Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 434 Chapter 442: Alarming the ancestors

Chapter 434 Chapter 440: Alarming the ancestors
The seraph centipede hadn't realized the danger at this time, and its heart had long been blinded by hatred. When the scorching heat hit, the six-winged red centipede finally woke up cleverly, but it was too late, and the sun had already fallen. Down, close in front of you, hard to escape.


A dazzling ray of light rose up, and the radiant light exploded in the air like gorgeous fireworks, colorful and bright, lighting up the void.

Thousands of meters away, Qin Ling was moving at top speed. When he heard the movement, he didn't even turn his head. The six-winged red sky centipede was dead. The violent explosion showed everything, so he had to leave as fast as possible, otherwise he would wait for the big one. It will be troublesome if the sunbird catches up again. At that time, it will be an endless pursuit.

After the flames dissipated, the Great Sun Lieyang bird fluttered out. On the golden bird's body, a few feathers fell off, and the feathers were stained with blood.

The Great Sun Lieyang Bird looked in the direction Qin Ling was leaving, and then looked down under his wings, where there was a blood hole the size of a thumb, dripping blood.

Although the Great Sun Lieyang Bird successfully beheaded the Hexa-winged Chitian Centipede just now, but at the last moment, the Six-winged Chitian Centipede woke up and knew that it was impossible to escape, so he made a deadly counterattack and shot the Big Sun Lieyang Bird hurt.

Drops of dirty blood kept dripping, emitting a stench, and the Great Sun Lieyang Bird was poisoned.Annoyed, he glanced at the direction Qin Ling was leaving. The Great Sun Lieyang Bird did not immediately chase after it, but flew down on a towering ancient tree.

To heal his wounds, he must force out the poison in his body. As for Qin Ling, he didn't seem worried, "Boy, you can't escape!"

Qin Ling drove Qinglian at a very high speed in the dense forest. Half an hour after the explosion, Qin Ling found that there was no movement behind him, so he let out a sigh of relief. The big sun blazing bird did not come after him, maybe They died together with the six-winged red sky centipede, maybe they were seriously injured, or the other party had already given up on him, no matter what the reason was, Qin Ling didn't bother to think about it at the moment, and had to leave here as soon as possible.

Sima Yan'er looked at Qin Ling curiously from the side, as if there was a flower on Qin Ling's face, "How did you kill that centipede just now?" Sima Yan'er was very curious about how Qin Ling seemed to be buried in the ground, and seemed to be more beautiful than the six-winged red The Celestial Centipede was even more profound, otherwise the six-winged Red Sky Centipede would not have been seriously injured by Qin Ling in the ground.

Without thinking, Qin Ling replied directly: "Because I know how to escape from the earth, and I can also enter the earth. The six-winged red sky centipede underground is not my opponent..."

"Tudun? Isn't this supernatural power lost in the cultivation world?" Sima Yan'er looked at Qin Ling in surprise.

Qin Ling smiled mysteriously and didn't answer, but said: "Do you want to learn it? How about I teach it to you!"

Sima Yan'er shook her head repeatedly, "I don't want to learn it. Although this earth escape is wonderful, I'm not interested in it..." Sima Yan'er couldn't imagine what it would be like if she learned the earth escape and emerged from the ground in the future. Absolutely inconsistent with yourself, seriously damaging your image.

Qin Ling didn't think as much as Sima Yan'er thought. From Qin Ling's point of view, one more means is one more life-saving card.

Sima Yan'er seemed to be still thinking about the problem of Tudun. At a certain moment, Sima Yan'er's eyes suddenly lit up, because she suddenly thought of a question, "Sister remembers that in the Sunset Mountain Range, the young man who snatched the treasure lamp seemed to be You know how to escape, so it has nothing to do with you, right? Or is that person you?" Sima Yan'er stared at Qin Ling closely, waiting for his answer.

Ok?Qin Ling didn't expect Sima Yan'er to think of this question, looking at Sima Yan'er's curious eyes, "What do you think?" Qin Ling didn't deny it.

Sima Yan'er was stunned for a moment, patted Qin Ling's shoulder, and then said with a smile: "Not bad! Not bad! Sure enough, I didn't lose my sister's face..." The tone of an elder was so unbearable, Sima Yan'er continued He said again: "You must be the one who attacked the Shushan faction during the period, right? Is it for Huafeng?"

Qin Ling couldn't help but marvel at Sima Yan'er's intelligence, she was able to guess so much through an earth escape, "That's right, I wanted to take the opportunity to kill Hua Feng, but it's a pity that he escaped..."

"I heard that Huafeng worshiped under the patriarch Helian of the Yijie Sanxian, and his current cultivation level is not weaker than that of my sister. You have to be careful, don't let him surpass..."

Qin Ling showed a faint killing intent, "The next time we meet, it will be his death!" The last time Qin Ling snatched the treasure lamp, he didn't have time to kill Hua Feng, and with Han Lin at the side, it was not so easy to kill.So after making a move, Qin Ling put his mind on snatching the precious lamp.

