Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 414 Chapter 421: Wake up from recovery

Chapter 414 Chapter 420 One: Wake up from recovery
The blue light was still hazy, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside. Ao Zhan and the three of them looked at it for a long time but found nothing. Ao Zhan turned around and was about to ask, when Ao Fang said, "Look, three patriarchs. A lotus flower seems to be stronger than before, is Master Zhenlong about to wake up?"

After what Ao Fang said, the three of Ao Zhan discovered that the Qinglian had indeed changed. The lotus with [-] petals before was now a lotus with [-] petals, and there was one more petal. Holy, it brightens the entire Hualongchi, giving people a sense of vitality.

Seeing this scene, Ao Zhan nodded again and again, and laughed loudly: "Good! Good! If there is no accident, Lord Zhenlong will wake up soon..."

Hearing Ao Zhan's affirmative words, several people showed long-lost smiles, Ao Li almost jumped up excitedly, and his mood was hard to express.Teng Yi also couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, his eyes were like fire, he stared at Qinglian closely, as if Qin Ling was about to walk out of Qinglian.

The three of Ao Zhan did not leave, and they also wanted to see Qin Ling wake up as soon as possible. According to the prediction of the three, Qin Ling should wake up in the next few days.In this way, three more figures appeared beside Hualong Pool.

Three days later, some changes took place in the green lotus again. The green lotus swayed, and the blue light was restrained. The green lotus gradually appeared in front of several people's eyes. Even Qin Ling, who was on the green lotus, could be vaguely seen now.

A thought popped up in several people's minds at the same time, Lord Zhenlong is really about to wake up!

Three more days passed like this, during these three days, Qinglian completely appeared in front of the eyes of several people, full of vitality, exuding a strong vitality.Without the hazy blue light, several people could clearly see Qinling.

Ao Fang's excited body was trembling, thinking about the despair before, but now it is another result, Ao Fang felt as if he was dreaming, "Old Ancestor, my dragon clan finally has hope..."

Above Qinglian, Qin Ling woke up leisurely, feeling as if he had had a very long dream, but Qin Ling couldn't say a word about the dream, slowly opened his eyes, Qin Ling saw the slowly moving figure above his head. Lake, what is this place?Qin Ling only remembered that he was attacked by someone in the Sunset Mountains, and then fell into the void. He didn't know anything after that, and that he had suffered such a serious injury, and now he was completely healed!

Above the head is the slowly flowing lake water. Is this the bottom of the lake?With many doubts, Qin Ling sat up, only feeling that his whole body was full of strength, the scars on his body had long since disappeared, and his cultivation had skyrocketed, directly breaking through from the late stage of the witch soldier to the early stage of the witch general, and his realm was not weaker than that of ordinary distractions Early-stage monks are powerful enough to sweep away monks of the same level, even if they encounter monks in the middle stage of distraction, they can fight.

Qin Ling got up, looked around, and found that he was in a pool of water, but to be precise, it was not a pool of water, but a pool of spiritual liquid. Feeling the strong spiritual energy coming from below, Qin Ling knew that it must be because of this spiritual pool. Only the wounds in the heart can be healed, and only then can you be saved.

Turning his eyes again, Qin Ling saw Ao Zhan and other six people. Among the six people, Qin Ling saw a familiar figure, Teng Yi.Why is he here?Could it be that he saved himself, then who are the other five people?A series of questions came to mind.

Qin Ling got up, stepped on the lotus, and walked towards the few people slowly. At this moment, Qin Ling understood everything, and he was saved by the few people in front of him.

Ao Zhan and the other six people were very excited, especially Ao Zhan, who almost burst into tears, and the excitement and joy in his heart were beyond words.

Qin Ling went ashore, walked up to several people, and said solemnly: "Qin Ling, thank you seniors for saving their lives!"

"Haha... Master Zhenlong, please don't say that, it really makes me ashamed! If it weren't for the magic liquid of the Sun God Vine family, I'm afraid we would be helpless..." Ao Zhan said.

As soon as Teng stepped forward, "Brother Qin! I knew that Brother Qin's auspicious people have their own celestial features, so nothing will happen!"

Qin Ling stepped forward with a smile, "It's thanks to brother Teng and several seniors who came to the rescue, Qin Ling was lucky enough to survive, this kindness, Qin will certainly remember it in his heart!"

"Brother Qin, you're welcome! I didn't do anything, all of this is due to the seniors!" Teng Yi looked at Ao Zhan and said humanely.

Qin Ling still doesn't know what kind of power Ao Zhan and the others are and why they came to save him. Maybe he saw the doubt in Qin Ling's eyes. We are from the Flood Dragon Clan..."

Teng Yi pulled Qin Ling aside and explained the cause and effect. At this point, Qin Ling knew everything and what happened after he was seriously injured and unconscious.

In the Crystal Palace, several people chatted happily. Pots of fine wines and fine wines were brought up, and there were countless delicacies from mountains and seas. The Crystal Palace was filled with a strong aroma.One is to celebrate Qin Ling's recovery from injury, and the other is to cleanse the dust for Qin Ling's first visit to the North Erhai Lake.Toasting and drinking, Qin Ling toasted frequently, expressing his gratitude.

