Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 412 Chapter 419: Hualong Pond

Chapter 412 Chapter 410: Hualong Pond

The real fire of the sun appeared on the dantian of the Qinling Mountains. The main reason is because of the vine liquid of the sun god. After the breath, the real fire of the sun moved quickly, and after devouring the vine liquid of the sun god that entered the dantian, it followed the breath and manifested on the dantian of Qinling.

Ao Li stared blankly, "Old Ancestor, what should we do now? Master Zhenlong hasn't been sent to Hualong Pond yet, what about Master Zhenlong's injury?"

It wasn't until he heard Ao Li's words that Ao Zhan woke up from the surprise. Although Qin Ling was protected by Qinglian, Ao Zhan couldn't guarantee that Qinglian would be able to cure Qinling. The only surefire way was to send Qinling into Hualong. Qin Ling's body was nourished and activated with the dragon's blood and rich aura contained in the Hualong pool.

Ao Zhan walked forward slowly, but as soon as he took a step, a wave of scorching fire rushed towards his face, Ao Zhan retreated hastily, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Old Ancestor!" Ao Fang and Ao Li exclaimed, and hurriedly helped Ao Zhan who was about to fall to the ground.

Ao Zhan spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt a lot of relief in his heart. He waved his hands at the two of them, signaling not to worry, "I'm fine, it's just the fire attacking my heart. I didn't expect this flame to be so powerful that even I couldn't bear it! This trouble Now, if Master Zhenlong doesn’t send it to Hualongchi in time, I’m afraid it will be dangerous..."

"Old Ancestor, what should we do? If there is no spiritual nourishment, Master Zhenlong will be burned to death if this continues!" Ao Fang was anxious, wishing to rush up immediately and send Qinling into Hualongchi, but he also It is very clear that even the ancestors can't resist this nameless flame, I'm afraid I can't even do it, even if I try my best.

"Is God really going to cut off the future of my Flood Dragon Clan? Why?" Ao Fang looked up to the sky and sighed, his face full of sorrow.

"Let me try..." Suddenly Tengyi's voice rang in the ears of several people.

Ao Fang looked at Tengyi and shook his head again and again, "You! No, no! Even the ancestors can't resist this nameless flame, what can you do, I will never let you die innocently!"

"That's right Brother Teng, even though you and Lord Zhenlong are best friends, you can't die for nothing. If Lord Zhenlong finds out, you will definitely blame us. If you want to go, you should let your subordinates go..." Ao Li also walked in front of Tengyi and said.

Teng Yi looked at the crowd and knew that they misunderstood him, "Brother Ao, don't worry, I'm not impulsive, but I'm sure, I feel that this flame looks familiar, and this flame won't hurt me..." As he spoke At the same time, Fujiichi took a step forward, right into the scorching fire wave.

Several people were shocked, and when they were about to pull Tengyi out, they suddenly found that Tengyi was just like a normal person, and hadn't suffered any harm...

To the astonishment of several people, Tengyi walked towards Qinling step by step, a three-foot golden light shot up all over his body, he was not in a hurry, as if he was not affected by the flames at all.

Ao Li stared blankly at Teng Yi's back, "Old Ancestor, Brother Teng?"

Ao Zhan seems to have understood something, "Don't worry, he should be fine, the breath of Lie Lie Yan (raging flames) is very similar to the breath of the sun god vine liquid, if my prediction is correct, there may be some connection between the two? "

At this moment, Tengyi has come to Qin Ling's side, the real sun fire is close in front of him, and Tengyi's heart beats more and more intensely, at this moment Tengyi suddenly has the urge to jump into the real sun fire, even he I don't know why, but I always feel that the flame on Qin Ling's body is very warm, as if I have found home.

The flames danced more violently at the moment when Tengyi approached Qinling. Tengyi suppressed the impulse in his heart, and slowly carried Qinling away from the green lotus. At that moment, Qinglian and the flame disappeared at the same time.

"Old Ancestor, the flame disappeared..." The scorching breath disappeared, and several people who were more than ten meters away immediately noticed it, and before they had time to rejoice, they hurried towards Tengyi.

Beside Hualong Pond, Teng Yi put Qin Ling down slowly. At this moment, Ao Zhan and the others also came over, "Brother Teng, how is Master Zhenlong? Where are the nameless flame and Qinglian just now?" Ao Li asked. .

"I don't know very well..."

"Not to mention so much, the most important thing right now is to send Master Zhenlong to Hualongchi as soon as possible, there can be no further delay..." Ao Zhan said.

"That's right, the vitality in Master Zhenlong's body seems to be skyrocketing right now, and it's the best time to enter Hualongchi to heal his injuries..." another ancestor said, feeling that the vitality in Qin Ling's body suddenly became stronger several times.

"Stand back! We're going to send Lord Zhenlong into the Hualong Lake..." Ao Zhan said to Ao Fang and the other three. This time, Ao Zhan and the other three ancestors took action and sent Qin Ling into the center of Hualong Lake. There is the best place to heal.


A resounding dragon chant resounded across the North Erhai Lake, blue light flashed, and three huge bodies appeared in three directions of Hualong Pond, then the three blue lights rose slowly and gathered together, Qinling was wrapped in blue light, slowly rising Get up and move slowly towards Hualongchi.