Sima Yan'er saw Qin Ling's murderous intent concentrated, her face changed slightly, she immediately changed the subject, and said: "This is Tianjingyuan, we need to be careful, the monster masters here are very powerful..." Sima Yan'er could see that The big reason why Qin Ling was able to kill the six-winged red sky centipede just now was because the six-winged red sky centipede was careless. Because he didn't take Qin Ling to heart, he let Qin Ling seize the opportunity and seriously injured him.If you encounter any monsters again, if you want to leave calmly, I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

The mang forest towers into the sky and is very dense. There is not a single sound in the silent dense forest. The silence is a bit scary. If there is no accident, Qin Ling knows that he may have entered the territory of another powerful monster, but if he is careful Some, it is still difficult for the opponent to find. After all, the stronger the monster, the bigger the territory. It may range from tens of miles to hundreds or thousands of miles, so Qin Ling is not too worried.

The reason why he was discovered by the six-winged red sky centipede just now was because of the big sun blazing sun bird. He had been following behind Qin Ling and attracted the attention of the six-winged red sky centipede, so he was discovered.

Qin Ling drove the green lotus into the sky slowly, landed on a vigorous ancient tree, and looked around, but Qin Ling was disappointed. The surroundings were still surrounded by endless mountains and forests. Tell me where to find the exit.

Turning his eyes to Sima Yan'er, after all, Sima Yan'er knew Tianjingyuan somewhat, Sima Yan'er frowned, looked around for a long time, and then said: "There is no reflection in the surrounding area, if you want to find the nearest The road is very difficult, we have to keep walking in one direction..."

Although Sima Yan'er had heard of Tianjingyuan, she didn't know much about it, so she didn't know where she and Qin Ling were now, and she didn't know which direction to go out.

Seeing Sima Yan'er, I don't know, there is only one way now, that is, as Sima Yan'er said, if you go to the dark, you can always get out.

Falling from the top of the tree, the two entered the dense forest again. After finding a direction, a blue light flashed away and disappeared into the silent forest.

Three days passed, and in Tuhua City, all the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect who were looking for Sima Yan'er had returned. They almost dug up the forest three feet, but there was still no trace of Sima Yan'er.Daoist Jing'an was in a hurry, and knew that he had to notify the teacher.

Soon, the news of Sima Yan'er's disappearance spread back to the Sanxiao Sect. At that time, the head teacher Ying Qianqiu was practicing in seclusion, because Ying Qianqiu felt that her catastrophe was coming, but after hearing the news, Ying Qianqiu came out. Guan, her delicate face was full of anxiety, and then Ying Qianqiu hurried to a quiet island.

Although the small island is small, it is a forbidden place of the Three Nights Sect, because this is the place where those old antiques of the Three Nights Sect practiced quietly. Ordinary disciples don't know the existence of this place at all.

I saw Ying Qianqiu landed on the small island and came to a cave. The door of the cave was closed and covered with dust. It seemed that it hadn't been opened for a long time. "Disciple Ying Qianqiu begged to see the ancestor!" Ying Qianqiu's voice Not too big or small, but has a strong penetrating power.

After the sound, Ying Qianqiu stood motionless beside the stone gate. After about half a quarter of an hour, an old but powerful voice came from behind the stone gate, "It's Qianqiu! What's the matter with you?"

Ying Qianqiu didn't know how to speak at the moment, because she knew that if she told this matter, all the senior members of the Sanxiao faction would be alarmed, maybe even the upper realm would be alarmed, but until now, she could only hold back Scalp said, "Old Ancestor, Yan'er is missing..."


Qianjin's Shimen trembled, and then he shouted in shock, "What did you say? Yan'er is missing..."


A figure appeared in front of Ying Qianqiu, it was an old woman with white hair.

Ying Qianqiu lowered her head, very respectful, "Yes, Patriarch, Yan'er disappeared in three days..."

The old woman's complexion twitched silently, very ugly, a frightening golden light shone in her faint eyes, and a powerful aura surged towards Ying Qianqiu, "Waste! A bunch of waste, didn't the ancestor say to protect How are you, Yan'er? What are you eating... If Yan'er has any accidents, can you take care of it? Even if I pay for my entire Sanxiao faction, I can't afford it..."

"It's my disciple's fault, please punish me..." Ying Qianqiu knelt down on the ground.

"What's the use of punishing you? If Yan'er really has something wrong, let alone you, even the ancestor, I will die!" The old woman was so angry that the whole island was almost trembling.

Such a great power and influence naturally alarmed some other old antiques on the small island, only to hear a hearty laughter, "Senior sister, what's wrong with you, why are you so angry, and Xiao Qianqiu you Why are you kneeling on the ground, haven’t you already said that? Now that you are the headmaster of my Sanxiao Sect, how can you just kneel?” The person who came was a very healthy old man, with white hair and a childlike face, full of energy. Advanced cultivation.

"What's the matter? Ask her, if anything happens to Yan'er this time, we will all be to blame!"

The old man looked confused, "Yan'er, what happened to Xiao Yan'er..."

Ying Qianqiu said: "Back to Patriarch, Yan'er has been missing for three days..."

(End of this chapter)

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