Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 438 Chapter 446: Profit

Chapter 438 440 Six: Profit

The big sun blazing bird, with a trace of shock in its crimson bird eyes, in the past, no matter how powerful an enemy used "Sunset Falling", he would suffer hatred under this move, but this time he miscalculated, the opponent did not die, Just badly hurt.But right now, the endless death energy is in the body of the big sun blazing sun bird, devouring his vitality and corrupting his bird body.The Great Sun Lieyang Bird knew that he had to make a decision as soon as possible to kill the flying eagle, otherwise the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for him, so he had to heal his wounds as soon as possible to get rid of the dead energy in his body.

On the void, afterimages were left behind, and the Great Sun Lieyang Bird shot again, heading towards the flying eagle.

Flying Vulture's resentful eyes were full of murderous intent. Although he was seriously injured, Flying Vulture had no intention of backing down. He vowed to fight the Great Sun Lieyang Bird to the death, "Dead Bird, how dare you hurt this king? How will this king kill you!"

The death energy gathered again, and the Flying Vulture fluttered its wings, turned into a black shadow, and greeted it.

It was another violent impact, and the life-and-death struggle started again. The two monsters fought hard, but they didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at them right now at their feet.


A quarter of an hour later, a black bird shadow fell from the void, accompanied by a mournful cry, it was the flying eagle, he was shot down from the void by the big sun blazing bird, and his life and death are unknown.

Hundreds of meters away, at the moment the flying eagle fell to the ground, the Great Sun Lieyang bird swooped down, apparently wanting to determine whether the flying eagle was dead.

In the depths of the dense forest, the flying vulture did not fall to the ground, but hung on the branch of a tree, its breath was weak, no accident, it was dead!Opening his heavy eyes, the Flying Vulture's killing intent remained undiminished. Looking into the void, a golden figure was approaching at top speed.

An angry cry, "If you want to kill me, let's die together!"


The earth was trembling, a loud noise shook the heaven and earth, and a silent air wave swept across the four directions.

Flying Vulture blew himself up. Knowing that he was bound to die, he made this decision at the last moment. He wanted revenge. Even if he died, he would have to be buried with the Sunbird.Although the idea is good, the result is that Flying Eagle will never know.

Endless dust and smoke floated up, and the whole scene was like a volcanic eruption, and the void was completely shrouded in endless smoke and dust.

Qin Ling gathered his eyes and stared at the void. He didn't know whether the Great Sun Lieyang Bird was dead or not, but even if he didn't die, he might not feel better.

When the air wave weakened, Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er stepped on the green lotus and arrived at a very fast speed. There was a ruins in front of them. A crater nearly three feet deep appeared in front of them, and they were razed to the ground within a thousand meters.

Qinglian fell slowly, and in the deep pit, a palm-sized bird was struggling to get up. Looking carefully, it was undoubtedly the Great Sun Lieyang Bird, and a sneer flashed in Qin Ling's eyes.

The Great Sun Lieyang Bird obviously also noticed Qin Ling's arrival, and he thumped on the ground even more fiercely, but due to his serious injuries, he was already at the end of his strength at this time, and it was difficult for him to even stand up.

In the deep pit, the Great Sun Lieyang Bird stopped struggling and seemed to be gaining momentum. He looked at Qin Ling calmly, without any panic about impending disaster, and was very calm, "Human monk, is that you?"

Qin Ling smiled faintly, "That's right, it's me, didn't you expect that?" Qin Ling stepped forward, his killing intent concentrated, and continued: "I didn't expect that you didn't die like this, but your life is very hard, it seems that I have to personally kill you." shot..."

"I really didn't expect that even though I knew you were nearby, you would watch from the sidelines before I arrived. It's only because I was too careless, and that damned vulture. If it wasn't for him, why would I be in such a state, and now I would die here In the hands of you, a little human monk..." The big sun blazing bird sighed, with a unwilling and wry smile.

Sima Yan'er pulled Qin Ling aside, indicating that Qin Ling could make a move, so as not to change things, Qin Ling nodded slightly, with a sneer, and at a certain moment, a star light rose, Qin Ling suddenly made a move, without any sign at all.Even if the Sun Bird was seriously injured at this moment, Qin Ling did not underestimate him.

The stars were shining brightly, gathered into palms, Qin Ling used the supernatural power of the star picking hand, trying to capture the Great Sun Lieyang Bird, so that even if he had any plots, it would be useless, and Qin Ling would be able to handle it at that time.

At the moment when Qin Ling shot, the originally weak and immobile Great Sun Lieyang Bird suddenly rose up, and there was a fierceness in his golden eyes. Me, you are not qualified! When you return someday, you will definitely die!"

The Great Sun Lieyang Bird soared away, very fast, and disappeared in front of Qin Ling in the blink of an eye, which made Qin Ling stunned. He didn't expect the other party to be so cunning, and he wanted to catch him by surprise, but But he was put together by the other party.

Qin Ling moved in an instant, and chased after him like lightning, "I want to go! Do you think you can go?" Thunder and lightning flashed under his feet, and his speed had reached the extreme.

