Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 447 Chapter 456 : Return!

Chapter 447 Chapter 450: Return!
Qin Ling didn't go after him, but flew to Sima Yaner's side, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's just a few little thieves, they can't do anything to me!"

"Senior Sister Yan'er, is it really you?" In midair, several white figures floated towards him. Now the Sanxiao Sect is searching for Sima Yan'er all over the world, and the figures of the Sanxiao Sect's disciples can be seen almost everywhere. No, these Sanxiao Sect disciples happened to be nearby. When they heard someone say they saw Sima Yan'er, they rushed over immediately, but they didn't expect it to be true.

After exchanging pleasantries with several people, Sima Yan'er followed Qin Ling to Ziyang City.Along the way, these disciples of the Sanxiao Sect immediately notified the master of Sima Yan'er's news.

In the city lord's mansion, today is the last day, Qiu Zhong still hopes that Qin Ling can rush back, if he really confronts the Lu family head-on, a big battle is inevitable, I'm afraid Ziyang City will be destroyed, this is what Qiu Zhong doesn't want to see .

"My lord, my lord, there's news about Young Master Qin..." From the city lord's mansion, a person ran in in a panic.

Qiu Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "What are you talking about, there is news about that kid, where is he?"

The man hurriedly said: "Someone just saw Young Master Qin a hundred miles outside the city, but it seems that he is fighting with someone!"

"Fighting? Who is so bold that he dares to intercept and kill the Lord of Ziyang City in Ziyang City?" He Lu appeared and asked.

"Third brother, you immediately take someone to meet that kid. Anyone who has plans to do something wrong, you don't need to be polite, kill him!" Qiu Zhong revealed a strong murderous intent.

He Lu Daxi, "Okay, second brother, I'll go right away, I want to see who dares to do anything outside my Ziyang City"

At this moment, among the Three Nights faction, it has been more than a month now, but there is still no news of Sima Yan'er. Even if everyone knows that Sima Yan'er is not in danger of life, the senior leaders of the Three Nights faction are all anxious.

Just as Ying Qianqiu was sighing, a disciple hurried in, "Master, I have news from Junior Sister Yan'er..."

"What? Is there news from Yan'er?" Ying Qianqiu stood up from the chair in a flash, "Where is she?"

"Just now some seniors sent back news that Junior Sister Yan'er is now in Ziyang City..."

"Ziyang City? Quickly inform the ancestors of the news, and then follow me to Ziyang City..."

Now those ancestors of the Sanxiao Sect are still floating on the six islands, there are not many of them, and the rest are all out to look for Sima Yan'er.

On the road again, Qin Ling's speed was very fast, and he didn't go with Sima Yan'er and her senior brothers and sisters. Sima Yan'er also knew that Qin Ling was short of time, so she let Qin Ling go first, and she arrived later.

The wind was flying fast, leaving afterimages in the void.A few tens of miles away from Ziyang City, Qin Ling saw a familiar figure, He Lu.Qin Ling was overjoyed, and flew to He Lu's side, "Senior!"

He Lu stepped forward with excitement in his eyes, "My boy, you are finally willing to come back. Did someone attack you just now? Who is it?"

"I don't know, the person who came here seems to have deliberately concealed his identity, but seniors don't have to worry, I have already killed and retreated..."

He Lu laughed loudly, "Okay! Good job! Let's go, let's go back first..."

In the city lord's mansion, Qin Ling came back, and Qiu Zhong said three times, "Okay!" So that Qin Ling could take over as the city lord tomorrow. As for the problem that Shan Jishu had already ascended, Qiu Zhong had already thought of a countermeasure.

However, when Qin Ling learned that Shan Jishu had already ascended, he felt a little regretful, thinking that he was still one step late in returning.

Qiu Zhong patted Qin Ling on the shoulder and said: "Don't be sorry, with your talent, I believe you will be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm very soon, and see Big Brother again!"

Next, the three talked for a long time, and Qiu Zhong told Qin Ling everything in the city. When he learned that someone had a big opinion on being the city lord, Qin Ling was not surprised at all. He had already expected that someone would object. The same is true for rushing back, fearing that something will happen. At the same time, Qin Ling thought of the person who intercepted and killed him outside the city just now. Could there be any connection between the two.

The three of them kept talking late into the night. On the one hand, they were arranging for tomorrow's affairs, and they were ready to meet any emergencies tomorrow. Everyone knows that after Qinling and Beierhai formed an alliance with another hidden force of the Yaozu, they were even more shocked. He Lu had never heard of the Sun God Vine family, only Qiu Zhong once heard Shan Jishu mention it once, saying that the family Although the number is small, it is not weaker than any great religion.

Furthermore, when the two of them found out about Qin Ling's cultivation, they were even more shocked and speechless. In another year, Qin Ling's cultivation will surpass his own, and in another three to five years, wouldn't it mean that he will ascend to the fairy world? The more I think about it, the more I feel that Qin Ling is simply too monstrous.

After discussing everything with Qiu Zhong and He Lu, Qin Ling came to the backyard. The moment Qin Ling returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he saw Ao Li and Niu Mang. What surprised Qin Ling was that he didn't expect Niu Mang to find him. come here.

