Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 446 Chapter 455: Killing halfway

Chapter 446 Chapter 450: Killing Halfway
Then Ao Li also told Qiu Zhong what happened a month ago. After hearing this, Qiu Zhong's face suddenly turned ugly, because according to what Ao Li said, Qin Ling might be more or less dangerous.

The three of them were silent for a while, then Qiu Zhong suddenly asked again: "Ao Daoyou said that Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er disappeared together?"

"That's right, Brother Qin and Miss Sima should have been taken away by that ghost..."

Hope, there was a glimmer of hope in the eyes that were full of despair just now, because Qiu Zhong had already got the news from the Sanxiao faction that although Sima Yan'er was missing, she seemed to be still alive.It wasn't life-threatening. If Sima Yan'er was fine, maybe Qin Ling would be fine too?

After the last discussion, Niu Mang and Ao Li are now staying in the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for Qin Ling to return.After all, there is still one day left, maybe Qin Ling will return tomorrow.

After the two left, Qiu Zhong was both happy and worried. The one who was worried was what Ao Li said, and the one who was happy was also Ao Li, because he already knew Ao Li's cultivation. , will definitely be of great help, and Ao Li also told Qiuzhong that no matter what happens to Qinling, Beierhai will do its best to help.At this moment, Qiu Zhong felt relieved. Even if Qin Ling did not return in the future, Qiu Zhong believed that with the support of the two major forces, the Sanxiao Sect and Beierhai, no one would dare to make trouble.

In the backyard, Niu Mang and Ao Li were talking in the backyard, "If my guess is correct, you are Niu Mang, right?"

"That kid told you, did he say something bad about me, Lao Niu?"

Ao Li shook his head, "No, it's just that we looked for you when we left the Sunset Mountain Range, but it's a pity that you had already left."

"Tell me quickly, how did you meet that kid?"

The two chatted all night, all of which revolved around Qinling, and the sky gradually brightened.

Today is the last day, and tomorrow is the day when Qin Ling takes over as the Lord of Ziyang City. If Qin Ling does not return, Qiu Zhong will not be so worried. Anyway, Shan Jishu has already informed the cultivation world before, even if someone objects, it will not work. If the name is not right, the words will not be right.

Above the void, a cloud-piercing boat flashed past, and its speed had reached the extreme. Just yesterday, when Qin Ling stopped to rest, he heard that he would take over as the city lord in three days. Upon hearing this The news, Qin Ling knew something bad was going to happen, it must be because Shan Jishu couldn't wait, that's why it happened, presumably it was to inform himself, Qin Ling immediately boarded the cloud-piercing boat, and rushed towards Ziyang City non-stop.

In the Yunchuan boat, Sima Yan'er also knew that time was running out, but now there was at least [-] miles away from Ziyang City, even if she didn't stop for a moment, it would probably take four or five days, and it was too late.

Qin Ling obviously knew this too, there was only one day left, and he couldn't make it back no matter what, now he had to ask Patriarch Hongyun to take action, as for Sima Yan'er, he had to explain to her later.

"Yan'er, don't ask any questions for a while, I will explain to you later." Qin Ling decided to ask Patriarch Hongyun to help.

Sima Yan'er didn't know why Qin Ling said such a sentence suddenly, but he soon understood, because just as Qin Ling finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the cloud piercing boat, accompanied by a burst of coldness.

Sima Yan'er stood up abruptly, looked at the figure in front of her in disbelief, "It's you!"

Ancestor Hongyun smiled at Sima Yan'er, "It's the old man, the little girl met again."

"Yan'er, I will explain this matter to you later..." Qin Ling told Patriarch Hongyun everything, "Senior will trouble you again this time..."

Ancestor Hongyun said: "It's okay, it's a trivial matter for me..." Ancestor Hongyun disappeared in the cloud piercing boat. Before Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er could react, they felt the pain of piercing cloud boat The speed seemed to be much faster, and about half an hour later, Patriarch Hongyun appeared again, "Okay, the Ziyang City you mentioned has arrived."

Sima Yan'er felt incredible, and looked at Patriarch Hongyun suspiciously, "Here we are, so fast, you won't lie to us, will you?"

Ancestor Hongyun clapped his hands and said: "Hurry up? If I wait for the old man to recover, let alone the short thirty thousand miles, even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles, the old man can arrive in an instant. Let alone, I still have to go I went to practice..."

The figure of Patriarch Hongyun turned into a red light and disappeared, while Sima Yan'er had already stepped out of the Yunchuan Zhou, she wanted to see if she really arrived.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of her, Sima Yan'er was stunned. She has been to Ziyang City before. Although it is not yet here, it is only less than a hundred miles away from Ziyang City. "It's really here, how is it possible?"

Qin Ling wasn't surprised at all. The ancient mighty man, with great supernatural powers, was omnipotent, flying thousands of miles like the ancestor of Hongyun is naturally a breeze, even that monkey can fight for hundreds of thousands of miles, let alone Hongyun Patriarch, an old antique who had already attained the Tao in the prehistoric age, although his strength has been greatly reduced now, it is still a piece of cake.

