Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 424 Chapter 432: Straight to the Ghost Nest

Chapter 424 Chapter 430: Straight to the Ghost Nest

Sima Yan'er smiled, "Don't worry, a few brats can't do anything to me, my methods are powerful! Don't underestimate me!"

Sima Yan'er's cultivation is already in the out-of-body stage. When he saw Sima Yan'er this time, Qin Ling had already discovered it. This surprised Qin Ling. You must know that you have Pangu's inheritance and have experienced a lot of life and death. It's only reached this step, but Sima Yan'er has reached the out-of-body stage in such a short period of time by relying on her own hard work.From this it can be seen that Sima Yan'er's cultivation talent is definitely not low, at least not weaker than her own.

"Everyone be careful, there are ghosts appearing!" The leader in front suddenly shouted, reminding everyone.

Looking up, Qin Ling found that it was a body-fit cultivator. At this time, in front of him, about a hundred meters away, a thick cloud of yin energy suddenly appeared. Ghosts appeared one by one.

Qin Ling frowned, feeling a strong sense of unease in his heart. He glanced at Sima Yan'er who was not far away, and then said to Ao Li beside him, "Brother Ao, please take care of me later. Take Yan'er, I'm worried that some ghosts might attack her!"

"Brother Qin, don't worry, I will definitely not let Miss Sima suffer any harm..." Ao Li assured.


A ghostly scream came from the opposite side, the scream was extremely miserable, it stirred up the surrounding Yin Qi, and rushed towards the monks with overwhelming coldness, some monks suddenly felt dizzy, and suddenly there was nothing in the whole body Strength, slowly fall to the ground!In just a dozen or so breaths, nearly dozens of monks fell to the ground.

Someone noticed the abnormality, and with a loud roar, the sound shook the heavens and the earth, covering up the screams, "Everyone, close your consciousness, and act quickly! Don't follow these monsters!"

"Quack... so many monks have come to the door by themselves, and finally they can have a full meal..." A ghost screamed, and then a red-eyed ghost appeared in front of everyone.

The ghost was wrapped in a thick cloud of yin, and he couldn't see his face at all. Only his eyes were full of blood and ruthlessness, just like the eyes of a hungry wolf in the dark.

"Monster! When you are about to die, you still dare to speak out loudly. I will let you die today! You will never be reborn..." The body-fit cultivator shouted angrily, and with a burst of precious light in his hand, he went straight to kill the ghost.

The ghost let out a howl, and endless Yin Qi rushed towards him at a high speed. At the same time, he turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the monk. In the eyes of the ghost, the monk at the fusion stage seemed to be his prey.

At this moment, all the ghosts roared, and one by one, the ghosts opened their teeth and claws, and rushed towards the monks, and the monks also moved in an instant, with beams of precious light blooming in their hands, and rushed towards the ghosts.

In the dense forest, there was a massacre, and only the ghosts flew away, dissipating in the sky and the earth, and many monks died under the claws of the ghosts, or in the mouth, every time a monk fell to the ground, there would be countless ghosts They swarmed up and devoured everything.The smell of blood began to permeate the dense forest, which undoubtedly aroused the viciousness of the ghost even more.

At this time, Qin Ling was surrounded by ghosts. It seemed that those ghosts wanted to devour Qin Ling. Although many ghosts had died in Qin Ling's hands, it was not enough to deter the ghosts. In their opinion, the more such monks, After devouring his flesh and blood, the more benefits he got, Qin Ling was like a shining lamp, attracting more and more ghosts.

Qin Ling looked around, looking for Sima Yan'er. When he saw that Sima Yan'er was not in any danger, and Ao Li was beside Sima Yan'er, Qin Ling felt relieved. There were more and more ghosts around him. Qin Ling I also feel the pressure and must be killed as soon as possible.


A ten thousand zhang flame shot up into the sky, within a dozen meters of Qinling's body, it turned into a sea of ​​flames, a scorching wave of fire spread in all directions like a torrent of water, and wherever it passed, bursts of blue smoke rose, accompanied by fierce The ghosts screamed, and the ghosts with strong cultivation bases were emitting green smoke, roaring, and twitching. It was the result of being burned by the flames. The weaker ghosts were directly scattered under the waves of fire.

The sudden flames surprised all the monks. I killed the ghosts one by one. After killing for so long, it was not as good as the opponent's simple blow. Nearly a hundred ghosts died under the flames. While surprised, The monks were also full of joy. Ghosts have always been afraid of masculinity, and now someone on their side has practiced the fire magic art, which undoubtedly gave great encouragement to the monks.

Qin Ling killed and attacked decisively, within three feet of his body, there were monstrous flames, everywhere he passed, all ghosts were changed, and no more ghosts dared to step forward.Whenever the ghosts saw Qin Ling, they ran away one after another.

