Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 406 Chapter 413: Sun God Vine

Chapter 406 Chapter 410 Three: Sun God Vine
The man was obviously taken aback, "How do you know? Who told you?"

"Not only I know, but now the whole valley knows, and I think the elders will know soon. If the elders know that you brought people into the valley privately, brother, you will be in trouble..."

The man frowned. The Sun God Teng Clan has an iron-like family rule, that is, it is forbidden to bring all outsiders into the valley. This time, the man obviously violated the family rules and secretly brought strangers into the valley.

It turns out that this canyon is called Misty Valley. There is a mysterious race in the canyon, the Teng Clan of the Sun Gods. There are less than a hundred tribesmen in the canyon, but no one dares to underestimate this race with less than a hundred people. The four major forces in the country did not dare to offend them easily, because although the number of people in this group is small, all of them are strong.

In addition, this race does not participate in any battles. Their goal is to pursue the way of heaven and ascend to heaven. They never participate in anything in the cultivation world. For thousands of years, this race has been living in Misty Valley, so there are few people who conflict with it. Few people know the existence of this race, and even if they know, they won't offend them easily.

Regarding the origin of this clan, there is a legend that has been circulating in this clan. It is said that the Teng clan of the sun gods came from the sun star. A sun god vine.Later, when the Lich War broke out, the Sun God Vine, who was a member of the demon clan, was naturally unable to stay out of the matter, and coupled with his relationship with the two Golden Crows, it was naturally impossible to be detached from the outside world, and participated in the Lich War. During the battle, the Sun God Vine Fallen, but left a seed.

The young man whispered: "Brother, why don't we throw that man out of the valley before the elders find out, so that even if the elders find out, they won't blame Big Brother!"

The man's face darkened instantly, "What are you talking about, brother Qin is a friend of the elder brother, and his life is at stake at this time, are you letting the elder brother die without saving him?" The man flatly refused.This man is none other than Teng Yi who had met Qin Ling several times in the Immortal Mansion.

It turned out that a few days ago, Teng Yi happened to be traveling in the Sunset Mountain Range, and heard about the birth of Baodeng, but when he arrived, the competition had already ended, but Teng Yi didn't feel any pity, and continued to practice in the Sunset Mountain Range What he didn't expect was that a few days later, a dragon's chant suddenly came from the sunset mountain range, and Fujiichi happened to be near Donghuang mountain at that time.

However, just as Tengyi was about to fly into the sky, wanting to see what happened, a golden figure suddenly fell from the sky, Teng raised his eyes and was stunned!It was a five-clawed golden dragon, different from Jiaolong, it was a real dragon, once Jiaolongteng had seen it, it was definitely not like this.

The huge dragon body fell from the void, like a hill, and hit Fujiichi. In a hurry, Fujiichi retreated violently, but when the golden dragon really fell to the ground, Fujiichi was surprised to find that there was no golden dragon in front of him. It was just a person, and a person Teng Yi knew.

At that time, Teng Yi didn't think much about it. After glancing at Bi Yan and others above the void, Teng Yi immediately wrapped Qinling in vines, and then used the secret method of the Sun God Vine Clan to transfer Qin Ling. Following Qinling came to Misty Valley.

Seeing Tengyi's expression changed drastically, the young man immediately explained: "Brother, even if you don't throw him out of the valley now, the elders will come later...and the elder brother will be punished for this!"

While the two were talking, several people came not far away, "Tengyi, the elders want to see you! Come with us!"

When Teng turned around, he saw the person from the Elder Hall, and he didn't expect the other party to come so quickly, "Teng Qing, I have a task for you, to help elder brother take care of the person in the room, remember that person is not allowed to be touched by anyone, you know?" ? Be sure to wait for me to come back!"

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely take care of him..." The young man smiled and glanced at the hut.

Teng Yi left and was taken away by people from the Elder Hall. After Teng Yi left, Teng Qing walked into the hut, and saw a wounded man lying on the bed. The man's face was pale, without a trace of blood. What surprised me was that the wound on his chest seemed to be burned, almost piercing through.

Teng Qing stared at the man for a while, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said to himself: "Your life is really serious, you are still alive after being injured like this!" With such a serious injury, ordinary people would have died long ago, but The man in front of him is still alive, although he only has one breath left.

Teng Qing walked to the bed and sighed, "Although you are not dead yet, I don't think you will live long. If this is the case, then don't trouble your elder brother, who has already violated the family rules because of you. If you're his friend, you don't want him to be punished for this!" While speaking, Teng Qing lifted Qin Ling from the bed, "Hey! Don't blame me, you're going to die anyway..."

Teng Qing carried Qin Ling out of the hut, and after making sure that there was no one around, he walked out of the valley step by step. It seemed that Teng Qing really wanted to throw Qin Ling out of the valley. Tengqing will not regret it even if he is blamed by Tengyi later, who made Tengyi his respected elder brother!