After drinking this wine for nearly three hours, everyone dispersed one after another. Qin Ling was taken to a room to rest, and Ao Zhan and others laughed and left.

With a bit of drunkenness, Qin Ling fell on the bed and began to think about everything. From Teng Yi, Qin Ling learned something about why the Jiaolong clan wanted to save themselves at all costs, although to a large extent, the Jiaolong clan did everything for themselves But this did not prevent Qin Ling from thanking them.

Knowing the purpose of the Jiaolong Clan, Qin Ling started to run into trouble. Although Ao Zhan and the others didn't say anything just now, Qin Ling knew this kindness and had to repay it. However, he learned from Teng Yi that the inheritance of the Jiaolong Clan seemed to be broken. The ultimate purpose of the other party to save himself is to inherit, because the other party regards himself as a real dragon.

If the other party saved him and sent him to Hualong Pond to heal his wounds, it is understandable to give him a kung fu, but the difficulty lies in that Qinling has no kung fu about the cultivation of the real dragon clan.Why don't you tell the Jiaolong clan now that you have misunderstood, that you are not a real dragon at all, and you don't have any dragon clan skills.If this was said, even Qin Ling himself would not believe it, because the other party actually saw himself transformed into a dragon, and it was inconvenient for Qin Ling to explain the reason to others.

Sitting up from the bed, Qin Ling frowned and thought, he has been in a coma for nearly half a year, everything outside is still unclear, it is time to rush back to Ziyang City, Shan Ji Shu Feisheng is coming, and he must leave Beierhai as soon as possible.

But before leaving, Qin Ling had to repay the kindness of the Jiaolong clan. Qin Ling thought about it for a while. Since there is no kung fu about the dragon clan, finding a powerful kung fu method is also a way to repay them.

Just do what he said, Qin Ling sat cross-legged on the bed, sank into his mind, all the exercises in his mind appeared in front of his eyes, looked at them one by one, suddenly one exercise caught Qin Ling's attention, because this exercise did not exist before Qin Ling Having never seen it before, Qin Ling can be sure that he never had this exercise in his mind before.

Qin Ling didn't understand, what's going on?Why there was an extra exercise for no reason, looking at the exercise, Qin Ling was stunned again!The four big characters come into view, 'True Dragon Nine Changes'

Is this the Dragon Clan technique?how is this possible?Why do you have the dragon skills?Qin Ling clearly remembered that among the many exercises Pangu taught him back then, there was absolutely no Dragon Clan exercise, but now he really has such a exercise in his mind, how did it appear?Could it be because of his incarnation as a real dragon.Not right!Qin Ling remembered that he had transformed into a unicorn before, so why didn't he have the skills of the qilin family.

Qin Ling thought hard about the origin of the exercises, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out where this "Nine Transformations of the True Dragon" came from.But fortunately, it solved a difficult problem at present. With this "Nine Transformations of the True Dragon", it can be regarded as a return to the True Dragon Clan, and it can also be used to build a good relationship with the Flood Dragon Clan.

For the Flood Dragon Clan, Qin Ling dare not underestimate them. Even if their inheritance is lost and it is difficult to overcome the catastrophe, the Flood Dragon Clan is still one of the top forces of the Monster Clan, and their strength should not be underestimated.

After solving the problem in his heart, Qin Ling briefly browsed "Nine Changes of the True Dragon", and found that this exercise can best cultivate into a three-clawed golden dragon. It also records many supernatural powers of the dragon clan. Qin Ling is overjoyed, although the exercise is useless to Qin Ling, But these dragon supernatural powers are exactly what Qin Ling needs. If Qin Ling knew the dragon supernatural powers before, he would not be able to be attacked by Bi Yan, at least he would have the power to resist, so he would not be seriously injured and dying!

Half a quarter of an hour later, Qin Ling remembered the magical powers, slowly opened his eyes, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth. In the future, he will become a golden dragon, and he will be able to truly use the body of a real dragon to fight, instead of just relying on the body of a real dragon. Force against the enemy.

After everything was resolved, Qin Ling's figure disappeared in the room and entered the Chaos Book. Qin Ling suddenly thought that after saving the stone ape, he didn't know what happened to the stone ape, and whether the injury had healed?

In the Crystal Palace, Ao Zhan and five people sat quietly, as if they were talking about something, only to hear Ao Fang say: "Old Ancestor, Lord Zhenlong has woken up now, do you want to tell him everything and ask him to pass on the merits?" Law……"

Ao Zhan stroked the black beard on the corner of his mouth, "I'm afraid we don't need to say it, Lord Zhenlong already knows about it, so it's better not to mention this matter in front of Lord Zhenlong. As for the matter of our clan's cultivation method, Lord Zhenlong should have some knowledge about it." That said, we'll just have to wait..."

Several people nodded one after another, and then Ao Zhan said to Ao Li, "Ao Li, from now on, you will work beside Lord Zhenlong! This is a rare opportunity for you..."

"Yes, Patriarch!" Ao Li rejoiced, and followed Master Zhenlong. From now on, Master Zhenlong would teach him some supernatural powers and spells casually, and he would benefit endlessly. Naturally, Ao Li would not refuse such a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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