Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 372 In-depth Academic Research

Chapter 372 In-depth Academic Research

"Do you have to go to the technical department?" Zhang Pingze looked at Fu Xia and asked.

"I have confidence in my ability, and I will resign if I am not assigned." Fu Xia said arrogantly.

"Oh, the job in the technical department is not that good, and the salary is only a little higher. If you do well in your current position, you can improve the salary." Zhang Pingze said unmoved.

Fu Xia's face turned cold, and he didn't pay any attention to the gazes around him.

"It really can't be changed?" Fu Xia said coldly.

"The Institute only accepts professionals, because it involves a lot of professional research and requires professionals who can directly participate in the research. We don't have time to train non-professionals. As far as I know, Fu Xia, your major does not belong to the positions we recruited. Any one."

Fu Xia was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect that Zhang Pingping knew her resume so well, and could call her by name.

Doesn't that mean that he knows all about his previous work experience?
No matter what, the previous work experience really made Fu Xia feel uncomfortable.

She, a perfect super academic, has all kinds of dismissal records, which is a bit embarrassing no matter how you look at it.

Fu Xia's face was a little uneasy, and his eyes were also a little unconvinced and stubborn.

"Who is this guy? He's so insane. He's going to fight the boss directly. He's crazy."

The girls from the nearest civil service department muttered, although the voice was very small, Zhang Pingze still heard it.

But to Zhang Pingche's surprise, Fu Xia seemed to have heard it too, and cast a glance at those girls.

In such a somewhat noisy environment, Zhang Pingchee relied on the spiritual world to capture the sound, and Fu Xia could hear it, which made Zhang Pingche look a little different.

"It's too bad. I didn't even get my position right. Is this the last class' super student? I don't think she has any skills. I think she will be resigned by the company."

Hearing the discussion, Fu Xia gritted his teeth, but his heart was full of indignation and could not vent. Anyway, depending on the situation, he would definitely be fired again.

"Fu Xia, Fu Xia, why can't you control your temper? You're really going back as you live. Society is no longer a school. If you don't find a job, Fu Xia, do you still want your family to support you?" Fu Xia Xia thought bitterly.


Just when Fu Xia thought he was going to offend the boss again and was fired, Zhang Pingping's calm voice came.

"If you really want to try, I can give you a chance, just an internship."

Fu Xia was stunned for a moment and immediately replied: "Okay."

"Are you sure? The salary during the internship period is not high. If you are qualified, you will be given a raise." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Okay, I can, but I hope that the things I participate in the research can get a certain share." Fu Xia gritted his teeth.

Fu Xia gritted her teeth and looked at Zhang Pingche, hoping to see some expressions on Zhang Pingche's face. Her request was already a little too much, but she still had a glimmer of hope.

There was no expression on Zhang Pingze's face, and it took a long time before he calmly said: "The regular employees of the technical department enjoy this benefit."

"Then I have no problem, I can definitely do well." Fu Xia said seriously.

"Okay, welcome to the St. 1592 Research Institute." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Fu Xia nodded excitedly without knowing it.

Although she is an intern, she is one step closer to her goal, isn't she?

But Zhang Pingche didn't care about this little episode. In fact, Fu Xia was one of the people he must keep. The reason why he hesitated to agree to Fu Xia was also out of consideration of "things that are easy to get, don't cherish them". .

After dealing with this small episode, there is nothing to say about the following induction meeting. The super supervisor recommended by Wang Jue has already handled everything properly.

Zhang Pingze only needs to paddle.

Sima Jian was responsible for publicity and marketing, super supervisor recommended by Wang Jue for management and arrangement, Dr. Jiang was responsible for research work, and Zhang Pingping could be the shopkeeper in front of his own chairman.

The St. 1592 Research Institute, because of Zhang Pingze's identity, has a very high loan amount from the Galaxy Bank, and it can already operate by itself with the loan turnover project.

But now Zhang Pingche's biggest headache is Zhang's mother.

When Zhang Pingche came back, Zhang's mother kept holding Zhang Pingche's hand and never let go.

"Pingze, you are not too young, when you find a time, register your marriage with Yiyi, and make arrangements as soon as possible." Zhang mother said with a smile.

"Mom, I'm only 19 years old." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"It's almost 20 years old, not too young, not too young, get married, get married." Mother Zhang said with a smile.

Lei's father and Lei's mother at the side all looked helplessly at this childish Zhang's mother.

