Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 441 Chapter 449: Red Cloud Shot

Chapter 441 Chapter 440: Red Cloud Shot

However, Yukun's cultivation is real, and the dead energy in his body was suppressed by him. During this period, Flying Eagle came to make trouble several times. The purpose was obviously to take a look at Yukun's situation. Now Seeing Yukun standing in front of him safe and sound, Flying Eagle left in a hurry, because he was also injured by Yukun in the previous fight, and now seeing that Yukun was fine, naturally he would not fight with him again.

Just after Fei Tianjiu left, Yukun completely lost control of the dead energy in his body. The dead energy exploded instantly, and Yu Kun completely fell into a coma. It has been nearly three months now.

In these three months, Yu'e has exhausted almost all methods but it is still difficult to get rid of the dead energy in Yukun's body, and this matter cannot be publicized. If other monsters find out, I am afraid that the consequences will be unpredictable. The two brothers and sisters will be ruthlessly killed.

Seeing that Yukun was about to be unable to hold on anymore, at this time Yu'e suddenly discovered that her enemy, Fei Tianjiu, seemed to be fighting with people. The war shocked hundreds of miles around. After being disturbed, Yu'e immediately rushed towards the place Go, but when she arrived, the battle was over, and she found the breath of the flying eagle's self-destruction. Once upon a time, she wanted to take revenge on the flying eagle, but she knew she couldn't. If she made a move against the flying eagle, wouldn't she tell him everything?In this way, she endured it, and she had already thought about it, if the elder brother was really hopeless, after the elder brother passed away, she would come to the flying eagle to take revenge, even if they both died together!
But now the flying eagle was killed, which surprised Yu'e. During the battle, she felt the breath of human monks, and immediately a thought came to her mind, because she had heard her elder brother say that human monks have countless panacea , and they have extraordinary means, thinking that Yu'e immediately had an idea, that is, to find this human monk, not only to thank the enemy for killing the enemy, but also to ask them to save the elder brother, no matter what they pay. not hesitate.

The woman's body is a red bird moth, born with an innate sensitivity to smell, so she was able to chase Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er for thousands of miles without losing them, all because of her smell.It was the same on the way back. Relying on her sensitivity to smells, Yu'e led Qin Ling and the others to avoid powerful monsters one by one and pass through their hinterland.

After hearing Sima Yan'er's words, Qin Ling understood that the other party really wanted to ask for something, otherwise it wouldn't be the case, but it is not difficult to save people, and it won't take long, so it's okay to help a group.

On the second day, as Sima Yaner said, the woman explained everything to Qin Ling, begging Qin Ling to help her elder brother, no matter what the conditions were, she would agree.Looking at the woman like that, Qin Ling knew that she would immediately agree even if he made too much of a request, but with Sima Yan'er at the side, Qin Ling would naturally not make any requests.

Led by the woman, Qin Ling came to a brightly lit room. As soon as he entered the room, Qin Ling felt a death-like coldness. I have felt the power of death energy before, needless to say, even the big sun blazer has been planted on it, one can imagine how powerful it is.

What surprised Qin Ling the most was that Yu'e's elder brother could survive for such a long time. Qin Ling really admired him. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died long ago.

Walking into the room, Qin Ling saw a young man with no blood on his face, even pitch-black. The young man revealed a strong dead air, almost no different from a dead person. , but it also shows that the youth still has a breath, and has not completely died.

Qin Ling walked towards the bed step by step, but at this moment, Qin Ling found that Sima Yan'er and the woman seemed to be unable to move forward, and strong dead energy rushed towards the two of them, making it difficult for them to move forward at all. Qin Ling turned his head and said to the two of them: "Don't come here, you will be in trouble if you are trapped by death energy..."

Every time Qin Ling took a step forward, he could feel the death energy becoming more intense. Flames surged up and attached to Qin Ling's body, forming a fire robe. With the fire robe on his body, the death energy was difficult to penetrate.

Coming to the window step by step, Qin Ling sat on the edge of the bed and began to investigate the condition of Yukun's body.Pinching Yukun's icy wrist with two fingers, Qin Ling felt a chill rush towards him crazily.

With a cold snort, the flames shot up to the sky, Qin Ling couldn't help cursing inwardly that the dead air was really arrogant, and he dared to erode himself.

After repelling the death energy, the consciousness came out through the body, and everything in Yukun's body appeared clearly in front of Qin Ling's eyes. Qin Ling frowned tightly, and the situation seemed very pessimistic.

Qin Ling found that the internal organs in Yukun's body had basically been corroded by the dead energy, and had already become necrotic. Even the dantian was occupied by the dead energy. Only the atrium still had a mass of mana struggling to resist the dead energy. Maybe this was Yukun's undead body. The reason, but it won't be long before this magic power will be swallowed by death energy, and the only way to die is then.

