Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 404 Chapter 411: Missing?

Chapter 404 Chapter 410 One: Missing?

The matter gradually became clear, and Bi Du also wanted to understand everything. The treasure hall must have been touched on purpose before, in order to attract himself to save the monkey, and then the other party attracted himself to the place where the monkey was held. Came to the main hall and stole the East Emperor Banner.After figuring everything out, Bi Du became angry. He wanted to kill someone, and only killing could resolve Bi Du's anger at the moment.Everything I arranged was waiting for the other party to take the bait, but the other party reversed the army, not only did not get the treasure lamp, but also lost the treasure of Zhenshan in Donghuang Mountain!
The thieves who stole the Eastern Emperor Banner have already fled, and it is difficult for Bi Du to find them. The only hope is the golden dragon above the void. Sky, soaring upwards, chasing after the golden dragon. After transforming back into his real body, Bi Du's speed is as fast as a rainbow, not at all slower than Qin Ling's. Now no matter what, the golden dragon cannot be allowed to escape, or the Eastern Emperor Banner may really be killed. lost.

Above the void, Bi Du was very anxious. Even though he had used extreme speed, it was still difficult to catch up with Jinlong in a short time. Seeing that Jinlong was about to escape from the sphere of influence of Donghuang Mountain, Bi Du was ready to use taboo methods.At this moment, Bi Du saw Bi Yan.

Bi Yan's timely appearance can be said to have solved Bi Du's urgent need. The moment he saw Bi Yan appear, Bi knew that it was difficult for the golden dragon to escape. As long as he caught the golden dragon, the Eastern Emperor Banner would be safe. Send it back obediently!At that time, they must pay the price!

In the dense forest, Niu Mang ran wildly all the way. At this time, he was in the body of a monster, neither invisible nor transformed into a human body. He was still within the sphere of influence of Donghuang Mountain, watching the powerful monsters galloping past in front of him. Niu Mang knew that he had already got rid of Bidu, as long as he escaped from the sphere of influence of Donghuang Mountain, he would be safe.

"Stop!" Suddenly, an angry shout sounded in Niu Mang's ears.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Niu Mang stopped and turned his head slowly. A man appeared in front of Niu Mang, exuding a really powerful aura. The man came to Niu Mang in a few steps, and looked at Niu Mang After a while, the man said, "Who are you? Why are you so unfamiliar? I don't seem to have seen you before? Could it be that you escaped from the dungeon?"

When Niu Mang heard it, he immediately felt bad. He had aroused the other party's suspicion. If he didn't give him a convincing reason, he might be in trouble. His face was full of panic, and Niu Mang hurriedly explained: "Master Commander , the little demon is new here, you misunderstood, the little demon did not escape from the ground..."

"A new one? Don't talk nonsense. If it's a new one, why don't I know? Didn't he escape from the ground? Could it be that he was with that group of thieves?" The man sternly shouted, and the surrounding monsters gradually surrounded him .

Niu Mang was in a hurry, he just wanted to step forward and give the man a hoof, but Niu Mang endured the situation in front of him, pretending to be timid and fearful, and quickly explained: "My lord misunderstood, the little demon really It's a newcomer, the little demon just followed the three kings from Yuanming Mountain, only because the three kings saw that the little demon still has some talent, so they brought the little demon back to Donghuang Mountain, but the three kings haven't had time to arrange the little demon Monster, the three kings went to chase the enemy..."

Seeing Niu Mang's timid and fearful appearance, the man knew at a glance that he was a little demon who had never seen the world, and what Niu Mang said was somewhat believable, not like lying.The man believed it a little bit, and after driving away the monsters around, the man said: "Since you are new here, don't run around, pay attention to all suspicious people, and report to me immediately if there is any abnormality!"

"Yes, yes, the little demon will never run around..." Niu Mang nodded and bowed his head, looking treacherous.

When the man left, Niu Mang did not move rashly, but only took a step after the man's back disappeared. Niu Mang couldn't help secretly thinking that it was dangerous, and he was!It is too conspicuous not to be invisible. There should be fifty miles left before you can walk out of Donghuang Mountain. The magic power in your body should be enough to support it.

What Niu Mang didn't know was that not long after he left, a flying swallow suddenly appeared and chased him in the direction he left.Obviously, Niu Mang's words did not convince the man completely. The flying swallow was also sent by the man to monitor Niu Mang, but at this time, Niu Mang had already disappeared, and it was too late when the man noticed it.

The sudden appearance of Bi Yan made Qin Ling unprepared, even before he could enter the Chaos Book, the tingling pain all over his body came like a tide, hitting Qin Ling's nerves, gradually Qin Ling fell into darkness.

In mid-air, Qin Ling turned back into a human body and fell into the dense forest.

At this time, Bi Du and the monsters from Donghuang Mountain had already chased him up. Bi Yan stood in the void, and did not go down immediately to chase Qin Ling, but was waiting for Bi Du's arrival.

