Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 435 Chapter 443: Sima Yan'er made a move

Chapter 435 Chapter 440 Three: Sima Yan'er makes a move

"What? Yan'er is missing, tell me what's going on?" The old man couldn't be calm anymore, because he knew what Sima Yan'er's disappearance meant. If something happened to Sima Yan'er, the whole three There is no need for Xiaopai to exist.

Gradually, after receiving the news, the ancestors of the Sanxiao Sect retreated one by one, among them was Sima Yan'er's master, Su Yiqing.

After listening to Ying Qianqiu's narration, everyone was silent, because according to what Ying Qianqiu said, Sima Yan'er was captured by a ghost king, and everyone knew the consequences without thinking about it.

After hearing this, a fiery old ancestor roared angrily, and said to Ying Qianqiu angrily: "How did you become the head of the sect? Didn't you say that Yan'er is very important to my Sanxiao sect? Why don't you send someone to secretly protect you?" , This is good, being captured by the evil spirits, do you want to kill us?"

"Okay, junior brother, just stop talking. Now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Let's find a way to see if we can find Yan'er?" The old man who came out before said.

"What are you looking for? I've been missing for three days, and I was still captured by the evil spirits. Everyone knows what the consequences will be..."

Ying Qianqiu's mind was blank at the moment, because she didn't know why Sima Yan'er was able to attract all the ancestors she didn't see normally, and from the conversation with the ancestors just now, Ying Qianqiu knew that Sima Yan'er seemed very It is important for Sanxiaopai.Although Ying Qianqiu knew that Sima Yan'er was unusual before, she didn't expect Sima Yan'er to have such great energy.

"Okay, don't say a few words, Yan'er is okay, let's go to the Soul Palace to see!" A middle-aged man spoke. The man had black hair loose and had an unspeakable power.

The Hall of Souls is the place where the Sanxiao Sect stores the soul cards of their disciples. It is similar to the Changming Hall of the Shushan School. As long as a disciple dies, the corresponding soul card will be broken, and Sima Yan'er's soul card will be broken. It's in the soul hall, together with these antique soul cards.

Su Yiqing, Sima Yan'er's master, was walking behind everyone at this time, still asking Ying Qianqiu something, "Apart from Yan'er being arrested, are there any other disciples missing?"

"No, only Yan'er was arrested in my group, but according to the news from Junior Brother Jing'an, Qin Ling was also captured by that ghost..."

"Qin Ling? Is it the Qin Ling who has been hunted down by the Shushan faction?" A figure suddenly appeared in Su Yiqing's mind.

"Yes, uncle, he disappeared with Yan'er..."

While speaking, everyone came to the Soul Palace. Many Sanxiao Sect disciples saw this scene along the way. The head teacher followed behind a group of old men, looking very respectful. The Sanxiao Sect disciples were stunned. What kind of person can make the head follow behind, could it be the senior of my Sanxiao sect?Seeing that they were going in the direction of the Soul Palace, did something happen?
The disciple guarding the Soul Palace saw so many people coming all at once, all of them with extraordinary auras. What surprised him even more was that he saw Ying Qianqiu following the crowd. The door opened and let everyone in.

After everyone entered, the man let out a heavy sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Everyone came to the place where Sima Yan'er's soul card was stored. As Sima Yan'er's master, Su Yiqing stepped forward and took out Sima Yan'er's soul card.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, and dozens of pairs of eyes were all staring at the wooden box in Su Yiqing's hand. The wooden box was slowly opened, and Su Yiqing also seemed very nervous. Until the moment Su Yiqing saw the soul card, Su Yiqing There was a bit of relief on the dignified face, and he reached out to take out the soul card and put it in front of the eyes of the ancestors.

The soul card was intact and exuded a powerful light, which meant that Sima Yan'er not only had nothing to do, but also had no crisis.

At this moment, everyone's hanging heart finally fell to the ground, but although Sima Yan'er was not in danger at the moment, it didn't mean anything, because they all knew very well that Sima Yan'er was in the hands of evil spirits, and many monks had been swallowed by evil spirits before. So from now on, Sima Yan'er is in extreme crisis, and must find Sima Yan'er as soon as possible, before the evil spirits do anything.

"Go back to the meeting hall, ring the alarm, and let all the disciples above the elders come to discuss the matter..." The middle-aged man looked at Ying Qianqiu and said.

"Yes, disciple is going now..." Ying Qianqiu left in a hurry.

The alarm bell of the Sanxiao faction sounded, and it rang through the six floating islands, and powerful auras shot up into the sky, appearing in the midair.

All the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect were stunned, what happened, why did the alarm bell ring, is there an enemy attacking?But there was no movement at all. While the disciples were guessing, one after another silhouettes gathered towards the meeting hall.

At this moment, in Tianjingyuan, Sima Yan'er didn't know that because of her disappearance, the entire Sanxiao faction had been alarmed.

