Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 439 Chapter 447: Mysterious Woman

Chapter 439 Chapter 440: The Mysterious Woman

Then he was caught by Qin Ling. At this time, the big sun blazing bird had only one breath left, and the dead energy in his body had already exploded. Following Qin Ling's urging of Qinglian, when the hazy blue light entered the big sun After the Lieyang Bird's body met the endless death energy, a great battle broke out. How could the dying Great Sun Lieyang Bird survive such a toss, so it died immediately.

Looking at the big sun blazing bird entangled in death, Qin Ling knew that this death should be his fatal point, Sima Yaner leaned forward, "Dead?"

"Dead, I wanted to ask him how he could get out of the Heavenly Pure Abyss, but I didn't expect to die like this!"

"If you die, you die. Are we still going out of here?"

After disposing of the body of the Great Sun Lieyang Bird, the two left quickly. The battle between the two monsters was so dynamic that even monsters hundreds of miles away could perceive it. Now this place has become a place of right and wrong, and we must You have to leave quickly, if you encounter other monsters, you will be in trouble.

Sure enough, not long after Qin Ling left, a monster appeared in the place of the great battle, it was just a red bird and moth, the whole body was shaking, showing its strength.

The red bird moth lingered for a long time in front of the big pit of more than ten meters before leaving, and then a light voice sounded, it was a woman's voice, "The flying eagle has exploded itself! There are not only the breath of other monsters here, It's really strange that there is still the breath of a human monk, who killed the flying eagle?"

With a flick of its wings, the red bird moth appeared a hundred meters away, and disappeared into the dense forest after a while, and its direction happened to be the direction where Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er left.

Tens of miles away, Qin Ling moved forward quickly, but he didn't know that there was a monster following him.

It has been nearly half a month since Sima Yan'er disappeared. At this time, the Sanxiao Sect had already taken action, and almost all the disciples under the sect were mobilized. Even the dozen or so ancestors appeared in the cultivation world to spy on Sima Yan'er secretly. whereabouts.

Such a big movement of the Three Nights Sect, naturally cannot be concealed from other big religions. At first, some people thought that the Three Nights Sect was going to attack that sect, so that those sects that had enmity with the Three Nights Sect were all in danger, and even some sects They went to Shushan to ask for help, but in the end, what everyone didn't expect was that the Sanxiao faction made such a big commotion, not to attack a certain sect at all, but to find someone.

Looking for a disciple named Sima Yan'er, everyone got the news from the Sanxiao Sect that it was rumored that Sima Yan'er was a disciple of an ancestor of the Sanxiao Sect, and now that Sima Yan'er was missing, the ancestor was furious Let all the Shushan disciples come out to search, but the head teacher of the Sanxiao faction can't resist, so they have to do so!This is the news that all the monks got from the Three Nights Sect.

Speaking of Sima Yan'er, many monks in the cultivation world have heard of it. As a fairy-like figure in the cultivation world, many monks are naturally paying attention to Sima Yan'er. Now that they heard that Sima Yan'er was captured by that evil spirit, Everyone regretted it, and even many admirers of Sima Yan'er joined the ranks of looking for Sima Yan'er.

Now half a month has passed, and almost all the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect have been mobilized, but there is no news, Sima Yan'er seems to have disappeared directly from the cultivation world, and even the trace of Li Gui has disappeared without a trace.But the only thing that can reassure the dozen or so ancestors of the Sanxiao Sect is that Sima Yan'er's soul card is still there, which means that Sima Yan'er is not in any danger for the time being.

Ao Li was still looking for Qin Ling, but in the end he found nothing. In desperation, Ao Li stopped searching, knowing that it would be impossible to continue the search, and then Ao Li left for Ziyang City, because he knew that if Qin Ling came back without incident, He will definitely go to Ziyang City, because Shan Jishu, the city lord of Ziyang City, will ascend to the throne in a few months, and then Qin Ling will take over the position of the city lord.

In Tianjingyuan, more than ten days have passed since the death of the Great Sun Lieyang Bird. During these ten days, Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er traveled nearly a thousand miles, and they tried to avoid monsters along the way. It was difficult to avoid, they were all beheaded by Qinling one by one, and the price Qinling paid was bloody, every time Qinling was almost seriously injured before beheading each other, although there were many crises, but it made Qinling's Cultivation is more refined.

Looking at the endless mountains and forests in front of him, Qin Ling had a very strong feeling that he was walking in the wrong direction, otherwise he would not have walked nearly a thousand miles and hadn't seen the end. There was only one explanation, he was walking in the wrong direction, I walked along the direction of Tianjingyuan, not sideways.

Sima Yan'er seemed to have noticed this problem, and was about to speak when Qin Ling suddenly landed on Qinglian, hid behind an ancient tree, and booed Sima Yan'er.

Sima Yan'er soon understood what was going on, there were monsters coming!

