Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 444 Chapter 452: Doubt

Chapter 444 Chapter 450: Doubt

Of course, these are just what Lu Zheng was thinking in his heart, but he laughed loudly and said, "Fellow Taoist Jiaomu may not know that Qinling Xiaoer and he left Ziyang City a few months ago, and they don't know where to go! Or just remember Shuna The old thief has already passed on the position of city lord to that boy!"

"The kid is not in the city?" Jiaomu Jiao always thought that Qin Ling was in Ziyang City.

"It's true that he's not there, but fellow Taoist Jiaomu don't need to worry, Shan Ji Shu Feisheng is coming soon, and the kid should have a chance to return soon, and it's time for fellow Taoist Jiaomu to avenge his revenge!"

Jiaomujiao gritted his teeth, and his killing intent boiled instantly, "Huh! That kid has opposed me many times, this time I will definitely let him pay the price! To avenge my broken arm!"

On the second day, when Qiuzhong and He Lu woke up, Shan Jishu had disappeared. The two were very calm, both happy and slightly sad, and soon they cheered up, because there was more to come. Important things wait for the two of them to do.

Three days passed in a flash, and in the city lord's mansion, Qiu Zhong and He Lu looked at the sky at the same time, and He Lu said slowly, "Brother has already ascended to the fairy world, right?"

"That's right! I didn't expect time to pass so fast. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed. My eldest brother has been promoted, and now there are only two of us left..." Qiu Zhong felt a sense of emotion.

He Lu withdrew his gaze, looked at Qiu Zhong and said, "Second brother, is he about to cross the catastrophe?" He Lu has recently felt that Qiu Zhong's aura is slowly increasing. There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is Qiu Zhong It's time to break through from the integration period to the transcendence period.

"That's right, we will break through in a few days..."

He Lu felt uncomfortable. Once upon a time, the cultivation bases of the three brothers were almost the same, but now the eldest brother flies away, and the second brother is about to break through to the stage of crossing the catastrophe. He Lu smiled bitterly silently. Because there has been no progress for hundreds of years.

Qiu Zhong saw He Lu's thoughts, patted He Lu on the shoulder and said: "Third brother, don't be impatient. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity during the training process. You need to proceed step by step. Second brother believes that you will be able to do it!"

He Lu nodded firmly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.Then he said: "Second brother, recently, the old man Lu Zheng seems to be plotting something. He has always been dissatisfied with the eldest brother passing the position of city lord to Qinling. I'm afraid he has a big conspiracy!"

"There's no need to worry about this. Brother already knew about it and has already made arrangements. As long as Lu Zheng dares to move at that time, it will be the day when his Lu family will be destroyed! The most important thing right now is to quickly find that kid and let him come back as soon as possible." Take over as the city lord, otherwise the longer the delay, the worse it will be for us!" Although Qiuzhong knew that Shan Jishu had already made arrangements, he didn't know, so he was always uncertain, and only hoped that Qin Ling could return as soon as possible.

As soon as Qin Ling was mentioned, He Lu became angry. He Lu had been inquiring about Qin Ling's whereabouts day and night these days, but he didn't find any trace of Qin Ling, as if Qin Ling had suddenly disappeared.However, after some inquiries, I still got some news, that is, a month ago, someone saw Qin Ling in Tuhua City. He disappeared strangely, and no one saw him again.

"I don't know where that kid went. I heard that he went to kill the ghost, but he hasn't been seen until now. It seems that tomorrow I have to ask someone from the Sanxiao Sect to ask about the situation..."

Tens of thousands of miles, in terms of the fastest speed of Chuanyun Zhou, it would take at least ten days, but fortunately Qin Ling has countless spirit stones on him, just put the spirit stones into the formation, and the Yunchuan Zhou will It can run on its own, without the need to inject mana at all, so since the cloud piercing boat took off from Moyun City, it has not stopped, and has been moving forward at the fastest speed.

Five days later, the two had traveled nearly [-] miles. At this moment, they came to a city. Qin Ling collected the cloud piercing boat and landed in the void. He entered the city with Sima Yan'er and took a rest.

Walking into the city, the two found an inn and stayed there, planning to go on the road tomorrow.

In the room, Sima Yan'er sat down cross-legged after tidying up, and waited for the waiter to bring the food. It seemed that she didn't want to go out. Qin Ling came to the lobby of the inn, wanting to hear what's going on in the cultivation world recently. Did any major events happen, especially in Ziyang City.

An hour later, Qin Ling got up and went back to the room. After some listening, what Qin Ling heard the most was that the Sanxiao Sect had gone crazy looking for Sima Yan'er, and almost mobilized all the Sanxiao Sect disciples to search the cultivation world.

Qin Ling was not surprised by this. After learning that Sima Yan'er was the reincarnation of an immortal, nothing shocked Qin Ling more than this. However, this news showed one point, that is, the senior officials of the Sanxiao faction obviously knew about Sima Yan'er It was the reincarnation of an immortal, so after learning that Yan'er was missing, she was so anxious.

There is nothing about the news about Ziyang City, and Qin Ling has not heard anyone say that the lord of Ziyang City is ascending. After returning to the room, Qin Ling told Sima Yan'er everything, and asked Sima Yan'er's opinion, "I will go to Ziyang with myself. City, or return to the Three Nights faction?"