In the deep dense forest, Qin Ling was moving forward at a high speed, and there was a loud noise behind him. In three days, Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er traveled in the same direction for hundreds of miles, but there was still green in front of them. As if still in place.

During the three days, the two passed through the territory of several monsters without being found, but just now, for some unknown reason, Qin Ling suddenly had a powerful aura behind him, following him closely, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The faster it is, don't think about it, it should be discovered by the monster, and the opponent is chasing it.

The earth made muffled noises rhythmically, as if something was running fast on the ground. Qin Ling turned his head, and after a second, he glanced at it, and saw a huge monster whose body was like a moving hill. The rampage in the forest, wherever it passed, the ancient trees that were ten feet thick were broken.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qin Ling sped up his speed again, Qinglian cast a blue light, and the speed suddenly increased by a few minutes, "Yan'er, do you see what kind of monster it is?" , I don't know what kind of monster is following behind.

Sima Yan'er kept looking behind him, and in Sima Yan'er's eyes, a big black guy appeared. He was three feet tall and his whole body was shiny black. It was a Vajra Ape.

Sima Yan'er frowned, obviously she had recognized the Vajra Ape, and also found that the strength of this Vajra Ape seemed to be comparable to that of the previous six-winged red sky centipede, "It's the Vajra Ape!"

Hearing Sima Yan'er's words, Qin Ling suddenly turned his head again, only to see a few hundred meters away behind him, Vajra Ape was roaring, as if to tell Qin Ling to stop.

Sensing that berserk breath, Qin Ling almost had the urge to curse someone, wanted to pull Patriarch Hongyun out, and asked him to bring him back and send him back, but it was obviously impossible at this moment.Sima Yan'er was beside her, so it would be hard to explain if she saw Patriarch Hongyun.

Don't look at Vajra Ape's huge body, but it is very flexible in this dense forest, and its speed is no slower than Qin Ling's. Although Qinglian's speed is fast, it is difficult to display that extreme speed in this dense forest.But above the void, Qin Ling didn't dare to go up, that would be almost equivalent to telling all the monsters in Tianjingyuan, I'm coming!

The vajra ape is getting closer and closer, Qin Ling knows that this battle is inevitable, although he is not afraid of fighting, but Qin Ling wants to leave here as fast as possible, so if he can not fight, he will not fight, since it is unavoidable, Then fight!
Qin Ling stopped and landed on an ancient tree, Qinglian disappeared without a trace, and Sima Yan'er also fell.Stand beside Qin Ling.

"This battle is up to me!" Sima Yan'er said, with a strong fighting intent in her tone.

Qin Ling was stunned for a moment. Seeing Qin Ling's expression, Sima Yan'er frowned, "Why don't you believe in my strength, sister? I can handle this big guy easily!"

His face was full of doubts, "Are you sure, you can grab it with your hands!" Qin Ling asked in a suspicious tone, without any hesitation.

Her face changed, and Sima Yan'er said: "Although my sister's cultivation is not as strong as yours, it doesn't mean that my sister's skills are weaker than yours, so you look forward to it! Today I will let you see how powerful I am!"

Qin Ling smiled and stopped talking. Since Sima Yan'er wanted to make a move, let him do it. Qin Ling also wanted to see Sima Yan'er's methods. If he encountered any danger, he could rescue him immediately, so Qin Ling was not worried.

Qin Ling retreated to the side, and Vajra Ape also chased after them. Just a hundred meters away from the two of them, he stopped, baring his teeth and slapping his chest, staring at them, his eyes full of violence.

Sima Yan'er's expression did not change, she was very calm, a long sword in her hand exuded a cold light, one could tell it was extraordinary, at least it was a middle-grade magic weapon.

With a roar, Vajra Ape rushed towards Sima Yan'er, raised its thick giant palms high, and brought a gust of wind to kill Sima Yan'er.

With a yell, Sima Yan'er soared up into the sky, one cloud at a time, every time she took a step, a white cloud could be seen growing under Sima Yan'er's feet.

The sharp long sword turned into a cold light, and Sima Yan'er also became an afterimage, which was hard to discern with the naked eye, appearing in front of Vajra Ape.The long sword cut straight down, pointing directly at Vajra Ape's heart.

The giant palm held high by Vajra Ape changed direction in mid-air. He was aiming at Sima Yan'er, but Sima Yan'er was no longer in place, and appeared in front of his chest, feeling the coolness from the sword tip. The ape roared, anxious and angry, he did not expect the little monk in front of him to appear in front of him in the blink of an eye at such a fast speed.And that cold light made Vajra Ape feel a burst of shock. If it stabbed him, it might really hurt him.

The huge palm rushed back to help, and at the same time, streams of powerful mana emerged from the heart of Vajra Ape, protecting the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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