Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 440 Chapter 448: The purpose of women

Chapter 440 Chapter 440: The Purpose of a Woman
Qin Ling was speechless for a while, okay!Intuition again.Even if there is a dragon pool and a tiger's den in front of it, it seems that we have to go all the way.

Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er followed closely, and quickly caught up with the woman. After the woman sensed the two, a smile appeared on her face, her body trembled unnaturally, and a light voice sounded, "Both of you This is the first time for fellow Taoist to come to Tianjingyuan, right?"

"Fellow Daoist is right, otherwise I wouldn't have been walking for more than ten days before and couldn't find a way to leave..." Sima Yan'er said without hiding anything.

The woman slowed down and walked side by side with Sima Yaner, with a hint of surprise on her brows, she continued: "The two fellow daoists are going in the wrong direction. If you go in the direction of the two fellow daoists, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. out of here..."

Sure enough, he was going in the wrong direction. After hearing what the woman said, Qin Ling could now be sure that he was going in the wrong direction, and he was less suspicious of the woman.

The speed of the three of them was very fast, and what surprised Qin Ling was that for some reason, he didn't encounter a single monster along the way. Qin Ling clearly remembered that there were many powerful monsters nearby on the way here, but now he The three of them were walking so blatantly, but there was not a single monster. This is too weird!
Is this by chance?Qin Ling cast his eyes on the woman, and found that he couldn't see through the woman. Gradually, Qin Ling felt that women were not easy. Not only did he dare to walk alone in the dense forest, but he was able to chase him for thousands of miles. He was very careful not to leave any clues, but the other party was able to catch up without anyone noticing. This alone is inconceivable.

Without the threat of monsters, the three of them traveled very fast in the forest. In less than a few hours, the three of them traveled hundreds of miles, and soon came to the place where the flying eagle and the big sun blazing bird fought.

It was pitch black in front of my eyes. Although more than ten days had passed, the scorched black surface was still dead silent, without any life.

The three of them didn't stop, and continued to move forward. After about a hundred miles, the woman suddenly stopped and said to the two of them, "Two fellow Taoists, it should be about [-] miles in this direction. You can go out of Tianjingyuan, there are no powerful monsters along the way..."

At this point, Qin Ling finally believed in the woman, knowing that he had misunderstood the woman before, but the woman did not have the slightest intention of blaming, "I have misunderstood before, I hope the girl forgives!"

The woman is still smiling like a flower, "You don't have to be like this, fellow daoists, Yu'e should be the one who wants to say thank you. You killed the flying eagle for Yu'e, and you are Yu'e's benefactors. This is what Yu'e should do. The two fellow daoists really Don't you want to go to Yu'e's house? Yu'e's house is just ahead, not very far away, if you two fellow Taoists go and sit down, Yu'e can also repay the great kindness of the two of you..."

"I still have something important to do, so I won't bother the girl, so I'll take my leave..." Qin Ling cupped his hands.

Sima Yan'er also went forward to bid farewell to the woman. Although the two hadn't been together for a day, Sima Yan'er still had a good impression of Yu'e. If the two spent more time together, maybe they could become best friends .

Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er left, and within three feet of the two of them walking, the woman smiled, and a multicolored light shone like a dream, the woman turned into a monster, a red bird and a moth.

The red bird moth flapped its wings lightly, and called out to Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er who were more than ten meters away. When Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er turned their heads, what caught their eyes was a splendor. Cover the two of them.

Qin Ling felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, because he hadn't noticed any abnormality at all before, but when he turned his head, he found that a group of gorgeous rays of light shrouded him, and he didn't have the slightest reaction time at all.

Under the shroud of multicolored rays of light, Qin Ling felt waves of powerlessness welling up in his heart. He thought something was wrong in his heart, but he didn't have time to react, and his eyes quickly blurred. In less than a breath, Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er both fell down. land.

The woman's wings fluttered and she appeared in front of the two of them. At this time, there was no killing intent in the woman's eyes, but a burst of apology, as if she felt sorry for Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er.

Quiet, quiet like night, this kind of quiet makes people feel very natural, not like the dead quiet, lifeless kind.

Qin Ling slowly opened his eyes, his first thought was that he was not dead yet!But Qin Ling clearly remembered that he had been tricked by that woman, and was stunned by the multicolored glow released by that woman, why didn't the other party kill him?Qin Ling got up and found himself lying on a bed, looking around, this is a room, Qin Ling is confused, what's going on?

Qin Ling got out of bed, since he was fine, did the other party come after Yan'er?Sima Yan'er was not there, Qin Ling was worried and wanted to go out to find out the truth.