In the center of Hualong Pond, Qinling has been transferred here and is slowly falling. The three of Ao Zhan seem to be very careful. Even if there is Hualong Pond below, they dare not throw Qinling into it at will, fearing that something will happen.

With the care of the three, Qin Ling was quickly put into the Hualong Pond. The moment he entered the Hualong Pond, a green lotus swayed and appeared under Qin Ling.

At this moment, Ao Zhan and the others had stopped, the sudden change caught them off guard, Qin Ling's physical body could hardly enter Longchi, so how can his injury be healed?
Ao Fang is in a hurry again, the matter has come to this point and it is about to succeed, can a green lotus stop it?
Ao Zhan saw the worry of Ao Fang and everyone, and said: "Don't worry, this Qinglian may not be that simple..."

While Ao Zhan was talking, Qinglian was undergoing changes. I saw Qinglian taking root in the Hualong Pond, and strands of spiritual liquid in the pool quickly gathered towards Qinglian. As more spiritual liquid was absorbed, Qinglian became more and more sacred, turning slowly, exuding a hazy blue light, which scattered and landed on Qin Ling's body.If Ao Zhan and the others were here, they would definitely be shocked, because those deep wounds on Qin Ling's body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blue light was hazy, like a layer of blue tulle, covering Qin Ling's body. It was difficult for several people to see Qin Ling's figure clearly, let alone know whether Qin Ling's current injuries had recovered.

"This Qinglian is very miraculous. It is not a mortal thing. If there is no accident, Master Zhenlong should be fine soon..." The last trace of worry in Ao Zhan's heart finally dissipated. At this time, he believed that Master Zhenlong would be gone soon will wake up.

The other two Jiaolong patriarchs also nodded at the same time, obviously they also discovered something, so far Ao Fang, the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan, finally felt relieved, Ao Li and Teng Yi were also secretly happy.

Ao Fang walked to the side of the three of Ao Zhan and said, "Old Ancestor, when will Master Zhenlong wake up?"

Ao Zhan thought for a while, and then said: "The least is more than a month, and the most is several months, it is difficult to predict..."

In the end, Ao Zhan and the others left, leaving Ao Fang and Ao Li to guard the Hualong Pool, and Teng Yi also stayed. At this moment, Teng Yi's heart was completely occupied by the real fire of the sun, and he was eager to know what happened to the flame. What was the fire, so he wanted to get the answer as soon as Qin Ling woke up.

On the Hualong Pond, a green lotus bloomed with a hazy blue light, turning slowly. If you look carefully, you can find that every time the green lotus turns, there is a blue light like starlight falling down.

Beside the Hualong Pond, three figures passed cross-legged, Ao Li stared at Teng Yi closely, seeing Teng Yi's hair straightened, Teng Yi asked: "Brother Ao, what's the matter?"

"Oh, yes! There is one thing I want to ask Brother Teng. Brother Teng and Lord Zhenlong are best friends. Brother Teng must be very familiar with Lord Zhenlong. I want to know..." While saying this, Ao Li secretly He aimed his gaze at Ao Fang, and saw that Ao Fang's face didn't change before he continued: "I want to know something about Master Zhenlong, why does Donghuang Mountain attack Master Zhenlong so cruelly? Master Long wakes up, we will definitely avenge this revenge for Master Long!"

Teng Yi smiled wryly, "To be honest, I have only met Brother Qin a few times, and I am not very familiar with Brother Qin, but you must have heard of Brother Qin's name!"

"Have you heard of it? Could it be that Master Zhenlong is very famous in the cultivation world, why have we never heard of it before?"

Tengyi smiled slightly, but did not answer, but continued: "I wonder if you have heard of the name Qinling?"

Ao Fang gasped in surprise, "Qin Ling? Could it be him?"

"That's right, Qin Ling is him!" Seeing Ao Fang's expression, Teng Yi knew that the other party already knew Qin Ling's identity.

Ao Li was in a hurry, because Ao Li had been struggling in cultivation, so he didn't know much about some things that happened in the cultivation world. Seeing that Ao Fang also knew the identity of Master Zhenlong, Ao Li hurriedly asked: "Patriarch, where is Qin Ling?" Who is it? Could it be Lord True Dragon?"

While the three of them were talking, earth-shaking changes were taking place in Qin Ling's body. Due to the sudden intrusion of the Sun God Vine, not only the aura of the Sun God Fire suddenly became stronger, even the Qinglian in the dantian also absorbed a lot of gods. liquid, resumed operation.

At the first moment when Qinglian resumed operation, Qinglian began to repair the dantian that was about to collapse. At this moment, the real fire of the sun became stronger and stronger, suppressing the real water of Taiyin, and the poisonous fire left by Bi Yan in Qin Ling's body At this moment, he also became insolent and rioted in his dantian.

In the end, Qinglian didn't care about repairing her dantian, and went directly to suppress the poisonous fire.In the end, without the restraint of Qinglian, the real sun fire also took advantage of the situation, and quickly rushed towards the real water of Taiyin, as if it wanted to destroy the real water of Taiyin.And at this moment, Teng Yi was picking up Qin Ling and walking towards Hualongchi.

(End of this chapter)

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