Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 436 Chapter 444: One Night's Quiet

Chapter 436 Chapter 440: A Quiet Night
Sima Yan'er's sword did not change, and still stabbed straight at the Vajra Ape's heart. The Vajra Ape showed a humane smile, "Haha...Little human monk, go to hell!" A huge palm appeared Behind Sima Yan'er, even if Sima Yan'er really stabbed Vajra Ape, she might be hit by Vajra Ape's palm.

This palm might not weigh more than a thousand catties, and with Sima Yan'er's current cultivation, it would be hard to resist.

Qin Ling has been watching closely, and if something goes wrong, he will make a move, but now Qin Ling wants to make a move, because Qin Ling finds that Sima Yan'er is a lose-lose style of play now, even if he can stab Vajra Ape, Sima Yan'er You must also be injured.

Just when Qin Ling was about to make a move, Sima Yan'er cast a reassuring look at Qin Ling, signaling Qin Ling not to worry.Seeing the firm look in his eyes, Qin Ling took back the steps he had just taken, because he knew that Sima Yan'er was definitely not doing something uncertain, nor was he the one who suffered.

Then Qin Ling heard another yell, and looked up, only to see Sima Yan'er's aura suddenly increased, and the long sword in her hand stabbed straight at the Vajra Ape's chest, even though there was a thick hole in the Vajra Ape's heart. Wrapped in mana, the sharp long sword still pierced half a point.

With a roar that shook the heavens and earth, Vajra Ape felt a bit of pain. The long sword had already pierced into the heart, and it was about to pierce the heart in half a minute. The ape is enraged.

The huge palm is only more than one meter away from Sima Yan'er's back. If Sima Yan'er doesn't move away, he might be shot by the Vajra Ape.

Qin Ling was anxious at the side, even with Sima Yan'er's firm eyes before, Qin Ling couldn't keep calm at this moment, and was waiting to rescue him.

I saw Sima Yan'er move, and when Vajra Ape's palm was only half a meter away from Sima Yan'er, Sima Yan'er dropped the long sword in her hand, and she disappeared suddenly, only a cloud of violent white clouds drifted over Vajra Ape's chest Before him, the long sword was hidden in the cloud. Vajra Ape didn't notice it, nor did Qin Ling. The cloud seemed to be able to block the consciousness.

The sudden disappearance of Sima Yan'er surprised Vajra Ape. It was too late to take back the palm that fell at such a high speed. If nothing happened, Vajra Ape would bear it by himself.

Boom!The huge palm hit the vigorous chest, and Qin Ling heard a painful roar.

Sima Yan'er appeared beside Qin Ling at some point, with smiles shining in her eyes, "Okay, it's settled, this big guy is finished..."

Qin Ling didn't know what Sima Yan'er meant, how could it be solved like this?No matter how powerful the palm of Vajra Ape was, it wouldn't kill him with one palm, right?

Without waiting for Qin Ling to ask, Sima Yan'er said again: "Look for yourself..."

The white clouds drifted away, and everything on the Vajra Ape's chest appeared in front of his eyes. Qin Ling saw a sword hilt that pierced deeply into the Vajra Ape's heart. It was the sword in Sima Yan'er's hand before, and it was completely submerged in the Vajra Ape at this moment. In his body, at this moment Qin Ling knew what was going on, and also knew why Sima Yan'er did not retreat for a long time. It turned out that it was all because of this reason.

Looking at Vajra Ape again, it is screaming in pain, blood is flowing from its mouth, and blood bubbles are constantly bubbling, a pair of giant palms are really grabbing towards the heart with great force, it seems that it wants to pull out the long sword.

Ordinary monsters, after cultivating to the Nascent Soul Stage, will not die even if their bodies are destroyed. Only by destroying the opponent's Nascent Soul can they be completely killed. It is obvious that the cultivation level of the Vajra Ape in front of him has already surpassed the Yuan Soul Stage. In the infant stage, his cultivation base is already in the middle stage of distraction, so even if his heart is pierced, he will not die for a while, only by killing his soul.

"Why don't you plan to make a move?" Seeing that Sima Yan'er had no intention of making a move again, Qin Ling reminded.

Sima Yan'er is full of confidence, she is full of confidence in this sword of hers, she also knows that if she wants to kill Vajra Ape completely, the only way to do it is by destroying his soul, so she has tampered with the sword before , "Don't worry, don't you still believe me? This big guy is dead!"

After a while, as Sima Yan'er said, Vajra Ape died!At a certain moment, he suddenly fell to the ground, out of breath.

Qin Ling stepped forward to check it out, and found that the primordial spirit of Vajra Ape had disappeared. He glanced back at Sima Yan'er, and said admiringly, "That's right, do you still have some tricks?"

Sima Yan'er said without the slightest humility: "That's right, sister, if I don't have any means, you will take all the advantages, so don't mess with me in the future!" Sima Yan'er said in a provocative way Staring at Qin Ling, that expression can instantly arouse a fire in a person's heart, and Qin Ling is no exception.

