Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 413 Chapter 420: Qinglian has changed

Chapter 413 Chapter 420: Qinglian has changed
In Qin Ling's body, a great battle is taking place, Qinglian is chasing the poisonous fire, and the real fire of the sun and the real water of the Taiyin are also fighting happily, and no one can do anything for a while, although the real fire of the sun is strong, it is impossible for a while It will be able to defeat Taiyin Zhenshui in half a while.

Although Qinglian resumed its rotation, if it continues like this, Qinglian will soon stop rotating again due to exhaustion of energy. At that time, without Qinglian's restraint, the lunar sun will erupt. If there is no need for poisonous fire, Qinling will not be able to use it for a while. It will really die, even if the golden fairy comes, it is useless.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the real fire of the sun escaped into Qin Ling's body because of the fight with the real water of the Taiyin, so that Ao Zhan and the others had the opportunity to approach and send Qin Ling into Hualongchi.

After entering the Hualong Pond, Qinglian quickly regained her vitality like a fish getting water, pieces of hazy blue light shone down, and the poisonous fire that had entered Qinling's body was wiped out by Qinglian in less than half a moment. Under the nourishment of endless spiritual energy, Qinglian absorbed it crazily, and the endless blue light fell, repairing Qinling's dantian and physical body.

The green lotus is strong, in the dantian, endless blue light falls, the rioting real fire of the sun and the surging real water of the sun gradually calm down, and the green lotus seems to suppress the world, everything in the dantian calms down at this moment .

After the crisis in the dantian was resolved, the blue light turned into streams and poured into Qin Ling's body, repairing the meridians burned by the poisonous fire and eliminating some of the poisonous fire left in the body.

By the pool, Ao Li was listening attentively, and Teng Yi was telling about the past of Qinling. There were many things that Teng Yi didn’t know very well. Very carefully, Ao Li listened very excitedly. He didn't expect Qin Ling to be so powerful. Of course, at present, Ao Li knew that Master Zhenlong was not his opponent, but this did not mean that Ao Li underestimated Qin Ling. Underestimated, but with a strong sense of admiration.

Ao Fang also nodded from time to time. In fact, Ao Fang had heard of the name of Qinling and knew the grievances between Qinling and Shushan. At this time, Ao Fang suddenly thought that half a year ago, it was rumored that there was a real dragon in the cultivation world. It was near Shushan Mountain at that time, and now I think it must be Master Zhenlong.

At that time, Ao Fang also sent people to investigate this matter, but because it was far away from Shushan, when the sent people arrived at Shushan, the real dragon had already left, and there was no way to investigate.

Shushan was buzzing with people. On the main peak, Tiangan Peak, a disciple of Shushan was ready to go, as if something big was about to happen. Among the crowd, a figure stood tall and straight like a pine, surrounded by several Shushan disciples. Quite a flattery.

Only one of them said with a smile: "Senior Brother Hua, Brother Hua will definitely win the first place in this action of beheading the ghosts, so how can Le Chang compare with Brother Hua?"

The others also nodded, "Yes, Senior Brother Hua will definitely be able to kill Li Gui this time, and let that kid Le Chang know who is the real Senior Senior..."

Listening to the compliments and flattery around him, Huafeng remained calm, but it was difficult to hide the arrogance between his brows. Now that Huafeng's cultivation base has reached the early stage of leaving his body, among his generation of disciples, there is no The candidate for the second senior brother, but recently, Le Chang has risen with strength, and his current cultivation base is not weaker than Huafeng, and has already threatened Huafeng. This time, the action of killing the ghost is also a contest. In the contest between them, Huafeng is confident to win Le Chang and seize the position of big brother.

Not far from Huafeng, there is a young man in high spirits, with black hair blown by the breeze. The young man has an indescribable self-confidence. He is Le Chang.However, the figure in front of him was somewhat familiar, if Qin Ling were here, he would definitely exclaim, "Le Tao!"

Le Chang is Le Tao, and Le Tao is Le Chang's Zeng Jin's name. At that time, Le Tao had not joined the Shushan School. After joining the Shushan School, Le Tao thought his name was not elegant enough, so he changed his name to Le Chang.When talking with Qin Ling, Le Chang used the name Le Tao.As for the reason, I'm afraid that only Le Chang knows, because of the swordsmanship experience bestowed by Qin Ling, Le Chang's cultivation has skyrocketed, and now he is still in the early stage of leaving his body.

This time there were ghosts in the cultivation world, and it became more and more serious. Many Shushan disciples had been devoured by ghosts. The Shushan faction finally took action. This time, hundreds of disciples were sent down the mountain to track down the ghosts.At the same time, other sects in the cultivation world also sent their disciples down the mountain one after another, vowing to kill the ghosts.

A month later, with the joint efforts of the various factions, some clues were finally discovered, and soon someone found Li Gui's whereabouts, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. The sect that discovered Li Gui not only failed to catch Li Gui, but Let all ghosts be wiped out.

