Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 445 Chapter 453: Lu Zheng's ecstasy

Chapter 445 Chapter 450: Lu Zheng's Ecstasy
"Go! If you complete the task, the old man will accept you as a foster son, and you will be the young master of my Lu family from now on!"

In the dark night, a figure slid out of Lu Mansion silently. The strange thing is that none of the guards in Lu Mansion noticed it, except of course Lu Zheng, because he watched that figure leave Lu Mansion.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Qiu Zhong has already left. Qiu Zhong is in the breakthrough stage these days, so he seldom appears. Presumably, he is retreating and breaking through. Apart from the guards, He Lu is the only one in the entire City Lord Mansion.

Now the entire City Lord's Mansion seemed empty. Although there were guards patrolling by from time to time, it still seemed very quiet. In the hall, He Lu sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

The night gradually deepened, and the candles in the dark night gradually became brighter. The entire City Lord's Mansion was brightly lit. At a certain moment, a figure appeared silently and landed on a roof. It was shocking that there was no There was not even a sound, not even the sound of clothes being flapped, that figure floated down like a goose feather, and landed in the silent courtyard.

At this time, the place where the shadow was located was only a hundred meters away from the hall where He Lu was, and He Lu was still adjusting his breath with his eyes closed, without any reaction.

The black shadow didn't stop, it escaped the guards one by one, and went straight to the backyard, where Shan Jishu Zengjin lived, the black shadow was obviously familiar with the layout of the City Lord's Mansion, and he went for Shan Jishu .

In the hall, He Lu opened his eyes, there was no one around him, it was really a torment for him, he didn't even want to talk to someone.Walking out of the hall, He Lu unconsciously looked up at the night sky, "Brother should be enjoying himself up there right now! Everyone says that he is happy like a fairy, and I don't know when I will become a fairy, so go up and reunite with Big Brother?"

In the misty night, He Lu walked to the courtyard step by step, and at some point there was a jug of wine in his hand, and he sat on the stone bench in the courtyard and drank it by himself.Gradually the jug emptied, and He Lu cursed inwardly as a disappointment, and when he was about to return to the hall to get the wine, suddenly a dark shadow seemed to be caught in the corner of his eye.

When He Lu went to look again, there was no shadow, He Lu rubbed his eyes, "Huh? Dazzling? You won't be drunk so soon, right?"

After entering the hall, He Lu took out another jug ​​of wine and went to the courtyard to drink it himself. While drinking this time, He Lu looked around from time to time, perhaps because of what happened just now that made him suspicious.

Putting down the wine glass, just as He Lu was about to pour the wine, he felt a black shadow flash past in front of him, so silent that even his consciousness could hardly detect it. This time, He Lu saw clearly that it was indeed a black shadow, and shouted ,"Who?"

He Lu suddenly became violent, leaped in the air, and grabbed the black shadow. The black shadow didn't seem to expect that he would be discovered, and stood there for a while, until He Lu rushed to him, and he was caught. He Lu's powerful aura woke him up.

The figure slid forward strangely, and unexpectedly avoided He Lu's strong grab. He Lu was quite surprised. He thought he could catch it easily, but he didn't expect the other party's body skills to be so weird, like a graceful butterfly, without any hesitation. There are rules to follow.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my city lord's mansion?" He Lu asked.

At this time, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion had already heard the sound and rushed to surround the figure. These guards did not expect that someone would dare to break into the City Lord's Mansion at night, and even escaped so many people from themselves.

He Lu said to the person beside him: "Zhao Han, take this person down and torture him severely. I want to see who is so bold!"

"Yes!" A young man came out and rushed towards the black shadow, Zhao Han, that is, the captain of the Ziyang City Law Enforcement Team that Qin Ling met when he first arrived in Ziyang City.

Heiying was obviously a little flustered, and now surrounded by so many people, he hesitated in his reaction, but when Zhao Han rushed in front of him, he still avoided him.

Ok?Zhao Han also felt unbelievable for a while. He was about to succeed, but he slipped past him. Zhao Han could feel that the man in black in front of him didn't have a very high level of cultivation, but his body skills were very strange.

He shot again, but the result was the same, only by a hair, and the man in black slipped away from his hand again.

He Lu has been watching from the sidelines, the movement of the man in black is really weird, He Lu has never seen such a movement, it is simply unheard of.He knew that if Zhao Han was caught again, he would be unable to catch him, and he was afraid that the man in black would wait for the opportunity to escape.

He could sense that the man in black seemed to be looking around and seemed to want to escape. He Lu knew it was time to do it himself. After some observations just now, He Lu was [-]% sure that he would catch the man in black, "Zhao Han , you step back!"

Hearing He Lu's order, Zhao Han stepped aside immediately, and He Lu walked up to the man in black step by step, "Although I don't know who you are? But I have to say, you're pretty good, but you broke into the city lord's mansion , no matter how good your body skills are, it will be difficult for you to get out of here! If you are sensible, just obediently catch your hands and tell the mastermind behind it, and I can spare your life!"

