Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 405 Chapter 412: Flood Dragon 1 Clan

Chapter 405 Chapter 410: Flood Dragon Clan

Bi Du was full of killing intent, and told Bi Yan concisely what had happened before, "Second brother, I want to kill them, kill them!" It can be said that this day is Bi Du's shameful day, he has never been like this I have been angry, and I have never been teased like this. Not only was Donghuang Mountain destroyed, but even the treasure of Zhenshan was stolen under my nose. In addition, I failed to capture the treasure lamp before and suffered heavy losses. After all, I was almost insane .If the anger in my heart can't be vented, I'm afraid there will be some accidents.

One after another silhouettes shuttled through the dense forest. As time went by, more and more strong men came. The news that there was a golden dragon in the Sunset Mountains spread throughout the Sunset Mountains in less than half a day.

Then someone came out with a shocking news, that is, the Donghuang Mountain was destroyed. The Donghuang Mountain, which was like a fairyland before, no longer exists, and now it has become a ruin. Some people even went to the vicinity of the Donghuang Mountain to check, and the result shocked him. I was stunned, where is Donghuang Mountain in front of me!If the person hadn't been sure that he had gone the right way, it would be hard to believe that this was Donghuang Mountain.

Many people had seen the golden dragon coming from the direction of Donghuang Mountain. They speculated that the destruction of Donghuang Mountain might have something to do with the golden dragon. Otherwise, Bi Yan would not have shot down the golden dragon and shot it down into the void.

Now there are a lot of strong monsters in this dense forest, even more people than when they snatched the lantern. Some people want to have a look at the demeanor of the real dragon, just to join in the fun.There are also people who have other purposes and have killing intentions towards the real dragon. In short, the purposes are different.

Less than a thousand meters away from the place where the golden dragon fell, on a small mountain peak, several figures stood there quietly, one of them sat cross-legged on the ground, it was the people from the North Erhai Lake, but the number seemed to be a little more than before, "Old Ancestor, we have searched almost all of the surrounding areas, but we haven't found any clues. Donghuangshan and the rest of the people seem to have found nothing. Has the real dragon left? Isn't it here?"

This is a white-haired old man, unremarkable, if you meet in the crowd, you will definitely think he is an ordinary old man, but who would have thought that this ordinary old man is actually the only remaining ancestor of the Qingjiao clan , this is an old dragon, "According to what you said, the golden dragon was shot down by Bi Yan into the void, fell seriously injured, and the blood was sprinkled on the place where he fell, he must have been seriously injured. , if you want to avoid so many strong men and escape alone with serious injuries, it is almost impossible...the only remaining possibility is that the golden dragon has been robbed before you!"

"What, it was robbed by someone, why didn't we find out at all, how did the other party do it?" You must know that there were many strong people nearby at that time, and it was not so easy to take away a seriously injured person, and Several people also arrived at the first time, who would be so fast, even rushing in front of him, and took people away silently.

The old man was silent for a while, and seemed to be unwilling. The golden dragon is related to the future of the Qingjiao clan. The old man didn't want to give up just like this, and continued: "Did you guys find anything else besides the blood stain?"

At this time, a person walked out and came to the old man respectfully: "Old Ancestor, I found a leaf at the scene. I don't know if it has any connection with the Golden Dragon. At that time, I just thought this leaf was very strange, so I picked it up!"

Seeing the handed-over leaves, the old man's eyes lit up, his eyes sparkled, and his thin body trembled involuntarily a few times.

The leaves are green and verdant, more than one inch wide and three inches long, in a triangular shape with clearly visible stripes, very smooth, just like fine silk.Against the backdrop of the sun, it shows a gorgeous golden yellow, just like a golden leaf.

"Old Ancestor, is there something wrong with this leaf?" Seeing the old man staring at Ye Zi obsessively, the man asked in a low voice.

The old man suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, there is only this one leaf in the fallen place, and no one else should know..."

The old man nodded with a smile and took off, "That's good, let's go! It's time for us to leave..."

Several people looked at the old man suspiciously. From the old man's expression, they guessed that the old ancestor might know something, but no one said anything, but quickly flew into the air, followed the old man, and disappeared into the sky.

One day passed, and everyone was still looking for it. Instead of weakening, their enthusiasm increased. Although they found nothing,

Everyone in Donghuang Mountain almost dug the surrounding ground three feet, and found nothing, except for the dried blood on the ground, they were all depressed. Now he has basically given up, and now he also knows that if he wants to find the golden dragon, he may not be able to find it. It's possible, the other party may have already fled, "Second Brother, it's all my fault, it was my carelessness that gave the other party an opportunity to steal the Eastern Emperor Banner..."

Bi Yan sighed heavily, "Third brother, don't blame yourself. Since everything has happened, it is irreversible. Put aside the matter of Donghuang Banner. What we need to do now is to rush back to Donghuang Mountain..."

