Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 425 Chapter 433: Fire Burns All Ghosts

Chapter 425 Chapter 430 Three: Fire Burns All Ghosts
Amidst the crowd's eyes, following Qin Ling's stern shout, there were bursts of thunder above the void, and a red light was born. Everyone stared at it, and saw a red cloud appearing above their heads at an unknown time, hundreds of meters away. It was as wide as a cloud, as bright as a cloud, and as red as a fire, and it was so red that everyone felt a burst of coercion, as if their own catastrophe was about to come.

The scarlet cloud hangs in the air, above the heads of all the ghosts. At this moment, all the ghosts are roaring and all the ghosts are boiling. Obviously, all the ghosts also feel the strong pressure and danger. The red cloud is filled with a strong masculinity, which makes people The ghosts are hard to calm down.

It seems that Li Gui couldn't wait any longer, and rushed over with a roar. The scene was like a raging black giant wave, covering the sky and covering the earth, with a destructive posture, it was hard for ordinary people to resist, even if it was a cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period, he would not dare alone.

Hundreds of ghosts roared, ten thousand ghosts were ferocious, Qinling was as motionless as a mountain, his eyes were bright, without the slightest fear, he pointed to the sky, and a soft shout echoed in everyone's ears, "Thunder falls!"


A loud noise exploded in mid-air, as if the end was coming, the void boiled, almost distorted, and all the monks also boiled, the weaker ones retreated extremely quickly, and the stronger ones clenched their teeth and persisted, as if it was an attack. honed.

Binghuo Shenlei poured down like a river above the nine heavens, pouring into the void, like torrential rain, like a torrent, and the void was submerged. In the eyes of everyone, there was only a sea of ​​fire and the deafening thunder.

There is a sea of ​​flames in front of me, and the evil spirits are refined in the fire. I am afraid that the sea of ​​swords and fires in the eighteenth floor of hell is nothing more than this. Every ghost is reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​flames. It is difficult for them to contend with the power of the divine thunder...

In the blink of an eye, nearly a thousand ghosts had vanished into thin air. There really wasn't even a scum left, only the creepy ghost screams remained.

Like all the monks, Sima Yan'er was already stunned. Although she already knew that Qin Ling had a cultivation level of distraction, she never thought that Qin Ling had such means. She was still worried about Qin Ling just now. If it weren't for Ao Li and Jing Zhenren An stopped and tried to persuade Sima Yan'er that she would never let Qin Ling face the ghost alone.

All the monks were dumbfounded. Those monks who were still laughing at Qinling's life and death and overthinking their own strength just now were collectively silent, with only shame in their eyes, and those monks who had expected everything, now laughed again and again, "Haha... I just said Well! With Qin Ling taking action, we don't need to do anything at all!"

"Amitabha! Donor Qin is really extraordinary..." In mid-air, a benevolent old monk looked at Qin Ling with a smile, his eyes full of approval.

Binghuo Shenlei is still falling, and the dense forest that covers the sky and the sun has long been ignited. The forest that once protected the ghosts from being harmed by the masculinity has now become the thing to kill the ghosts.


A cold snort suddenly rang out in Qin Ling's ear, the voice was full of ice-coldness, like Huang Zhong Dalu, almost stunned Qin Ling, Qin Ling's body couldn't help shaking, almost fell.

Qin Ling was horrified, and looked in front of him, only to see a figure walking out of the ground slowly, a hundred meters away.His figure was skinny, his hair was disheveled, emitting a stench, and his Taoist robe was dilapidated, as if he had been wearing it for thousands of years and hadn't taken it off. Is this the ghost king?

A fierce force enveloped Qin Ling with lightning speed, without giving Qin Ling any time to react. At this moment, Qin Ling was horrified to find that he was unable to move, and even his consciousness was suppressed by the other party.

That figure walked among the raging fire and divine thunder without being affected in the slightest. He walked towards Qinling step by step. Every step he took was like a ten-thousand-jin copper hammer hitting Qinling's heart deeply.

The divine thunder was annihilated, and there was no sound. The monks around were as shocked as Qin Ling. At this moment, they only had one thought in their hearts, which was to leave this place as soon as possible. The person in front of them was definitely not something they could fight against. Feeling, after seeing that figure, Master Jing An recognized him at first sight, it was the ghost king.Why is he so powerful, wasn't he still comparable to himself a few days ago?But now he is so powerful, Immortal Jingan can't believe it.

Seeing that figure was about to walk in front of Qin Ling, suddenly a Buddha's cry resounded in the air, "Amitabha! Monster, don't be arrogant, today the poor monk will kill demons and eliminate demons!"

The people of the Buddhist sect made a move, the Buddha's light was bright, the sound of the Buddha was lingering, and in the midair, a Vajra Mudra gradually appeared, and it came towards the ghost king.

There was another cold snort, and then a voice that seemed human but not human sounded, "Buddhism, it's Buddhism again, you should die!" The figure stopped, staring straight at the figures in midair, with indescribable indescribability in his eyes. Killing intent, a monstrous fierce flame ignited.