"Second brother, hurry up and capture the demon dragon, the Eastern Emperor's Banner has been stolen..." Bi Du hurriedly said as soon as he came up to him.

"What? The Eastern Emperor's Banner was stolen?" Bi Yan couldn't believe it.

But right now there is not much time to explain so much to Bi Yan. Bi Du dodges and falls towards the place where the golden dragon fell. If there is no accident, the golden dragon should be seriously injured and dying. Can't drop it!

Bi Yan quickly followed up and walked side by side with Bi Du, "Third Brother, what is going on? Why was the Eastern Emperor Banner stolen?"

"Second brother, don't be impatient, I'll explain to second brother after I catch the demon dragon now..."

In the dense forest, a figure lay there quietly, breathless, dripping with blood, covered with wounds, the most serious wound was the wound on the chest, the chest was bloody and scorched, it was almost going to be pierced , as if he could die at any moment.

There were rustlings, as if something was wriggling. It sounded like a group of snakes were crawling on the ground. Looking carefully, it was not snakes, but vines, which were spreading towards the Qinling Mountains. The vines are green and green, each about the thickness of an adult's finger. In less than a while, the vines wrapped the Qinling Mountains like a big cocoon.

About [-] meters away from here, several figures descended extremely quickly, with anxiety in their voices, "Quick, it should be around here, we have to find the real dragon before the Donghuangshan people come..." This is the North Erhai Lake The few people who were there had rushed to the moment the golden dragon fell to the ground.

"Brother, come and take a look!" One person found the place where Qinling fell, but there was nothing in front of him, only a deep pit and a pool of blood.

Another person came and looked at the scene in front of him, "Where is the person? Why is it missing?"

"I don't know, it was like this when it arrived, and it may have been preempted by others..."

The leading man squatted on the ground and observed for a long time, picked up a green leaf from the ground, and then looked up at the void, "Go, get out of here quickly, since we haven't found the golden dragon, we must not let the people of Donghuang Mountain find us, wait for the rest After the person arrives, we will reappear to investigate the whereabouts of the golden dragon..."

Several people nodded, but the golden dragon was not found. If Donghuang Mountain found it, they would definitely think that they rescued the golden dragon.

Just after the people from North Erhai Lake left, Bi Du and Bi Yan also fell from the void and looked for the place where Qinling fell. Soon they found the place where Qinling fell, but they saw the scene in front of them Afterwards, the reaction of the two people was the same as that of those people in Beierhai before, even stronger, "Where is the person? Where did the person go?" It was difficult to calm down at all. If Jinlong was allowed to escape, the consequences would be difficult at all. imagine.

Bi Yan seemed to be calmer, squatted down, looked at the ground for a long time, and there was a drop of blood on his hand, "Don't worry, third brother, he should not have gone far, he is nearby, he was hit, even if If you don't die, you will be seriously injured..."

"Second brother, if the Eastern Emperor Banner is lost, how will I explain to my eldest brother when I arrive in the Immortal Realm in the future, and how will I face my ancestors in Eastern Emperor Mountain!" Bi Du was extremely excited.

Bi Yan's face was calm, "Third brother, there's no need to be like this. The Eastern Emperor's Banner is not so easy to be taken away. Don't worry, Second Brother will definitely find the Eastern Emperor's Flag!" Then, Bi Yan immediately ordered all the demons behind him to scatter Come on, look for the Golden Dragon...

Above the midair, one after another figures roared towards them. These people were all strong men who had heard the news, and the few people who had just left were among them.

All the strong men came together, and they also came to the place where the golden dragon fell, "Brother Bi, where is that golden dragon now?"

Bi Du is now in a fit of anger, seeing everyone coming hand in hand, how can he not know what they are thinking, and roared, "Humph! Get out! The Golden Dragon destroys my East Emperor Mountain, he is the one who must be killed by my East Emperor Mountain. Anyone who dares to intervene in this matter, Even if you are an enemy of my Eastern Emperor Mountain, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Bidu, what did you say? Say it again!" Everyone is a domineering or respectable strong man, now being scolded by Bi Du, how can they not be angry.

Faced with the pressure from the strong men, Bi Yan took a step forward, "Leave, everyone! Bi has no time to argue with you..." A fierce aura suddenly emanated from Bi Yan, which shocked the strong men. Small.

Everyone already knew that, judging from Bi Du's reaction, the real dragon might not have fallen into the hands of Donghuangshan. Everyone had already got the news they wanted, so there was no need to conflict with Donghuangshan again. It was more important to find the golden dragon.

All the strong men left, all gloomy, looking at the backs of the people leaving, filled with shocking killing intent, "Second brother, they bullied people too much! Do you really think that Donghuang Mountain is easy to bully? If it weren't for them, Donghuang How could the flag be stolen!"

"Third brother, don't pay attention to them, tell me what happened to Donghuang Mountain, why the Donghuang flag was stolen, and I saw a red cloud over Donghuang Mountain before, what happened?" I want to know what happened to Donghuang Mountain.As for Donghuangqi, it doesn't seem to be very concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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