In the end, Sima Yan'er gave the answer that he would go to Ziyang City with Qin Ling. According to Sima Yan'er, he would soon arrive in Ziyang City anyway, and he didn't care about these few days. Besides, Sima Yan'er also wanted to see Qin Ling succeed him. The scene of the city lord.

On the second day, the two continued to move forward, and the cloud piercing boat was traveling at top speed in the void, leaving behind an afterimage.

In the City Lord's Mansion, nearly ten days have passed since Shan Ji Shu Feisheng. During these ten days, the people in the City Lord's Mansion have never seen Shan Ji Shu again. Although everyone felt a little strange, no one was more Say what.

Because the people in the city lord's mansion are all their own people, and their eyes and ears have already been wiped out by He Lu, so there is no need to worry about anything. The bad thing is that many monks come to visit Shan Jishu every day. They will tell the other party that Shan Jishu is retreating, but this is not a way. After a long time, if Shan Jishu doesn't show up again, it will make people suspicious.

Lu Mansion, Lu Zheng was listening to his subordinate's report, "Master, Shan Jishu has not shown up for a while, and it is said that he is in retreat. No matter who came to see him, he did not show up, even Daoist Hong Yi." Same!"

"Oh! What you said is true, you haven't even seen Hongyi?"

"Yes, sir, I heard this from Hongyi's disciples, only Qiu Zhong entertained Hongyi..."

Lu Zheng revealed a trace of contemplation, "Retreat? Hongyi?"

Hong Yi, a powerful casual cultivator, and Shan Ji Shu are both teachers and friends, and the relationship between the two is very close.Now Shan Ji Shu and even Hong Yi are gone, which is a bit unusual.

After a while, Lu Zheng's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and his face flushed instantly, as if he was excited about something, he hurriedly said to the man: "Hurry up and inform the contact person of the Shushan faction, just say that the master I have something important to discuss, hurry up!"

The man left in a hurry, Lu Zheng's face was still hot, "Retreat? Do you think you can fool them and me?"

Regarding the theory of retreat, although those monks who came to visit thought it was inconceivable that a person who was about to ascend, how could he still retreat, but since what the other party said must be true, they did not have any doubts.

But in Lu Zheng's view, there must be something hidden in it. Based on Lu Zheng's understanding of Shan Jishu, Shan Jishu will definitely not retreat at this time. Since it is not a retreat, Shan Jishu has not appeared for more than ten days , then there is only one possibility, and that is that Shan Jishu has already ascended to the Immortal Realm secretly.As soon as this idea came to mind, he couldn't get rid of it. The more Lu Zheng thought about it, the more likely it was.

However, just to be on the safe side, Lu Zheng decided to discuss it with someone before making a decision. If he guessed wrong, Shan Jishu was really in retreat, and if he acted rashly, Lu Zheng couldn't imagine the consequences. The difference between life and death.

An hour later, a Shushan monk walked into the Lu residence. It was the man from more than ten days ago. As soon as the man entered the Lu residence, he immediately asked, "What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Lu? Is it about Qinling's children?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry, please come with Lu!" Lu Zheng led the Shushan monk to a quiet room, and the two talked in secret for nearly half an hour before they walked out of the room.What the two said, I'm afraid only two people know.

After the Shushan monk left, Lu Zhengyao looked at the dark night sky, and said to the void: "Shan Jishu, have you really gone up? We'll see tonight! But I hope you're already up there... Who can stop me like this, Ziyang City is mine!"

After a while of complacency, Lu Zheng called someone over, "Go and find Lu Yan!"

For half a quarter of an hour, a figure appeared silently behind Lu Zheng, and even Lu Zheng didn't notice it until the man spoke.

This is a young man, he is said to be a young man but he is very mature. He does not have the vigor and vitality of a young man. There is only a dead silence, like a piece of rotten wood. Even if you stand by your side, I am afraid that you will ignore him. , the young man said to Lu Zheng: "Master!"

Lu Zheng's body trembled, a look of shock appeared on his face, but there was a deep smile on his face, he turned around, and Lu Zheng said with concern: "Lu Yan, you have been in my Lu family for 300 years, right? "

There was a gleam in the young man's eyes, and he lowered his head and said, "Yes, sir, if it wasn't for the master's rescue, Lu Yan would have become the food of the monster..."

"Well, time flies so fast! I thought you were a child back then, but I didn't expect you to be an adult today..."

"No matter how old Lu Yan is, Lu Yan will never forget the master's kindness to Lu Yan!"

Lu Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and then said in a deep voice: "I called you here today, because I have a matter for you to do? Remember that this matter can only succeed and not fail. If it fails, what should I do? I don't need to tell you Bar?"

"Master, please tell me, Lu Yan will definitely go all out, even if he dies, he will finish it, in order to repay the master's great kindness!"

Lu Zheng laughed loudly, "Okay! Very good! Master, I did not misread you. You are indeed my Lu family. Come here with your ears..." Until Sunday, among these three days, you can choose one day, you can comment and leave a message, I can also arrange in advance, about 8-10 chapters will be updated)
(End of this chapter)

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