The bergamot vajra seal was torn apart, and the Buddhist monks in the midair seemed to have been struck by lightning, and their expressions were instantly sluggish. The old monk in the lead didn't hesitate at all, "Let's go! The monster is powerful, and it will be destroyed in the future!"

"If you want to leave, go to hell!" A red light rose from the ghost king's head. It was a gourd, a red gourd, emitting a red precious light.

The gourd was tilted, and streaks of black light flowed out at a very high speed. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a mass of black sand, and the black sand is boiling and scattered all over the sky.

In everyone's stunned, the black sand had already enveloped the people of the Buddhist sect, and screams sounded, and one after another silhouettes melted under the black sand, and turned into dry bones in less than half a moment.

The old monk stared blankly and bared his teeth, "Ah... monstrous! How dare you hurt someone, you will die!"

The Buddha's radiance shines in the sky, obviously the old monk has already put his efforts together. Behind the old monk, the Buddha's light is like a sea, gorgeous like flowers, circles of Buddha clouds float behind the old monk, and a golden figure gradually manifests.

Everyone was stunned, and someone exclaimed, "That is the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism, the Buddha's Wrath King Kong!"

It was a vajra of Zhang Liu, glaring at him with endless anger in his eyes, just as the so-called Buddha is also angry, what the old monk is using at this time is the golden body of Dharma, "Buddha's angry vajra"

The ghost king was unmoved, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Hmph! Even if you are ready to propose marriage, you will die!"

The red gourd floating above the ghost king's head suddenly rose sharply at this moment, and a stream of red sand burst out from the gourd again. The red sand was like blood, and it turned into a torrent and rushed towards the old monk.

Buddha Fury Vajra, motionless as a mountain, the huge golden Buddha's palm descended from the sky, like a golden cap, hanging down.

Qin Ling originally planned to take advantage of the battle between the two to escape, but he was surprised to find that he was still unable to move, and his spiritual sense was also difficult to move. He couldn't even enter the Chaos Book. In the battle with the people of Buddhism, but the attention is still on himself.That is to say, the ghost in front of him has not yet exerted his full strength to fight against Buddhism.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, Qin Ling no longer had extravagant hopes. He quietly watched the battle between the two, and only hoped that the old monk could defeat this ghost, but Qin Ling also knew that there was little hope.

When Qin Ling was watching the battle between the two, Qin Ling was stunned by the ghost's words!how is this possible?How does this ghost know his existence, and this ghost seems to be very familiar with that person, otherwise it would not have said, "Even if you are going to propose marriage, you are dead!" But except for Qin Ling, no one seemed to pay attention to this sentence Even the old Buddhist monk didn't pay attention to the words.

Qin Ling's heart was full of turmoil. Who is this ghost in front of him? He actually knows Zhunti and seems to be very familiar with him.

Zhunti, the Buddhist mother, was born at the beginning of the prehistoric period. He and Jieyin made great wishes, founded Buddhism, and became immortal saints.

If the ghost in front of him really knew Zhunti, wouldn't it mean that the ghost in front of him was also a creature from the beginning of the world?Zhunti and Jieying are from the same era.

Qin Ling couldn't calm down, who is this ghost in front of him?If he is really a creature of the prehistoric era, then who was he in his previous life?In the prehistoric era, thousands of races fought for hegemony, and countless masters fell. Even if Qin Ling knew that he was a creature of the prehistoric era, it was difficult to guess his identity, because that era was an era full of slaughter and blood, and too many strong men fell.

Just when Qin Ling bowed his head in deep thought, the fight between the two had come to an end. Looking up, he saw a patch of scarlet red. The Zhang Liu King Kong was like glass, crumbling under the red sand. The old monk couldn't even utter a scream. If it is not sent out, it will be swallowed by endless red sand, and there will be no bones left.

Qin Ling was horrified, what kind of treasure is this? It can even melt the Buddha's Wrath King Kong, the Dharma image of Buddhism. It's really weird.

From the time the two men shot to the old monk's tragic death, it took only a dozen breaths. At the moment the old monk was killed, all the monks around were scared. They thought that the Buddhists could kill the ghosts, but they didn't expect it. He died in the opponent's hands with one move, and some monks ran away crazily, not wanting to stay here for another moment.

For the escape of the surrounding monks, the figure didn't pay any attention to it, didn't even glance at it, but continued to walk towards Qinling. In his eyes, the surrounding monks were no different from ants, and now the surrounding monks dared not wait any longer In an instant, almost all the monks left at a high speed.

All the monks receded like a tide, only Daoist Jing'an and other disciples of the Sanxiao sect stayed behind, Sima Yan'er would definitely not leave when Qin Ling was captured, and Daoist Jing'an would not ignore Qin Ling, Sanxiao Even the disciples refused to leave.

Sima Yan'er moved in an instant, and killed the ghost. The sharp sword in her hand turned into a cold light and stabbed at the ghost. Ao Li also rioted instantly, and a dragon's cry resounded through the world.

The two shot at the same time, both of them went to kill the ghost, Qin Ling was in a panic, it was already hard to stop, if the other party made an attack, they might not be able to survive.

Qin Ling turned his attention to the ghost, "Please be merciful, senior!" (I wish all brothers and sisters a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

(End of this chapter)

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