Through the door, Qin Ling felt that he was in a quiet courtyard. Outside the door, there were two little demons, who should be flower spirits and grass spirits, but now they have become maids.

The door opened, Qin Ling came out, and the two maids outside the door immediately stepped forward respectfully, saying: "Master, you are awake..."

At present, the other party's purpose is still unclear. Qin Ling wants to know the situation of Sima Yan'er the most, so he asked: "Where is this place? And the woman who was with me before, where is she?"

"Young master, please come with me. The young lady has already ordered that if the young master wakes up, he should take the young master to see her. As for the girl that the young master said, he should be with the young lady now..."

The maid led Qin Ling through many courtyards and came to a garden gate, "Master, the young lady is waiting for you inside, please come in, sir!"

With a lot of doubts, Qin Ling walked in. The garden was full of vitality and flowers blooming like brocade. The master is not an ordinary person either.

Gazing at the beautiful scenery in front of him, two figures came into Qin Ling's eyes, one black and one colorful, one of them was Sima Yan'er, and the other, needless to say, was the woman named Yu'e.

At this time Sima Yan'er was talking and laughing with that woman, just like a pair of sisters.

Qin Ling walked towards the two of them, and the two women soon discovered Qin Ling's arrival. The woman floated towards Qin Ling lightly, and bowed to Qin Ling, "Brother Qin, you are awake, you have offended me before." , Don’t blame Brother Qin! Yu’e just wants Brother Qin to come here as a guest, and has no other meaning..."

"Yeah, Yu'e just wanted us to stay for a few more days to express her gratitude. Before that, she took action against us because we refused to come..." Sima Yan'er walked over and said.

What else can Qin Ling say?Sima Yan'er and her sister wanted to say it, and the other party had already apologized, and it was another woman. Qin Ling really didn't want to say anything, and the questioning that had been planned before was really hard to open.

Since he couldn't say anything, Qin Ling simply stopped talking and looked at the beautiful scenery around him. However, in his heart, Qin Ling kept thinking. Although what the woman said was reasonable, it was always far-fetched. It seemed that the matter was not what the woman said. It's so simple, the woman must have other purposes.

Sitting on the ground, Qin Ling watched Sima Yan'er talking happily with the woman not far away, Qin Ling didn't believe that Sima Yan'er would not find anything with her cleverness, and she also believed that the woman's reason was so far-fetched.

The night was getting dark, and Sima Yan'er, who had been crazy for a day, happily returned to the residence with Qin Ling. The woman entertained the two of them just now, and all the dishes served were delicacies from mountains and seas, many of which Qin Ling had never heard of.But the more the other party is like this, the more strange Qin Ling feels, and always feels that the other party has some kind of purpose, although he hasn't said a word yet.

Qin Ling didn't want to guess charades anymore, he had to rush back to Ziyang City as soon as possible, there were still many things waiting for him, at this moment Qin Ling had already decided to explain everything to the woman tomorrow, if the other party had no purpose, it would be best to just express his gratitude, then Tomorrow I will bid farewell to the woman. If there is a real purpose, then let's see what the other party wants to do. It must be a conspiracy to take such a lot of effort to bring me back.

On the way back, Qin Ling looked at Sima Yan'er, who was still interested, and said, "Don't you feel strange? There is only one woman in this huge manor?" What kind of place is this? This monster is extremely powerful, but this woman can survive in this day's pure abyss by herself, which has to be doubted.

"Is it strange? It's nothing strange. Yu'e also has an older brother..." Sima Yan'er said casually.

"A brother, did she tell you?" Qin Ling asked.

"Yeah, Yu'e said that her brother is very powerful, and almost no one dares to provoke him in Tianjingyuan..."

Qin Ling looked at Sima Yan'er suspiciously, and said, "Do you know something?" With Yan'er's shrewdness, she couldn't fail to see this, and now that Yan'er is still speaking for the other party, it means that Yan'er must know something , must have known the other party's purpose, Qin Ling thought.

"Okay, forget it, sister Yu'e will say it tomorrow anyway, tell you now, you should be prepared!" Sima Yan'er then told everything.

It turns out that Yu'e really has an older brother named Yukun. Yukun is young and has a high level of cultivation, so he soon made a big name in Tianjingyuan. This is Yukun's for hundreds of miles. Territory, perhaps because the tree is big and windy, Yukun's strength has attracted the attention of some people, including Feitianjiu. Since the two are closest to each other, Yukun's rise makes Feitianjiu feel uneasy.

Soon the Flying Vulture attacked Yukun. During the fight, Yukun caught the Flying Vulture's way and was infiltrated by the Flying Vulture's death energy. As you can imagine, after Yu Kun returned to the villa , fell into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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