Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 371 Arrogance

Chapter 371 Arrogance
In the principal's office of Galaxy University, Principal He looked at all kinds of comments on the Internet with a happy face.

Sima Jian really deserves to be a doctoral student in the Department of Propaganda. This series of public opinion methods are used with great proficiency. The online reviews are almost one-sided. They are all talking about the job fair of Galaxy University and the newly established technology company St. 1592.

In particular, Sheng 1592 came up with several new concept technologies, which attracted a lot of public attention.

Although it is only a concept, it is enough for those netizens to YY. For example, a conceptual exoskeleton armor. Being led by the water army, he joined the discussion on the era of national mechs.

The outer armor allows ordinary people to run and jump quickly like an advanced fortifier, and the excellent resistance also provides protection for the user.

Some military fans even joined the war of words, further fermenting the topic.

Among them, in various discussions, terms such as Galaxy University are often mentioned, but most of them are discussions on the St. 1592 Research Institute.

A newly established research institute, with such a big hand, directly produced a piece of epoch-making individual equipment, and even proposed the concept of integrating outer armor into civilian life.

Perhaps in the future, various schools will need to open a course on the use of outer armor.

Principal He hummed a ditty and looked at the comments on the Internet, but he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

However, Principal He's good mood was soon interrupted by a notification document.

There are three big characters written on the notice document, resignation letter.

"What the hell?" Headmaster He stared blankly at the resignation letter, and after a closer look, it turned out to be the resignation letter of Sima Jian, Minister of Propaganda.

Just now I was thinking that Sima Jian's ability is good, but he actually handed over his resignation letter.

Principal He hurriedly dialed the communication, wanting to ask Sima Jian why.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is busy."

Principal He looked at the communicator in his hand inexplicably: "What are you doing?"

At this moment, the Pingbu Qingyun Building, no, it should be renamed now, the St. 1592 Research Institute Building.

"Minister Sima, we are happy to cooperate." Zhang Pingping stood up calmly and extended his hand to Sima Jian.

Sima Jian nodded and held Zhang Pingze's hand with a smile on his face: "I should thank Mr. Zhang for giving me such an opportunity, and I will work hard."

The joy on Sima Jian's face was beyond words. He was more optimistic about the prospect of the St. 1592 Research Institute than anyone else, especially after visiting the Bohai Pearl. It was also his fortune to be able to work in such a company full of infinite possibilities.

Although the remuneration of Galaxy University is good, there is no room for improvement in Galaxy University. He doesn't want to stop here at such a young age, so he made this decision resolutely.

Sima Jian then left the building of the St. 1592 Research Institute to deal with the affairs after his resignation. After the processing was completed, he became the first CMO of the St. 1592 Research Institute.

After sending Sima Jian away, Zhang Pingping returned to the exhibition hall on the top floor, where the venue was being set up for the first mobilization meeting.

Lei Yiyi sat at the entrance of the hall and looked at the hall boredly.

During this period of time, Zhang Pingping was busy with the establishment of the St. 1592 Research Institute all day long, and had almost no free time. Lei Yiyi also found that although the life on Earth was kind, it was too boring. She always felt blocked and had nothing to do.

"Yiyi, I told you that you don't have to follow me all day, Huayu and the others are training in Bohai Pearl, why don't you go?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Huh? Brother Zhang, you've finished handling the matter." Lei Yiyi stood up and said in surprise.


"It's not that I don't go to training, but that training is so boring, Brother Zhang..." Lei Yiyi said helplessly.


"Yes, everyone is very careful, because the lethality is too great, basically they just click as far as they can, so we can't accidentally injure them." Lei Yiyi said helplessly.

"Yeah." Zhang Pingchee nodded and understood.

Without the use of outer armor, this kind of battle is indeed handicapped, but if the outer armor is used, the wear and tear of the outer armor is another big problem.

Of course, there is no solution. As long as the second-generation armor is mature and the battle on the physical level is changed to the energy level, the wear and tear of the armor will be greatly reduced. At most, the energy of the armor will be exhausted without causing armor loss.

Of course, this is still based on the fact that both sides keep their hands.

"By the way, Brother Zhang, I'm going home today, so I won't be with you tonight." Lei Yiyi said suddenly.

Zhang Pingze: "When did you accompany me at night?"

"Hey? I've been... Brother Zhang, what are you thinking?" Lei Yiyi replied subconsciously, but immediately noticed Zhang Pingze's meaning, and said a little shyly.

However, Lei Yiyi's shyness turned out to be shy, and while shy, she suddenly felt that Zhang Pingche had changed a bit, the guy who had never understood style before, could actually joke around.

I don't know what made him change, but Lei Yiyi doesn't find this kind of change annoying.

"I, I'll go first, Brother Zhang can go home for dinner tonight." Lei Yiyi said in a panic.

"Well, I see, I will go back on time." Zhang Pingze nodded.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

After Lei Yiyi finished speaking weakly, she felt as if her ears had been scorched by fire, and felt unusually hot.

I always feel that the direction of the dialogue is getting more and more confusing.

After Lei Yiyi finished speaking, she lowered her head and walked out quickly, and disappeared at the door in the blink of an eye.

"How do you walk so fast?" Zhang Pingzhen shook his head.


There was a light rain in the sky, and the air was full of dampness, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

However, the bad weather outside did not affect the cheerful atmosphere in the institute building.

The field is full of young faces, and everyone's face is full of excitement. They have passed through layers of selection and finally sat here. This will be their new starting point.

The meeting was in full swing, but Zhang Pingping, the CEO, was paddling and handed over the venue to Sima Jian and Zhao Qiuyuhong.

The audience was full of young faces. Old experts such as Dr. Jiang sat in the guest seats, sitting on pins and needles, rolling their eyes constantly. Obviously, the atmosphere of the conference did not interest these scientific research lunatics.

Zhang Pingze, who was on the verge of ob, was quickly targeted.

"You are the CEO of St. 1592 Research Institute." A cold and slightly neutral voice came.

Zhang Pingping looked up at the person coming.

Walking over was a woman with plain glasses and a little imperceptible arrogance in her eyes. Although her face was exquisite, her neutral hairstyle and neutral clothes concealed the femininity of the woman and revealed the heroic spirit of a man. Come.

The person who came was one of the five people Zhang Pingche took extra care of, Fu Xia who ranked first in the written test.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I want to change jobs?"

"It's not a good sign to plan to change jobs just after joining the job."

"Why do I want to be an insignificant administrative clerk when I am the first in the test?" Fu Xia's tone was quite dissatisfied.

"Isn't it good to be an administrative clerk? It's a very easy job, and the salary is also good. If you do the best in the exam, you are naturally doing the best job."

"What I need is a job that shows my worth."

"Could it be that the administrative clerk can't show your value? You don't have any partial subjects, so you should be competent for all jobs." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"I will join the technical department, or I will resign." Fu Xia said without flinching.

Looking at Fu Xia's imperceptibly arrogant face, Zhang Pingping suddenly understood.

No wonder such a talented guy has the experience of being fired by more than a dozen companies.

(End of this chapter)

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