But before Qin Ling could take action, Sima Yan'er flew away and landed on a big tree more than ten meters away. At this moment, the two of them have been chasing for three days in a row. Let's talk about the corpse, otherwise it will easily attract other monsters.

Qin Ling landed beside Vajra Ape, and between the palms, a ball of blue flames danced slowly. It was real fire. Now, Qin Ling's emissary has long been very proficient, just like summoning the supernatural power of thunder, coming at the beck and wielding it that is to go.

The real fire fell and landed on the huge corpse of Vajra Ape. The huge corpse was instantly ignited and turned into ashes in less than a dozen breaths.

Sima Yan'er was on the ancient tree, staring at Qin Ling curiously. Sima Yan'er had never seen this kind of blue flame, so she suddenly became curious, and Qin Ling could control the fire. All of this, Sima Yan'er suddenly felt I don't know anything about Qinling, so I become a stranger.

Of course, she also knew that Qin Ling had a secret. At this moment, Sima Yan'er hoped that Qin Ling could share his secret with herself. Whether it was joy or sorrow, Sima Yan'er didn't care.

But Sima Yan'er couldn't open her mouth, because she was afraid, afraid that if she asked, Qin Ling wouldn't tell herself, this was what Sima Yan'er was most worried about, she didn't want to cause a gap between the two of them because of this, and she also I believe that if Qin Ling doesn't tell himself that the time has not come, Qin Ling will definitely tell him when the time comes.

After the corpse of Vajra Ape was incinerated, Qin Ling flew to Sima Yaner's side and said, "Let's rest here tonight! Let's go on the road tomorrow..."

Sima Yan'er nodded slowly, and suddenly there was tenderness in her eyes. After staring at Qin Ling for a while, Sima Yan'er slowly closed her eyes and began to adjust her breath.In the fierce battle just now, it seemed that Vajra Ape died in the hands of Sima Yan'er in just a short while, but only Sima Yan'er knew about the danger.

In this short period of time, Sima Yan'er consumed a huge amount of energy. Not only did she run out of mana, but her mind was also very tired. It is a leapfrog killing, it is definitely not so easy to do, especially Sima Yaner's mind, it consumes a lot, every minute and every second, Sima Yaner counts very accurately, which makes Vajra Ape die in own hands.

Qin Ling also saw this, so he proposed to rest here and did not take a step.You must know that the battle between the two just now might have alarmed other monsters, and it is very dangerous to still be here, if a monster finds them, I'm afraid they will inevitably fight again.

Seeing that Sima Yan'er had closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, Qin Ling slid down softly again, with a few more formation flags in his hand, Qin Ling wanted to set up a large warning formation around him to prevent any monsters from sneaking up on him.At the same time, a large defensive formation was set up to envelop Sima Yan'er.Qin Ling was always worried that the blazing sun bird would catch up, so just to be on the safe side, Qin Ling set up a defensive formation.

The sky gradually darkened, and the night shrouded the entire Tianjingyuan. The originally quiet Tianjingyuan suddenly became noisy at the moment when the night fell. There were bursts of wild beasts roaring from the depths of the forest. It was so lively that Qinling jumped. Climb to the top of the tree, and even found monsters fighting.

But the place where the fight is at least hundreds of miles away, so there is no need to worry about being affected. Besides, the monsters around here don't know that the Vajra Ape is dead, so for the time being, no monster dares to enter the Vajra Ape. of the site.

Qin Ling looked at Sima Yan'er carefully from the side, and remembered what Hongyun Patriarch said before, in fact, Qin Ling had roughly guessed Sima Yan'er's past life in his mind?If the guess is right, it should be her!

The night sky was pitch black, without even a single star. Maybe it was because of the abyss. There was a thick mist covering the abyss. The mist covered everything, and even the sun could not be seen. hazy.

The sky was getting brighter, and when a gleam of light illuminated the night, the noise in the forest disappeared instantly. Many monsters seemed to have made an appointment, and they kept silent at the same time, and Tianjingyuan fell into silence again.

Qin Ling opened his eyes, looked towards Sima Yan'er, and found that Sima Yan'er was still practicing and hadn't woken up, so Qin Ling got up and withdrew the formation formed last night.

Sima Yan'er slowly opened her eyes, feeling that yesterday's fatigue has been swept away, and even her cultivation seems to have improved, she looked towards Qin Ling, but there was no trace of Qin Ling in front of her, looking around, Sima Yan'er saw Qin Ling was on the ground, as if pulling something on the ground.

Like a fairy coming to the dust, Sima Yan'er landed lightly and came to Qin Ling's side. Only then did Sima Yan'er see clearly what Qin Ling was doing. It was a formation flag, and Sima Yan'er recognized it at a glance.

"You know how to set up formations?" Sima Yan'er was very surprised. You must know that the way of formations is not as hardworking as cultivation. In addition to hard work, it requires more talent.

"I dare not say yes, I can only say that I know a little bit about it..."

Sima Yan'er took a formation flag in Qin Ling's hand, and looked it over and over for a long time, "What kind of formation are you setting up?"

(End of this chapter)

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