Qin Ling also has such a similar supernatural power in his hands, calling 'Close to the End of the World' can reach 20 miles in an instant, but it's a pity that Qin Ling's current strength is difficult to use.

Qin Ling put away the cloud piercing boat and said to Sima Yan'er, "Let's go, let's go into the city!"

Nearly a hundred miles away from Ziyang City, more than a dozen figures were staring at people passing through the void. They were the killers sent by Lu Zheng to prevent Qin Ling from returning to Ziyang City. Kill Qinling.

"Do you think Qin Ling will come back? I've heard that Qin Ling is not simple. Shushan has chased him for so long, but he still hasn't killed him. Could it be that we are the only ones who can kill him?"

"You kid, don't talk nonsense, be careful to let Lord Lu Yuan hear you, no matter how powerful Qin Ling is, he is no match for Lord Lu Yuan. It’s not an easy thing.”

"The distraction period? What you said is true. Has Master Lu Yuan really become a strong man in the distraction period?"

"Of course, I still can't lie to you, otherwise the master wouldn't have entrusted this task to Master Lu Yuan..."

"Shh, stop talking, Master Lu Yuan is here..."

In the dense forest, a middle-aged man came over and said to the two of them, "Did you find anything unusual?"

"My lord, there has been no trace of Qin Ling..."

"Show me carefully, Qin Ling must not be allowed to return to Ziyang City."

"My lord, look at that!" The person who spoke just now pointed at the void, and saw two figures approaching the void, but what the man was looking at was not Qin Ling, but Sima Yan'er beside Qin Ling. Bewildered, "It's so beautiful, who is she?"

The middle-aged man gathered his eyes together, and suddenly felt that the figure looked familiar, wasn't it Qin Ling? "Quick, it's Qin Ling, hurry up and stop him, remember you must never let him run away..." In an instant, more than a dozen powerful auras volleyed away.

More than a dozen figures stood in front of Qin Ling, "Who are you?" The other party came with murderous intent, Qin Ling naturally sensed it.

"Who? You don't need to know, you just need to know that today is the day of your death, come on!" Following the order of the middle-aged man, a dozen figures moved in an instant, heading towards Qin Ling and Sima Yan'er.

At the beginning of the fight, the other party came to him for no reason. Qin Ling didn't know the reason, but Qin Ling would not be soft on his hands. In less than half a moment, three people died in Qin Ling's hands.

Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to make a move, he was observing and waiting for the most suitable time to make a move, but he was disappointed, more regretful, because in less than a while, half of the people had already died in Qin Ling's hands , and the woman next to him was not easy to deal with, and two people were injured by the woman's sword.

Lu Yuan made a move. He knew that he couldn't wait any longer. The people he brought with him were obviously not Qin Ling's opponents. Qin Ling's strength had already exceeded his expectations.
The remaining people were already frightened by Qin Ling's ferocity. Seeing Lu Yuan's attack, they all retreated immediately and rushed towards Sima Yan'er.

Qin Ling glared at Lu Yuan, who was intercepted and killed for no reason, the anger in his heart can be imagined, "Who are you?"

Lu Yuan shouted loudly, "If you want to know, go to the underworld and ask Hades!"

A sledgehammer appeared in Lu Yuan's hands. The sledgehammer rose against the wind, and instantly became the size of a small mountain, pressing towards Qinling. One hundred thousand catties, you just wait to be crushed into meatloaf!"

A group of black shadows fell from mid-air and pressed straight towards Qin Ling. Qin Ling sneered, and made a bold move. The sky-shattering palm condensed in an instant, and the next second he let go, the palm moved towards the sky. Slap the top of your head.

There was a loud noise, and the Giant Yuan Hammer the size of a hill was knocked into the air, and Lu Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with disbelief, "How is it possible? When did you become so powerful?" Just then With one palm, Lu Yuan clearly felt Qin Ling's realm, and the distraction period was the same as his own, even slightly higher.

The battle between the two, especially when the palm of the sky-shattering hit the Juyuan Hammer just now, the Juyuan Hammer was knocked hundreds of meters away and hit a mountain hundreds of meters away, the mountain collapsed, such a big movement, Many monks were alarmed. Like Qin Ling, these monks all rushed to Ziyang City. After hearing the movement, some people rushed over and found the two people fighting.

Soon Qin Ling was recognized, and even Sima Yan'er came out, "Isn't that Qin Ling? And why does that woman look so much like Fairy Sima from the Sanxiao sect?"

Lu Yuan was in a hurry. He didn't expect that Qin Ling's cultivation had reached the stage of distraction. He wanted to kill Qin Ling quickly with the momentum of thunder. Now, if he wanted to kill Qin Ling, I'm afraid it would not be so easy. In fact, Lu Yuan thought It's very clear that it's not that it's not easy, but that it's impossible at all. Qin Ling's appearance here will definitely be reported back to Ziyang City soon, and Ziyang City will definitely send people to meet him at that time.

"Let's go!" Lu Yuan dodged and disappeared into the dense forest. There was no hope. Lu Yuan fled away immediately, knowing that it was impossible to do it, that's what a fool would do.Seeing Lu Yuan running away, the rest of them also fled in embarrassment. (8-10 tomorrow, please support!)
(End of this chapter)

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