"Teng Qing, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a voice of anger sounded in front of Teng Qing.

Teng Qing looked up and saw who it was, "Brother! Why do you..."

Teng Yi leaped and appeared in front of Teng Qing, looking at Qin Ling on Teng Qing's back, Teng Yi was furious, "Who Teng Qing told you to do this, do you know that doing so will kill Brother Qin?" ..."

Facing Teng Yi's angry questioning, Teng Qing didn't know how to answer for a while, especially Teng Qing's frightening eyes, the ooze monster Teng Qing didn't even dare to lift his head, "Brother, I..."

"Tengyi, Tengqing did the right thing. My Misty Valley doesn't accept outsiders. Have you forgotten what I told you just now?" An old man appeared, leaning on a black wooden crutch, exuding an air of embarrassment all over his body. People feel very dazzling golden light.

"Elder..." Teng Yi and Teng Qing said respectfully at the same time.

The old man walked up to the two of them slowly, and glanced behind Tengqing, "Is he the human monk you rescued?"

"Yes, elder. His name is Qin Ling. He is my best friend. When he was in the Immortal Mansion, he saved my life! So I must save him!" Teng said.

The old man was neither happy nor sad, his expression didn't change at all, "He is hopeless, he will die within a day, you can't save his life even if you save him..."

Teng Yi trembled all over, as if he couldn't believe it, "How could this happen, isn't Brother Qin still breathing? How could there be no help? Elder begs you to save Brother Qin!"

The old man snorted coldly, "Do you really think that I can't see who caused his injury? If I read correctly, his fatal injury should have been injured by someone from Donghuang Mountain, am I right?"

Tengyi nodded slowly, "Yes, he was injured by Bi Yan!"

"Huh! Let alone whether his injury can be cured, you dare to save someone from Bi Yan, have you thought about the consequences? Although my Sun God Vine family is not afraid of Donghuang Mountain, you want to drag our family into disputes Is it?" The old man shouted sharply.

"Elder, as long as he can save brother Qin, Tengyi is willing to accept any punishment!"

The old man's complexion changed slightly, "You still don't know how to wake up!"

Teng Qing hurriedly grabbed Teng Yi, and said to the old man: "Elder calm down, big brother didn't mean that, we will throw this man out of the valley, and we will definitely not let anyone know..."

"Elder, is brother Qin really hopeless?" Teng Yi stood there quietly and asked.

The old man's expression eased, "It's hopeless, he was injured by Bi Yan, the vitality in his body has long been swallowed by the poisonous fire released by Bi Yan, the reason why he is not dead now is entirely supported by a will, wait After this will dissipated, it was when he died..."

Teng Yi remained silent for a long time, just as Teng Qing was about to leave to send Qin Ling out of the valley, Teng suddenly showed a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "Elder, I don't know the sun god Teng Ye..."

However, before Tengyi finished speaking, the old man was furious and cursed, "You bastard, the sun god vine liquid is the treasure of our clan, how can you give it to outsiders! It seems that you still haven't woken up, someone came to lock Tengyi in Frost Cliff, let him repent!"

"Elder calm down, brother is just in a hurry, please forgive me this time!" Teng Qing pleaded.

The old man glared at Teng Qing, "If you say more, even you will be imprisoned in the ice cliff together!"

The two figures walked towards Tengyi step by step, Tengyi suddenly released an invincible aura, the old man yelled, and the black wooden crutches banged loudly on the ground, "Why do you still want to do it?"

An overwhelming aura enveloped Teng Zhou, Teng Yi lowered his head, "Teng Yi dare not!"

"Since you dare not, let's go!" The old man said with a sigh.

Teng Yi knew that he would not be able to save Qin Ling with an old man in front of him. At the moment Teng Yi was taken away, Teng Yi winked at Teng Qing, and Teng Yi pinned all his hopes on Teng Qing.

After Teng Yi was taken away, the old man left after leaving a word to Teng Qing, "Teng Qing, you should know what to do, right?"

Teng Qing nodded quickly, "I know, don't worry, elder!"

After the old man left, only Teng Qing was left alone. Teng Qing put Qin Ling down from his shoulders and complained to Qin Ling: "It's all your fault that I caused my elder brother to go to the ice cliff! Hmph! I will feed you to the wild beasts later!" !"

Rubbing his sore shoulders, Teng Qing looked at Qin Ling curiously, and muttered to himself, "I don't know how you grow up, you look thin and weak, why are you so heavy? I can't breathe Come on, no, I have to find someone to help, if I carry you out of the valley alone, I won't be exhausted!" After saying that, she left Qinling, and Teng Qing went to find someone for help.

(End of this chapter)

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