No matter what, Qin Ling would not let the Great Sun Lieyang Bird escape. There was only one chance, and it was hard-won.At this moment, one person and one bird are only a few tens of meters apart, but this short tens of meters is enough for the Great Sun Lieyang Bird. As long as he ascends to the void, he has enough confidence to get rid of Qinling.

The killing intent was concentrated, followed closely, and the aura around him skyrocketed, Qin Ling was about to make a move.His eyes were like torches, and there were streaks of golden light in his eyes. At this moment, Qin Ling only had the big sun blazing bird in his eyes, and nothing else.

With a soft shout, it was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart of the big sun Lieyangniao, "Space shift!"

Following this soft drink, the Great Sun Lieyang Bird was stunned. He suddenly found that Qin Ling appeared behind him at some point, and his whole body tightened, as if being pinched by a pair of palms.

Slowly turning back, the Great Sun Lieyang Bird saw a pair of eyes boiling with murderous intent, "I said, you can't escape!"

"How is it possible? How is it possible for you to catch up with me!" The Great Sun Lieyang Bird was still stunned, because he hadn't realized how Qin Ling caught up with him at all, even though it was only a short distance of tens of meters, but The Great Sun Lieyang Bird had absolute confidence in his own speed, but within a breath, he was caught by the opponent.

If the Great Sun Lieyang Bird was stunned, then Sima Yan'er who was not far away was enough to describe it as shocked at this moment. The Great Sun Lie Yang Bird might not know what was going on, but Sima Yan'er could see it clearly.

It wasn't that Qin Ling had caught up with the Great Sun Lieyang Bird, but that the Great Sun Lie Yang Bird was retreating.That's right, it was going backwards, Sima Yan'er could see it clearly, after Qin Ling let out a soft drink, Sima Yan'er was shocked to find that the Great Sun Lieyang Bird suddenly backed up, backed straight in front of Qin Ling, and then stopped.

On the palm, a green lotus swayed, and in an instant, it wrapped the Da Ri Lie Yang bird who was still in a daze. Only then did Qin Ling breathe a sigh of relief. Bird escapes.

The green lotus shook, and the big sun blazing bird had already recovered, but it was too late, struggling now was just futile.

Sima Yan'er flew forward and came to Qin Ling's side. She was still thinking about the scene just now, because she still hadn't figured out how Qin Ling did it, how to make the big sun blazing bird fall back, and just Even the Great Sun Lieyang Bird didn't notice it, and still thinks that Qin Ling caught up with him.

Staring at the Qinglian in Qin Ling's hand, Sima Yan'er opened her mouth slightly, with a bit of surprise, "What happened just now? Why did the big sun blazing bird back up by itself? Did you do it?"

"Did you see it?" Qin Ling asked back.

Sima Yan'er raised her brows, "What do you think, it's so obvious how could I not see it, and only that stupid bird foolishly thinks that you caught up with him..."

Qin Ling explained: "Actually, there's nothing special about it. It's just a supernatural power. Calling 'space shifting' means that you can transfer the space where the enemy is in front of you, but the enemy doesn't have the slightest bit of power." Qin Ling has only recently mastered this 'space shift'. With the improvement of his strength, Qin Ling can display more supernatural powers. This is the first time he has used it. Now it seems that the effect is still very good. of.

Sima Yan'er really wanted to say to Qin Ling, "Pervert!" But she didn't say it, but said, "Why are you going to deal with this stupid bird?"

Murderous intent revealed, Qin Ling said: "Of course I killed it, otherwise it would be a disaster to keep it, but before that, I have to ask him a few questions..."

The green lotus was still shaking slightly, and when the misty blue light dissipated, the roar of the big sun blazing bird came from the green lotus, "Boy, let me out quickly..." The big sun blazing bird was scared, at this time He has really reached the point where all the fuel is exhausted, and he has no strength to resist.

"It's okay to let you go, but you have to answer a few questions for me first. If I am satisfied, I can consider letting you go!"

"No, if you regret it after I answer the question... Boy, let me go first, and I promise to answer your question, no matter what it is?" The big sun blazer was really anxious, and he didn't have any mana in his body at this time , and the endless death energy is quickly devouring his flesh and vitality, and if Qin Ling doesn't do anything in a while, the Great Sun Lieyang Bird will die.

With a sneer, "It seems that you haven't recognized the situation in front of you..." Qinglian turned, and a hazy blue light fell.

There was a muffled hum from Qinglian, and then there was no sound. Qin Ling waited for a long time but still didn't hear the begging sound of the big sun blazing sun bird, what's the matter?Shouldn't he be dead?
The next moment, Qin Ling's face changed slightly, the big sun blazing bird in Qinglian was completely devoid of life, even the primordial spirit was annihilated, and the big sun blazing bird died!Qin Ling didn't expect at all that there were still many questions, but now it seemed that he had no chance to ask them.

It's just that Qin Ling overestimated the Great Sun Lieyang Bird. In the previous fight with the Flying Vulture, the Great Sun Lieyang Bird was already seriously injured, and the subsequent self-destruction of the Flying Vulture made the Great Sun Lieyang bird exhausted. , only relying on one breath to hold on, it is lucky that he did not die immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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