhi Nuan, that Liu Cheng is here." Just as everyone was packing up, an armed man walked up to Zhi Nuan and whispered.

"Liu Cheng? Well, let him wait for me in the conference room downstairs, make him a good cup of tea, and tell him not to worry, I will go find him after I finish dealing with the matter here." Zhire smiled.


After the armed men left, the white youth took a hot look: "This kind of guy, do you really plan to recruit him into the organization?"

"Of course not. Let him wait in the meeting room for Zhang Pingche and the others to find him. Anyway, he doesn't know too many secrets, so let him be a vent for Zhang Pingche's anger at ease."

"You are simply too bad." The white youth suddenly laughed.

Zhi Nuan smiled slightly, looked at the clean room that had been tidied up in a blink of an eye, and took the young Caucasian man downstairs, planning to leave immediately after inspecting the goods on the first floor.

(End of this chapter)

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