On the second day, someone discovered that the people from Donghuang Mountain had left, leaving only a small group of people behind. The rest, including Bi Du and Bi Yan, all returned to Donghuang Mountain, as if they had given up on searching for the whereabouts of Jinlong.Gradually, everyone seemed to realize that the golden dragon might not be here long ago, otherwise they wouldn't have searched for so long without finding anything, and soon all the strong men left one after another.

Just when all the strong men left one after another, a mang ox in the dense forest sneaked towards the place where the golden dragon fell. After arriving at the place where the golden dragon fell, the mang ox looked around and murmured, "Huh? Where did that kid go? Why haven't I found it after searching for so long? Could it be that he's already hiding? But since I can't find that kid, Lao Niu, I should also go to avoid the limelight. Those bird people will definitely not let it go. !"

When Bi Yan returned to Donghuang Mountain with Bi Du, he finally knew why Bi Du was almost crazy, with such a big killing intent, even though Bi Yan tried hard to calm himself, his body still couldn't help shaking. Is this still Donghuang Mountain?Killing intent!The surging killing intent erupted in an instant, covering the entire Eastern Emperor Mountain.

"Second brother, we must avenge this hatred, otherwise how will you and I face elder brother in the fairy world!" Bi Du suddenly became calm, and the monstrous anger seemed to be completely extinguished at this moment, but in his terrifying eyes But cold and dull.

Three days later, all the powerhouses left one after another after searching to no avail. At this moment, news about the Golden Dragon also spread to the cultivation world, but it did not attract much attention, because the eyes of the major sects in the cultivation world are being watched by others. One thing attracts me, that is, in the recent period, monks have often been killed strangely in the realm of comprehension.

Those who were killed were not as simple as one or two people. They were often all the people in a sect or a village. Not a single person was left alive. What surprised everyone was that all the dead showed a characteristic, turning into mummy, no matter ordinary people , or a powerful monk, it's all the same, it seems that the blood has been sucked dry by something.

Among the dead, there were scholars who had no strength to restrain a chicken, as well as advanced monks, and some people even discovered that there were monks at the stage of integration among the dead. As soon as the news came out, the entire cultivation world was immediately alarmed.

Everything seemed so weird, and what shocked everyone was that a sect of cultivation could turn into mummies overnight without any movement.

After investigation, someone found a trace of clues, and found that in the past year, similar situations have occurred in various parts of the cultivation world. At that time, it only happened once or twice, and the victims were only one or two people, but now it turned out to be a village or even A sect of self-cultivation, this shows that the opponent's strength is increasing rapidly, and more and more people are needed to smoke. If no means are taken to eradicate this demon, I'm afraid more people will be murdered.

In fact, there have been people who have been secretly investigating this matter for a long time, including some disciples of the Great Sect, but after some investigation, nothing was found.At that time, it did not attract the attention of the major sects, but now it is inevitable that the major sects do not pay attention to it. The opponent's methods are cruel, and hundreds of innocent people die every time they make a move, and they are so blatant. .

Now the major sects have taken actions one after another, sending their disciples down the mountain to the place where the accident happened, to find out the truth and find the real murderer. They cannot tolerate the murderer's arrogance any longer, otherwise the murderer's next target may be himself or the place where he is. teacher door.

There is a mysterious canyon in the southwest of the Sunset Mountain Range, which is nearly a thousand miles away from Yuanming Mountain. The canyon is shrouded in thick fog all year round. The mist is filled with miasma and poisonous insects. Even the monsters in the Sunset Mountain Range dare not set foot easily.

Passing through the layers of mist and thorns, one after another thatched huts appeared in front of my eyes. If I looked closely, there were dozens of them. The front of the huts was full of flowers, and thousands of flowers bloomed. They looked like the residences of scholars and refined scholars. Dare to live in a hut in this canyon?Aren't you afraid of the poisonous snakes and beasts in the canyon?

In front of a hut, a black-haired man with a shawl was sitting under a spiritual tree, drinking tea slowly, very comfortable, but looking carefully, there seemed to be a worry in the man's brows, and the man's gaze was also flickering from time to time. Some will look towards the hut.

"Brother, so you're really back? I thought that kid from Tengju lied to me?" A young man appeared behind the man and walked towards him at a high speed.

The man did not get up, but picked up the warm tea in front of him, looked at the young man with a smile, and said slowly: "Little Qingzi, why are you here?"

The young man jumped up and sat opposite the man, "Brother, I'm not young anymore, don't call me Xiao Qingzi anymore, it always sounds awkward, you should call me Tengqing!"

"Well, that's fine too! Tengqing, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"I heard that elder brother rescued a person from outside the valley?" The young man stared at the man curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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