Withdrawing his consciousness, Qin Ling got up and walked to the side of the two women. Qin Ling already knew the situation in Yukun's body well, and the next step was the treatment.

Yu'e looked worried. In fact, she was very clear about the situation in Yukun's body, but now she still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Qin Ling could save her elder brother. "Brother Qin, is my elder brother?"

"The situation is very bad, but there is still a chance. As for whether we can survive, we can only rely on God's will..." Qin Ling was not sure at the moment, the death energy had spread all over Yukun's body. If it can get better, it can be said that there is no vitality in Yukun's body, only the atrium still has a glimmer of hope, Qin Ling can only do his best,

Yu'e nodded slowly, and was already mentally prepared for this result, "Then please let Brother Qin do whatever he wants, no matter what the result is, it doesn't matter!"

Qin Ling said: "In that case, then I'll go and prepare..." It's not that Qin Ling doesn't want to do it now, but that a lot of preparations are still needed.

On the second day, Qin Ling had already prepared everything. In the room, Qin Ling asked the two women to wait outside the room to avoid accidents. After the two women went out, Qin Ling started to start.

In the room, the human-high cauldron is exuding scalding heat. Inside the cauldron is the spiritual liquid made from various elixir medicines. I didn't expect it to be used to save people now.

Below the big cauldron, clusters of blue flames were beating extremely fast, exuding compelling heat, the spirit liquid in the burning heaven cauldron was violently tumbling, and within a short while, the whole room was filled with medicinal mist, with a dense Even the two girls outside the room could smell the long-lasting medicinal fragrance.

Qin Ling slowly moved Yukun into the cauldron, and suddenly a black air rose into the sky, and the whole cauldron boiled and almost exploded, making a hissing sound like hot oil in a pot.

At the same time, the real fire under the Fentian Cauldron began to dance, and within a short while, the real fire filled the cauldron.

While carefully controlling the strength of the real fire, Qin Ling threw elixir plants into the cauldron.

Outside the room, Yu'e was in a state of anxiety, and felt a burst of overwhelming heat coming from the room, which made Yu'e's already uneasy heart even more worried. If Sima Yan'er was not there to comfort her, I am afraid that Yu'e would be very nervous. Might be tempted to rush in.

Sweating profusely, an hour has passed, Qin Ling is still busy, and the real fire is still burning. At this time, the room has already been covered by thick medicine mist, except for the blue fire. Nothing else can be seen.

Gradually, Yukun's complexion in the Fentian Cauldron changed slightly. Although it was not obvious, it could be clearly seen that Yukun's complexion had a glimmer of brilliance, and it was no longer so dark. Seeing this, Qin Ling knew The time has come.

I saw Qin Ling yelling softly, and the blind real fire covered with the burning heaven tripod changed, and they went towards the tripod one after another, floating on the spiritual liquid, and even a few clusters attached to Yukun's body, but it was strange The most amazing thing is that Yukun was not swallowed by the real fire blindly. Instead, Yukun exuded black air and coldness from his body.

Endless dead air emerged from Yukun's body, and was completely burned by the real fire, while the spiritual liquid poured into Yukun's body, nourishing his physical body and internal organs.

Seeing the death energy coming out little by little, Qin Ling breathed a sigh of relief, now half of the success has been achieved, as long as he continues, the death energy in Yukun's body can be expelled, and by then it will be almost the same, whether it is life or death It depends on Yukun's fortune.

Just as Qin Ling continued to ignite the real fire, a skinny figure suddenly appeared. Qin Ling felt a chill, and Qin Ling's hairs exploded in fright. After seeing who it was, Qin Ling had no choice but to go up and kick him. But Qin Ling didn't dare, but smiled helplessly: "Senior, why did you come out?"

Ancestor Hongyun looked around curiously, and finally stopped his gaze on Yukun, "If the old man doesn't come out again, this kid will be hopeless. You really think that if you expel the dead energy in his body, he will be able to recover." alive?"

Qin Ling was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Isn't it possible?"

"If you can, the old man won't come out. There is no vitality in this kid's body. Even if you expel all the dead energy in his body, he will still die!"

Qin Ling's eyes flickered strangely, "Listening to what Senior said, could Senior have a solution?"

Patriarch Hongyun didn't look at Qin Ling, but showed a thoughtful expression, "There is a way, but if I want to save this kid, I'm afraid I have to pay a big price..."

Qin Ling understands the meaning of the old ancestor of Hongyun's words. He originally wanted to get something out of it. "Senior, why did he become so philistine? As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda... Couldn't senior be kind?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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