After this incident, the major sects did not dare to underestimate the ghost anymore, and began to become more cautious, and followed the clues to investigate. Half a month later, someone encountered the ghost again. This time, the sect who encountered the ghost was the Huayan sect. In the previous incident, Huayan Sect did not dare to underestimate the ghost in front of them. All the disciples of Huayan Sect carefully moved towards the ghost, but the strength of the ghost was beyond their imagination. Ordinary disciples were no match for the ghost at all. The monk can't last long in the hands of Li Gui.Seeing that all the disciples of Huayan Sect were about to die at the hands of Li Gui, the last elder of Huayan Sect arrived in time and started fighting with Li Gui. Although Li Gui escaped in the end, that elder seemed to be injured as well.

Hua Yanzong's encounter with a fierce ghost spread quickly. After hearing the news, the major sects became more determined to kill the ghost. Let Li Gui go on like this, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe in the world of comprehension soon.

However, before the major factions took action, Li Gui appeared again, and another small cultivation sect was wiped out, but this time it seemed that there was not only one Li Gui, but thousands of Li Gui.

When the major factions got the news and arrived, there were still many ghosts devouring the monks. Although all the ghosts were quickly killed, the major factions were disappointed that there was no powerful ghost among them. They are just some useless ghosts, which can be solved by handing them over to the disciples.Some people speculate that Li Gui may be seriously injured, and these little ghosts are just Li Gui's suspicious tactics, trying to divert the attention of the major factions.

The world of self-cultivation was once again in a state of turmoil, but none of this had anything to do with Qin Ling.The North Erhai Lake is peaceful, and it has been three months now. On the Hualong Pond, the green lotus is swaying, and the blue light is hazy. Qinling is still lying on the green lotus, without any movement.

By the Hualong Pool, Ao Fang, Ao Li, and Teng Yi were still here and did not leave. During this period, Ao Zhan and the other three ancestors came once, and after seeing that everything was normal, they left. The three of them knew that Master Zhenlong Awakening is only a matter of time, the longer the time now, the more beneficial it will be for Master Zhenlong. Hualongchi can not only heal Master Zhenlong, but maybe it can also make Master Zhenlong a step further in cultivation.

"Hey! I don't know when Master Zhenlong will wake up? It's been four months. If there is any movement, Master Zhenlong will not have any accidents, right?" Ao Li couldn't hold his breath anymore, and waited for three months. There was no movement at all, and he couldn't see it even if he wanted to. He could only vaguely see a green lotus, and Qin Ling's figure had long since disappeared in the hazy blue light.

Ao Fang opened his eyes, stood up slowly from the ground, glanced at Qinglian, and said, "Don't worry, since the ancestor said that Master Zhenlong is fine, then it's fine, now we just need to wait for Master Zhenlong to wake up." Here comes..."

"That being said, I'm always a little worried, Patriarch..." Ao Li said, looking at the blue light in Chi Xin.

Just as Ao Li was staring at Qinglian, suddenly a blue light shot up into the sky, like a green galaxy falling from the sky, Ao Li's eyes straightened, and he even exclaimed, "Patriarch, hurry up!" Look, that's Master Zhenlong..." Ao Li was so shocked by everything before him that he couldn't speak.

Needless to say, Ao Li, such a dazzling light has already alarmed Ao Fang and Teng Yi, and the two of them were also stunned. The blue light was like a shocking flying rainbow, hanging down from the void, but if you look carefully, you will find that the bright The blue light didn't hang down from the void, but came from the green lotus in Hualong Pond.

"Patriarch, it's that green lotus, it's changing..." While the three of them were still immersed in surprise, the green lotus's radiance didn't diminish, and it became even brighter, as if something was about to conceive.

In the shock of the three of them, a lotus petal suddenly appeared on the green lotus. The lotus petal grew extremely fast, and it only took a dozen breaths to grow to the same size as other lotus petals. "Patriarch, there is an extra petal." Lotus, how can this green lotus still grow, is it true? Master Zhenlong, he will have nothing to do, right?" Ao Li asked two questions one after another, everything happened so suddenly, the three of them were not prepared at all.

The scene in front of me is really shocking, Qinglian is so miraculous, isn't Master Zhenlong... Ao Fang seems to be more excited, Qinglian's sudden change, for Master Zhenlong, it is beneficial and harmless.After calming down his excited mood, Ao Fang immediately said to Ao Zhan: "You go and inform the ancestors, there is a change in the situation..."

Seeing that Ao Fang was so nervous, Ao Li's heart sank, thinking something bad happened, "Patriarch, is Master Zhenlong in danger?" Ao Li didn't leave immediately, but asked hastily.

"It's all right, Lord Zhenlong is all right, you go and inform the ancestors..." Ao Fang didn't have time to explain so much, he just wanted to let the three ancestors know as soon as possible.

Ao Li left in a hurry, not knowing whether it was good or bad, he didn't hear what Ao Fang said just now, he only knew that Ao Fang told him to inform the three ancestors as soon as possible.

A quarter of an hour later, the three of Ao Zhan appeared, at this time Qinglian's light was much weaker, "What happened?" Ao Zhan asked.

"Old Ancestor, Qinglian has changed..." A smile appeared on Ao Fang's face.

(End of this chapter)

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