Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 426 Chapter 434: Captured

Chapter 426 Chapter 430: Caught

At this moment, Qin Ling couldn't move, that's all he could do.From the other party's gaze, Qin Ling did not find any killing intent, and the terrifying red gourd was also put away by the other party, so Qin Ling pleaded with the other party. Qin Ling knew that if his guess was correct, the ghost in front of him should not Under the killer.

A trace of surprise flashed in those cold eyes, and a deep and hoarse voice sounded beside Qin Ling's ears, "Okay! I just spared their lives for your sake, but this girl is very interested..."

Before Qin Ling could react, Qin Ling realized that his eyes were dark, and he was put into a cloth bag, and the surrounding was silent and pitch black.

Above the void, without Qin Ling's control, Binghuo Shenlei gradually dissipated, and the void that was full of red clouds just now returned to clarity in less than half a moment, as if nothing had happened.

Above the ground, the flames were gradually extinguished, and everything around them gradually appeared in front of them clearly. The dense forest that covered the sky and the sun no longer existed, leaving everyone with only a few black trees curling up from the black smoke, and a piece of scorched land.

The surrounding monks have already fled, and now there are only Daoist Jing'an, the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect, and Ao Li. As for Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er, they also disappeared. hurt.

Recalling the moment just now, Ao Li felt as if he had been struck by lightning with just a slight swipe of the ghost king, and his lungs were wounded. When he raised his head again, Qin Ling had disappeared, and Sima Yan'er was also missing.It happened so suddenly that even Daoist Jing An didn't react, he didn't even see how Sima Yan'er was also taken away.

It wasn't until the figures of the three disappeared that Jing'an finally realized, "Not good!" It can be seen that there was nothing in front of him, and it was too late even if he wanted to chase after him. He looked back at Ao Li and found that Ao Li was injured, "Fellow Daoist Ao! Is there any problem?"

After Ao Li spat out a mouthful of blood, he felt much better, "I'm alright? It's just that brother Qin was captured by that ghost. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Jing'an saw the ghost fleeing to where, so I can go and save Brother Qin... "

"Didn't Fellow Daoist see where that ghost fled to?" Jingan Daoist suddenly had a bad feeling, he didn't expect that even Ao Li didn't see it.

Ao Li shook his head, "I was injured just now, so I was distracted..."

Master Jing'an looked at the group of disciples behind him, but what he could see was a blank look on his face. Hu Jing walked out and said, "Uncle, just now we didn't see how Junior Sister Yan'er disappeared. and Qinling are gone..."

Master Jing'an's complexion changed drastically. Sima Yan'er was the apprentice of Master Su Yiqing's uncle. If anything happened to Sima Yan'er, I'm afraid he would be punished. However, Master Jing'an didn't seem to know yet. After he passed the news of Sima Yan'er's disappearance back to the Sanxiao faction, the entire senior management of the Sanxiao faction boiled instantly, and all the old monsters who had retreated broke through, and it seemed that it was all because of Sima Yan'er. for the sake.

Of course, the real Jing'an doesn't know about this now, so he intends to search for it first, looking up at the dark ground, the real Jing'an walked tens of feet, and appeared in a collapsed place, where countless ghosts came from before. Where the ground crawled out, a bottomless crack appeared in front of the real Jing'an.

Jing'an Daoist summoned the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect, selected a few powerful disciples to follow him and jumped down, and the rest guarded the ground, Ao Li jumped down without saying a word, Qin Ling disappeared, Ao Li It's hard to imagine that if something unexpected happened to Qin Ling, I'm afraid I would be a sinner of the Jiaolong clan.

Under the ground, the silence was terrifying and pitch black, but it didn't affect the few people at all. They discovered that it was an underground cemetery.A series of ghosts appeared in front of several people, just like those evil ghosts who did not die before, they fled to the ground.At this time, after they saw the real Jing'an, they all fled in all directions.

Immortal Jing'an shot immediately, forcing all the ghosts into a corner, but there was no trace of the ghost king, "I ask you, where is the ghost king now? If anyone tells me, I will spare him from death, or his soul will be scattered." !” Bitter killing intent shrouded the hearts of all the ghosts.

All the fierce ghosts lost their ferociousness before, and had long been frightened. They huddled together tremblingly, "Your Majesty, please forgive me! Little ghosts really don't know anything..." A little ghost knelt in front of Daoist Jing'an, begged.

Master Jing'an let out a cold snort, and a flash of cold light flashed by. A fierce ghost behind the little ghost flew away, and the remaining little ghosts became even more terrified. "Where is the ghost king? If you don't say anything, you will die!"

Half a moment later, Master Jing'an was full of anger, and he didn't ask anything. It seemed that these little devils really didn't know anything, but even if they didn't know, Master Jing'an didn't intend to let them go. Immortal souls who died in vain, Daoist Jing'an was full of murderous intent, "Send them on their way!" He said to the disciples behind him.