Lei Yiyi even blushed, who would have thought that she would encounter such a situation as soon as she returned home.

"Mom, don't worry."

"Get married, if you don't get married, beat you kid."

"I'm very busy now."

"Get married first."

"I'm leaving Earth in a while."

"Let's talk about marriage."

"Mom, can we talk about something else?"

"You change it when you get married."


Zhang Pingche was completely speechless by the wayward Zhang's mother.

Fortunately, Zhang Pingche was not entangled for too long, and soon Zhang's mother's attention was transferred to other places, and Zhang Pingche was temporarily let go.

After eating, Lei's father and Lei's mother went back downstairs.

"Come and drink water." Mother Zhang tremblingly walked over with a cup in her hand. Zhang Pingze quickly caught the water cup and helped Mother Zhang to sit down.

"Auntie, let me do all these things." Lei Yiyi said with concern.

Zhang's mother held Lei Yiyi's hand, with a simple smile on her face, but her eyes looked at Zhang Pingze beside her: "Pingze drink water."

The corner of Zhang Pingze's mouth twitched undetectably.

But under Zhang's mother's expectant gaze, he took a sip of water.

Zhang's mother looked at Zhang Pingche with waiting eyes, and then suddenly got up: "Go to sleep, it's late."

After speaking, he pulled Lei Yiyi and pushed Zhang Pingping to the room.

Lei Yiyi was pushed into the room by Zhang's mother with a confused face.

Zhang Pingche's expression was normal.

"Bang - click -"

There was a sound of closing the door and locking it.

Lei Yiyi looked bewildered, as if she didn't understand what it meant.

Zhang Pingze calmly walked to the table, picked up the cup, and spit out the water in his mouth.

"Brother Zhang, Auntie, what does this mean?" Lei Yiyi said that she was completely confused by all kinds of abnormal behavior.

"It's nothing, maybe I want to hug my grandson." Zhang Pingping said calmly, sitting by the bed by the way, and turned on his personal terminal.

"Huh?" Lei Yiyi looked puzzled.

"Hmm... the water just now must have been filled with ingredients." Zhang Pingze pointed to the mouthful of water he had spit out.

Lei Yiyi looked at the water glass, feeling like she couldn't help but smile bitterly: "How could Auntie have something like that?"

"Maybe it was left by my father." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Huh? Uncle?"


"how come?"

"Why not? My dad is frigid."


Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingze with an expression on his face that was about to vomit blood.

Zhang Pingping said to himself: "Although I was not born at that time, I later discovered this secret in various records left by my father."

Lei Yiyi felt that her three views seemed to have been impacted.

Can't help but think of Zhang Pingze's situation.

This thing should not be inherited.

Lei Yiyi sat beside Zhang Pingze, bit her lips slightly and turned her head to look at Zhang Pingze who was browsing the web with a calm face.

"Brother Zhang." Lei Yiyi tilted his head and leaned in front of Zhang Pingchee's face, looking at Zhang Pingchee intently, his face was extremely red.

"Huh?" Zhang Pingche looked at the pretty face in front of his eyes, his eyes were full of calm.

"Brother Zhang, are you that one?" Lei Yiyi's voice trembled slightly, and her exhalation became a little hasty.

"do not know."


Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and moved closer.

Zhang Pingze didn't dodge or evade, and let Lei Yiyi kiss him jerky.

The last time, it was Lei Yiyi's crazy kiss that lost her sanity due to the effect of the excitement factor, but this time it was a jerky, stiff kiss without any relaxation at all.

Zhang Pingping's eyes were calm without any waves, allowing Lei Yiyi to move indiscriminately.

Until Lei Yiyi pushed her down on the bed.

"Yiyi, enough..."

Not finished.

"No, Brother Zhang, I don't want to continue to be anxious." Lei Yiyi raised her head, panting violently.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi calmly and said, "Even if you want to, I must take the initiative, unless you want me to stay in the orthopedics department for half a month."

The expression on Lei Yiyi's face collapsed in an instant, and the courage that had been mustered up blew out.

The embarrassing bed thumped Zhang Pingze.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Lei Yiyi pulled away with a slumped face and left.

"Don't be sorry, I just happen to have something I want to study." Zhang Pingping sat up and said calmly.

"Study what?"

"Will the body fluid contact affect the expression of the phagocytosis gene?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.



 The interview is over, but there is no make-up update for the time being. I will go home in two days, and now I will use my mobile phone to code.

(End of this chapter)

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