In this way, the two concealed their breath and quietly hid behind the ancient tree, waiting for each other's arrival.

After about a dozen breaths, a figure appeared in front of the two of them. It was a human body, and it was a petite woman. The woman's appearance was very delicate, like a porcelain doll, she was wearing colorful clothes, and her feet did not touch. Land, jumping quickly in the forest.Like an elf in the forest.

Sima Yan'er was so dumbfounded that she almost exclaimed, letting the other party notice.

The woman stopped a hundred meters away from the two of them, as if she was looking for something. When she looked up, she saw her frowning slightly, looking around again and again.

Qin Ling looked at the woman, who seemed to want to move, but didn't dare to move rashly. He was startled, and wondered if he would be discovered by the other party?How could he be discovered when he hid so secretly?For a moment Qin Ling became uncertain.

Sima Yan'er did not speak, but communicated with Qin Ling through divine thoughts, "She won't find us, will she?"

Qin Ling couldn't tell whether the woman had found him, and was about to answer Sima Yan'er's words, when the woman suddenly smiled at Qin Ling's hiding place, "Come out, you two? Yu'e has already spotted you..."

Seeing the other party's gaze, Qin Ling knew that the other party had really discovered him, so he simply walked out generously, and Sima Yan'er followed behind Qin Ling, the two of them one in front and one behind.

"Are you a monster?" Qin Ling felt a strong breath of a monster.

The woman smiled peacefully, "That's right, Yu'e is a monster..."

Staring at each other, Qin Ling asked again: "I don't know what the girl is doing with the two of you?" At this time, Qin Ling was ready to strike, and if the situation was slightly wrong, Qin Ling would launch a thunderous blow to the woman.

Perhaps sensing Qin Ling's murderous intent, the woman hurriedly explained with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, Yu'e didn't mean anything malicious. The reason why Yu'e followed you was to know if the flying vulture was captured by the two of you." kill?"

"Flying vulture?"

"That's right, it's the Flying Vulture. Yu'e heard the news of the battle a few days ago, and when she arrived, she found that the Flying Vulture had blew herself up and died. At the scene, Yu'e felt three auras. In addition to the Flying Vulture, there was also the human monk's breath." The breath, and the breath of another monster, presumably the breath of the human monk was left by the two fellow Taoists..."

Qin Ling didn't relax at all, but still stared at the woman tightly, "Don't tell me you want to avenge that flying eagle?"

Hearing Qin Ling's words, the woman hurriedly waved her hands, "Don't get me wrong, Yu'e said that she didn't mean anything malicious, and the reason why she followed you two is because Yu'e and the flying vulture are enemies, if the two kill you Flying Vulture, the two are Yu'e's benefactors, and Yu'e came to express her gratitude to the two of them..."

Qin Ling was a little skeptical, did he follow him thousands of miles to express his gratitude?But since the other party said so, Qin Ling wanted to see if it was true or not, and if it was true, it would be the best. I know how the girl plans to thank us..."

After hearing Qin Ling's words, the woman smiled excitedly and asked, "Yu'e would like to invite two fellow Taoists to visit Yu'e's house. Would you like to?" A hint of otherness.

"No, thank you for your kindness. I have to go on my way, so I won't bother you..." Qin Ling refused directly. It wasn't that Qin Ling didn't believe the woman in front of him, but that the woman in front of him had to make Qin Ling suspicious.Let me go directly to her house, if she has already arranged everything and waits for me to drill in, it will be troublesome... The monsters in the net abyss are more difficult to deal with one by one, Qin Ling knows it well.

Regarding Qin Ling's refusal, the woman didn't have any abnormalities, but there was a strange light in the depths of her eyes, and said with a smile: "That's a pity... I don't know if the two fellow Taoists came to Tianjingyuan to practice or to find a elixir, if so Maybe Yu'e can help? It can be regarded as Yu'e's gratitude to the two of you!"

While waiting for Qin Ling's answer, Sima Yan'er stepped forward and said, "Where is the nearest way out?"

"Are you two leaving here?"

"That's right, if the girl really wants to express her gratitude, just tell me how to get out of here..." Qin Ling said.

The woman showed a trace of doubt, but soon relieved, as if she already knew something, "Since the two fellow Taoists want to leave here, please come with Yu'e!"

The woman floated away, but her direction was the direction Qin Ling and Sima Yaner had come before, which means that the woman is now walking back.

Qin Ling hesitated, he doubted the woman's intentions very much, if the woman really had malicious intentions, would he be falling into a trap by following her now.

Sima Yan'er had already walked in front of Qin Ling. Seeing that Qin Ling hadn't moved, she turned her head and said, "Let's go! This woman didn't lie to us, so don't worry!"

"How do you know she's telling the truth?"

Sima Yan'er seemed very confident, as if she had full confidence, "Intuition, this is my intuition..."

(End of this chapter)

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