Then Master Jing'an turned the entire cemetery upside down and found nothing, so he gave up!
On the ground, Jing An's brows were almost drawn into a line, "Hu Jing, you immediately lead everyone to investigate within a hundred miles. The ghost king should not have gone far. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately..."

"Yes! Uncle Master, disciples are going now..." Hu Jing led the rest of Sanxiao's disciples to leave, leaving only Daoist Jing'an and Ao Li.

Ao Li didn't stop at all, and cupped his hands at Jing'an Daoist, "Fellow Taoist Jing'an, I will leave now. If there is any news about the ghost king, please let me know..." Ao Li left, and he disappeared into the dense forest .

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Ao. If there is any news, you must inform Fellow Daoist Ao!" Seeing Ao Li's disappearing figure, Jing'an Master sighed. Dare to think about the consequences of that, he knows the temper of Su Yiqing's master uncle, and he is especially fond of Sima Yan'er.

All the monks receded like a tide. Everyone thought that the killing of the evil spirits was a sure thing, but the ghost king's cultivation base is too strong!Even the group of monks from the Buddhist sect failed to hold up a few moves against the ghost king, let alone themselves, so the first reaction of the monks was to run.

Thousands of meters away, the monks stopped slowly, sighing, the shock that the ghost king gave to the monks was too powerful, the monks looked around, slowly regained their composure, and began to whisper, "Then Qin Ling should be dead Right?" Everyone clearly remembered that the ghost was heading straight towards Qin Ling, Qin Ling had killed so many ghosts, the ghost king might not let him go.

There are also members of the Three Nights Sect. Some monks remembered that when they hurriedly retreated, it seemed that the members of the Three Nights Sect had not left.

The monks watched from a distance, but half an hour passed, and there was no movement at all. Could it be that they were killed by the ghost?Another half a quarter of an hour, a thousand meters away, it was still quiet and there was no sign of a major battle. Some monks boldly stepped back step by step, wanting to see what happened. Could it be that there are so many Sanxiao sects? People were all wiped out?

The monk stepped back cautiously, stopping every step for a long time before moving. He didn't speed up until he could vaguely see the place where the battle was just now, because he found that there was no one in the place of the battle. The ghost king disappeared, and the members of the Sanxiao faction also disappeared.

Gradually one by one the monks returned one by one, only to see a piece of scorched earth in front of them, and there was nothing but black smoke curling up. At this moment, everyone truly realized the strength of Qinling. Such terrifying destructive power was enough to destroy a sect.Some people think that the Shushan School suffered such a catastrophe. Could it be caused by the Qinling Mountains?

The monks returned to Tuhua City, but the action to kill Li Gui failed, and the casualties were heavy. Not only the Buddhists were wiped out, but even the people of the Sanxiao Sect were still alive and dead, and Qin Ling might also have died in the hands of Li Gui.

This news once again shocked the entire cultivation world, and many monks rushed over one after another, vowing to kill the ghosts, among them was the Shushan sect.

When the Shushan faction arrived at Tuhua City, they heard the news. All the Shushan faction disciples sneered. The Sanxiao faction suffered such a catastrophe. Naturally, they were gloating, but there was another piece of news that made them even more excited, that is Qinling, they I didn't expect Qin Ling to appear here too. It stands to reason that Qin Ling should not be in Ziyang City at this time, planning to take over the position of the city lord of Ziyang City?Why did he come to Tuhua City now, and was devoured by a ghost.But no matter what, this news is the best news that all Shushan disciples have heard in this period of time.

When the Shushan faction arrived in Tuhua City, they were immediately recognized by the monks. The lineup dispatched by the Shushan faction this time is not insignificant. A monk in the distraction period is enough to sweep a small sect.

Huafeng was in high spirits, now that his cultivation was at the out-of-body stage, he wanted to find a chance to kill Qin Ling, but now he heard that Qin Ling might have died in the hands of a ghost.The news both disappointed and pleased him.I wanted to kill Qin Ling with my own hands, but now it's a pity.

In Tuhua City, people from the Shushan faction came to the inn where the Sanxiao faction lived before. The arrival of the Shushan faction immediately alarmed the shopkeeper of the inn. The shopkeeper hurried out. He didn't know what the Shushan faction was planning. This is to humiliate the Sanxiao faction, but the entire inn has already been taken over by the Sanxiao faction, and it is not like the rumors outside that the people of the Sanxiao faction were eaten by ghosts. Just now, the shopkeeper saw the real Jing'an.

"Shopkeeper, I heard that the Sanxiao faction was here before, but I'm afraid they won't come back now! So from now on, we will take over the entire inn from the Shushan faction..." a Shushan disciple said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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