The ghosts fled, but Qin Ling didn't give up because of this. Lightning flashed under his feet, and flames shook his body. Qin Ling started the hunting journey, and each ghost was reduced to ashes under the flames.

Half a moment later, the ghosts fled one after another, as if they were already scared. In less than a while, all the monks couldn't find a ghost in front of them!

All the monks were relieved and turned their eyes to Qin Ling. They knew very well in their hearts that if it wasn't for the fierce help of this person just now, they might be in danger.

"Who is that person? Why is he so powerful? Without him, I'm afraid this would be dangerous..." A monk pointed at Qin Ling and said.

"You don't even know him, he is Qin Ling!" said a person beside the monk.

The man was shocked, and stared at Qin Ling obsessively, "What! Is he Qin Ling?"

All the ghosts retreated, Jingan Daoist came to Qin Ling's side, his eyes were full of approval, he found that the longer he got along with Qin Ling, the more shocked he would be, "Good! Good! Fellow Daoist Qin really surprised me, this time killing the ghost Daoist Qin deserves credit No way!"

"Senior has won the award, this is what juniors should do!"

At this time, Master Jing'an had raised Qin Ling to the same level as himself, and called him a fellow Taoist.Even if Qin Ling's current cultivation level is not as good as his own, but Master Jing'an believes that Qin Ling will catch up to him in a short time.

After some rest, the monks acted again, heading towards the ghost's lair. Their destination was that mass grave, that underground cemetery.

At this moment, everyone is less than a kilometer away from the underground cemetery, but no one dares to underestimate this short kilometer. The front is covered in mist, and the road ahead is covered by a thick cloud, making it difficult to distinguish the surroundings. The monks once again stopped.

After the monks stopped, there was a roaring sound from mid-air. Looking up, the thousand-year-old tree that covered the sky and the sun fell to the ground with a bang, and a ray of sunlight came in. The monks felt a burst of warmth.

In the midair, monks kept waving the magic weapons in their hands. They were monks all the way. They kept bombarding the trees under their feet. They wanted to smash the ancient trees and let the sun shine directly into the forest. Yin Qi can also restrain ghosts.


The ground trembled violently, and there were bursts of roaring from under the ground. The monks felt as if they were facing an enemy, as if something was about to come out of the ground. What's going on?what happened?The monks retreated quickly, feeling a crisis.

The ghosts were howling, and the miserable and frightening ghost screams echoed in everyone's ears. At the same time, ghost figures came out of the ground like dense ants, and within a while, There were no less than a thousand ghosts in front of everyone's eyes.

All the monks were beating their hearts, and some people cursed secretly, why are there so many ghosts!Relying on myself, these hundreds of monks might not be enough for the opponent's teeth, and there are still ghosts crawling out of the ground.

A monk was timid, looking at the thousands of ghosts in front of him, he had only one thought in his mind, that is to run quickly, otherwise he would be gnawed to the bone by the ghosts.

Qin Ling frowned tightly. There were so many ghosts beyond Qin Ling's expectation. There were thousands of ghosts, and among them were thousand-year-old ghosts like Wanku Laogui. It's hard to fight against it, but even if it's hard to fight, there's no way out now, you have to go all out and fight with the ghost, or you'll just be eaten by the ghost.

Qin Ling turned his head, glanced at the monks behind him, and found that some people had already started to retreat, and he secretly thought it was bad!If a monk retreats, I'm afraid there will be a chain reaction, and it will become a unilateral massacre. Although I am not afraid, Sima Yan'er and the disciples of the Sanxiao sect are afraid that they will be in danger, so Qin Ling will definitely not will allow this to happen.

Qin Ling sent a voice transmission to Master Jing'an and expressed his thoughts. Master Jing'an also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately passed Qin Ling's idea to the leaders of the various factions.

Obviously, the various sects have experienced Qin Ling's methods before. After knowing that Qin Ling was going to attack, all major sects ordered their disciples not to run away, but to retreat slowly. Constantly attacking the dense forest.

The ground was still trembling, and there were still ghosts crawling out. Qin Ling knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and now was the best time to make a move. At this time, all the monks had retreated a hundred meters away, and Qin Ling was the only one left. Stand in front of all the ghosts.

All the fierce ghosts stared at Qin Ling with ferocious faces, and Qin Ling felt a bone-chilling chill just by their icy eyes.

With a cold face, Qin Ling made a move, pointed to the sky with one hand, and shouted, "Lei Lai!"

All the monks who were a hundred meters away were all watching attentively, and someone sneered, "This Qin Ling is really reckless, does he want to fight these thousand ghosts alone? He is looking for death!"

In another place, a monk sighed, "This is all right, with Qin Ling taking action, these ghosts will be fearless no matter how many they have! They will all be over in a while..." Obviously this monk has seen Qin Ling's methods before, and now he is here After hearing Qin Ling's "thunder coming", the thoughts in my heart became more firm.

(End of this chapter)

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