The black shadow didn't move at all, just as He Lu's words fell, it suddenly exploded and flew three feet high, dancing in mid-air like a spirit butterfly, with no track to follow.

He Lu got angry, let out a roar, jumped up violently, approached the black shadow, and slapped the black shadow with his palm, knocking the black shadow tens of meters away.

More than ten meters away, when He Lufei approached, there was no one but a pool of blood, "Chasing! He must have been seriously injured and didn't go far!" The little Nascent Soul cultivator escaped from his hands, but the only thing that made He Lu a little lucky was that the figure hit him with a palm, and he would definitely not survive tonight. For his palm, He Lu was quite confident.

The City Lord's Mansion was bustling, and the entire City Lord's Mansion was brightly lit. After half an hour, I searched almost all over the City Lord's Mansion and found no suspicious person. Even the people who chased out of the City Lord's Mansion rushed back and found nothing. .

In the end, this matter came to an end, and He Lu asked everyone to stop tracking down the whereabouts of the man in black.Even if it is too late to investigate, now Ziyang City is full of fish and dragons, and it is a sensitive time, He Lu doesn't want to make troubles, so as not to give others an opportunity. The only thing that worries He Lu is the purpose of the man in black, who broke into the city in the middle of the night What is the purpose of the City Lord's Mansion?

On the other side, in the Lu Mansion, Lu Zheng was still waiting anxiously in his study. At about midnight, he suddenly heard a commotion on the street, which seemed to be the guards of the City Lord's Mansion. gone?"

Just when Lu Zheng was feeling anxious, a servant rushed over and said a few words in Lu Zheng's ear. Lu Zheng's face changed greatly, and at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised, "Really, where are you? Take me quickly." go……"

Within a hundred meters of the main entrance of the Lu Mansion, a man in black was lying on the ground, surrounded by many guards of the Lu Mansion. When Lu Zheng arrived, he immediately dispersed the guards and helped the man in black on the ground, "Lu How was it, what was the result?"

The man in black was dying, and slowly opened his eyes, with blood gushing out of his mouth, "Master...Master, Lu Yan...fortunately..." Then Lu Yan said a few intermittent words in Lu Zheng's ear , Then there was no sound, already dead!

I saw Lu Zheng's complexion changed drastically. I don't know when it started, there was a trace of a smile on his face. After throwing Lu Yan's body aside, he hurried back to the study and never appeared again.

The sky was gray and Ziyang City was still immersed in tranquility, but the gates of Lu Mansion had already been opened wide, and figures hurried out of Lu Mansion and disappeared in various parts of Ziyang City.

In the hall, Lu Zheng picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip leisurely, with infinite excitement in his eyes, a figure hurried in, "Master, all the letters have been delivered..."

Lu Zheng stood up suddenly, ecstatic in his heart, his eyes flashed brightly, "Okay! Is everything ready?"

"Yes, master, everything is ready, just waiting for a word from the master..."

Lu Zheng nodded slowly, "Well, that's good, everything is going according to plan, but now you go with me to a place..."

In the City Lord's Mansion, He Lu was listening to his subordinates' report, "My lord, news came from the Lu Mansion last night that a person died in the Lu Manor last night, and many guards saw it!"

"A person died?" He Lu suddenly remembered the man in black from last night, and immediately asked, "Do you know how he died?"

"This subordinate doesn't know, but according to the news that the man said something to Lu Zheng when he was dying? But Lu Zheng dispersed all the guards at that time, so our people don't know what they said?"

It really is that old man Lu Zheng, hum!Don't think that I don't know your broken mind, if you dare to make any changes, you will die! "And the second brother asked you to find out who has been in contact with the Lu family recently. Have you found out?"

"My lord, we have already found out, among them are the Huayan Sect and Yanhuang's Jiaomujiao..." The man replied.

When He Lu heard these names, he suddenly felt strange, but then he figured it out, because these people have one thing in common, that is, they are all enemies of Qinling, "That boy, I have provoked so many enemies, I don't know Come back, let me settle him down!"

Qiuzhong's retreat has not yet come out, and now He Lu is taking care of all these things. For a while, He Lu felt dizzy, but suddenly He Lu thought of something again, and asked, "Is there any movement in Baidi City? Has anyone from the Sanxiao Sect come?"

"There is no movement in Baidi City, but recently, for some reason, disciples from Mount Shu have appeared in Baidi City from time to time. As for the Sanxiao Sect, they seem to be looking for Sima Yan'er and haven't sent anyone to contact us yet... ..."

He Lu was silent for a moment, and said: "Okay, you go down first! Remember to keep an eye on that old man Lu Zheng! If there is any change, report to me immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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