Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 358 Swordsmanship from the Sky

Chapter 358 Swordsmanship from the Sky

The hover car parked at the door of the private apartment, and the well-equipped armed personnel directly opened the rear hatch of the hover car.

A large silver box was displayed in front of the burning. This box was not that simple. It was not just as simple as a refrigerator, but more importantly, it was absolutely insulated.

Adopting the most advanced quantum technology of the inverse quotient, even the most advanced space detection cannot pass through this box. Similarly, even dark signals cannot be transmitted out of the box.

Zhi Zhi looked at the box, smiled, and directly entered the password. After passing the authentication, the lid of the box popped open automatically.

The silver incubator emerged from the box, and Hotan put on his gloves and opened the incubator.

Although it has been confirmed that there is nothing wrong with it, just to be on the safe side, Hot still has to go through a final confirmation procedure.

There was only a young white man standing beside Zhi Nuan, looking at the box with an indifferent expression, as if he didn't care much about the contents of the box.

The box was quickly opened by Xire, but the smile on Xire's face froze immediately.

"Why, how could this happen." Zhire looked at the box with a dazed look on his face.

Quietly placed in the box is a technological spherical device, which is flashing a red indicator light at the moment.

The young Caucasian man was also stunned, and his expression changed slightly. He pulled it away from the scorching heat, and pushed it forward with both hands. The lid of the whole big box was closed, and then, it flew out magically and fell directly over the ocean below. and go.

The next moment, a huge explosion came from below, and the violent impact caused the anti-gravity system of the entire apartment building to malfunction, and the entire apartment building began to slowly pour down in one direction.

"This is impossible! Why is this happening!" Zhi Nuo knelt on the ground with her head in her arms, her face full of hysterical madness.

"Hot, we have to go, I'm afraid we have been exposed." The white youth pulled up and knelt on the ground hot.

"Kelvin, tell me why this is happening. Every link of this plan is proceeding according to the design. Why did it go wrong? Why did it become like this!!!" Hot shouted, seemingly unacceptable.

The white young man frowned, and directly pulled Zhinuo onto the suspension car: "We'll wait for these things, and we'll talk about them later. The most important thing is to evacuate this place first."

The hover car hadn't taken off yet, but the color of the sky suddenly changed, and night seemed to be coming.

But it was not the night, but a group of hovering vehicles that covered the sky and the sun. The densely packed armed hovering vehicles came from all directions, as if they had already discussed it, and surrounded them directly in the direction of the apartment building.

The white youth, with a chill in his eyes, shouted directly into the communication: "All units are dispatched to block the army's pursuit troops, protect the experts and evacuate."

Zhire is still in a trance at the moment, looking at the hovering cars that are quickly encircling in the distance, he lost his mind for a while, and murmured: "They have been prepared for a long time, so it is me who has been kept in the dark."

The white youth frowned, then looked around and sighed.

This operation was considered a complete failure, not only the Eye of Solomon was lost, but also the backbone of Adversity's branch in Kunlun Star.

More than a dozen suspension vehicles around the apartment building quickly lifted into the air, and charged directly at the military suspension vehicles approaching from all around.

Combatant members controlled by anti-commercial special drugs will never make any discounts in executing orders, but what they also lose is their ability to adapt to the battlefield.

All the anti-business armed personnel seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, their faces were congested with blood, as if they were extremely excited, and frantically launched an attack on the suspension vehicle of the military department.

Carrying Adverse Business Expert and Heat, the hover car of Kelvin and the others was under cover, quickly lifted into the air, and flew towards the sky at high speed.

As long as they leave the atmosphere, the starship that Nishang is in charge of supporting will be able to take the two of them out of here. When the star sea is so big, it will be much easier to escape from the pursuit of the military.

Zhi Ran looked blankly at the two sides who had already started exchanging fire around him, with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Where are we going? We haven't got the Eye of Solomon yet."


Kelvin withdrew his slap, with anger on his face: "Cheer up, what do you look like? Isn't it a failure once? It doesn't matter. Anyway, there is no loss at all."

Zhire was stunned by Kelvin's slap, and it took him a while to react. He gritted his teeth and nodded: "I was confused, thank you for reminding me."

Kelvin looked at the scorching face, and then recovered from the serious look of a young man in society, and said with a smile: "Is this really decent? No matter who cheated you, one day we can get back this place. .”

"Oh shit!"

The suspension car shook violently for a while, as if some heavy object suddenly fell on the suspension car, Kelvin couldn't help swearing.

"what happened?"

"There is a hover vehicle above, firing an electromagnetic cannon at us, and the energy shield won't last long." The driver shouted.

Kelvin looked directly from the window and found that an armored hover vehicle was indeed blocking in front of them. The hatch was opened, and it was none other than Lanna from King Qin's hunting group who fired the electromagnetic cannon.

"It's Zhang Pingze and the others?" asked hot and calmly.


"Order all the units, turn around, cover with firepower, and annihilate King Qin's hover vehicle." He said hotly.

"Well, okay." Kelvin hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Although this kind of operation is inappropriate, it's good to let Xire vent his anger a little bit.

"All units, set fire to mark hover vehicle."

armored hover vehicle
"Huh? The energy shield of the high-end product is strong, and it didn't shatter in one shot. Let's see how this lady breaks your turtle shell." Lanna laughed while holding the electromagnetic gun with goggles without a ladylike image.

"By the way, should we withdraw?" Hulan Huayu looked at Lanna who was full of interest, and said hesitantly.

"Fuck off, let's see how Miss Ben smashed this guy." Lanna yelled.

"But those anti-business suspension cars are coming towards us, and the RPG seems to be coming too." Hulan Huayu tugged on Lanna's small cloak.


Lanna jumped out with the flying equipment on her back.

"Hey! Why don't you be so unscrupulous that you can't squeak before you leave? Anyway, I reminded you once!" Hulan Huayu put the flying equipment on her back, and complained to Lanna who had already jumped out.

"My lady is optimistic about you, and I will leave the rest of the tasks to you."

Lanna turned around directly, put her index finger and middle finger together in front of her forehead, and then gestured to Hulan Huayu with a heartless smile on her face.


Hulan Huayu jumped off the suspension vehicle with a roar, and the two-meter-long battle sword was pulled from the suspension vehicle together.

The shield is not completely broken, so it can only be broken manually.

The task of breaking the shield can only be done by me, Hulan Huayu gripped the big sword in her hand, and complained helplessly in her heart.

In the air, the bodies were completely close together, and under the acceleration of gravity, they leaned over and began to dive towards the advanced hover vehicle below, the sword in their hands was already stained with hot cutting particle flow.

The whistling wind played crazy syllables in my ears, and the wind pressure brought by the extreme speed completely blows up Hulan Huayu's bangs, floating straight backwards, and the flame of the battle sword streaked across the air A red tail line.


The heavy battle sword descended from the sky with scorching fire, and directly hit an invisible energy shield. The impact brought by the huge speed could almost crush an ordinary human being instantly, but it was crushed by Hulan Huayu. Those slightly slender arms resisted abruptly.

The sparks all over the sky and the rays of energy dissipating, like fireworks, exploded in mid-air.

Lanna had already flown far away with the aircraft, looked at the two fireworks in the sky, and said with a smile: "Captain, do you remember a move, the sword technique that fell from the sky?"

"Get ready to meet Yiyi, don't touch the fish."


(End of this chapter)

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