Lu Manor, Lu Zheng was roaring, with a figure kneeling in front of him, "You trash, what use is there for you, even Qinling children can't deal with it, what do you think you are doing! If you don't give me a satisfaction today answer, you know the consequences..."

Lu Yuan knelt down on the ground, "This subordinate is incompetent and underestimated the strength of Qin Ling's child. This subordinate did not expect that the child's strength has reached the stage of distraction. This subordinate wanted to kill with one blow, but was seriously injured by him in the end. Please punish the master!"

"What did you say, the child's strength is already in the distraction stage?"

"Yes, it seems that he has broken through the distraction period for a while, and his subordinates are not his opponents..."

Lu Zheng's face softened, "If that's the case, then I don't blame you. I underestimated that kid. I didn't expect that kid's cultivation base to rise again in less than a year, and so quickly..."

"Patriarch, what should we do now? Qinling's son has returned, what about tomorrow?"

Lu Zheng looked ferocious, and his eyes exuded a monstrous killing intent, "What can I do when I come back, Shan Jishu has already ascended, and I will not pay attention to the people in the City Lord's Mansion. The position of the City Lord of Ziyang City, I It's decided, no one can stop it, anyone who stops me will die!"

Then Lu Zheng said again: "Get up! There is one more thing you need to do here? Remember not to leak any information!"

In the backyard, Niu Mang and Ao Li were drinking against the moon. When they saw Qin Ling approaching, the two got up quickly. Niu Mang laughed and said, "Your life is really too great. You can get away from Bi Du and Bi Yan." To escape in my hands, I am completely convinced by the old cow!" Thinking back to the fact that I was chased and killed by Bi Du before fleeing all over the world, I feel terrible when I think about it.

"Did you steal something from someone else at that time? If not, then Bidu wouldn't be chasing you?" Qin Ling asked, because when Qin Ling rushed out of the ground, he found that Bidu had even killed himself. Regardless, he went after Niu Mang. With Niu Mang's personality, Qin Ling knew that he must have stolen something from him.

Niu Mang smiled sheepishly and grinned. That was just one word, cheap!It is completely inconsistent with his white clothes. In a word, he is blinded by his clothes, "I didn't take anything from him, but I just took a broken flag. I didn't expect that guy Bidu to chase after Lao Niu. Let it go! If I had known it would happen, this old bull who broke the flag would not care about it!"

Just chasing after a flag?Qin Ling would not believe this nonsense, and Ao Li suddenly said, "Brother Niu stole the Donghuang Banner, the treasure of Donghuang Mountain, right?"

"Eastern Emperor's Flag? What is the Eastern Emperor's Flag? Lao Niu doesn't know, but Lao Niu only knows that the broken flag is not easy to use at all..." Niu Mang pretended to be stupid and became stunned.

Qin Ling walked towards Niu Mang step by step, and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, why don't you give me your broken flag?"

Niu Mang retreated three feet away, and looked at Qin Ling vigilantly, "What do you want to do, kid? Let me tell you. Although Lao Niu's flag is broken, it was obtained by Lao Niu's hard work, and it will never be given to you. You The boy is not allowed to play the old cow's idea."

Qin Ling stopped in his tracks and said, "I didn't ask you to give it to me. It just so happens that I have a picture and a flag. Why don't we exchange it?"

"One picture and one flag? Take it out and show it to Lao Niu first..."

The picture is the picture of yin and yang fish, which Qin Ling snatched from Chai Yanxi before, but now hearing Niu Mang talking about the flag, Qin Ling remembered that he still has such a rare treasure.But the flag is the Rebellious Yin-Yang flag that Zhang Sanfeng gave Qin Ling before.

The Yin-Yang Fish Picture and the Rebellious Yin-Yang Banner appeared in Qin Ling's hands. Niu Mang took them and looked at them for a long time, but he didn't see what was so great about the picture and the flag. However, no matter how powerful these two treasures were, Niu Mang I'm afraid he won't change it. Niu Mang is very clear about the power of the Eastern Emperor Banner. He has tried it before, and with just one wave, the mountain peaks of hundreds of meters will be turned into powder. Unable to sleep, he secretly thought that he really got the treasure.

"Why, do you want to change?" Qin Ling asked with a smile.

Niu Mang gave Qin Ling a supercilious stare, which means that you want to exchange Lao Niu's Donghuang Banner with a small broken picture and a small broken flag. Do you think Lao Niu is stupid?However, Niu Mang felt that this picture and flag should be a good treasure, so he thought, "Why don't Lao Niu exchange it with other treasures, Lao Niu has many treasures here, you can pick whatever you want!" While speaking, Niu Mang quickly stuffed the Yin-Yang Fish Picture and the Niu Luan Yin-Yang Banner into his arms.

Qin Ling couldn't help being amused, the problem of being a pervert again, he refused to let go when he saw the baby, "It's fine if you want the Yin-Yang Fish Picture or the Yin-Yang Banner of Reversing Chaos, but you have to exchange it with the Donghuang Banner?" Although the Donghuang Banner Qin Ling has never seen it before, but the name alone sounds not simple, Qin Ling also wants to take a look, what kind of treasure is this East Emperor Banner?

Seeing the stern expression on Qin Ling's face, Niu Mang knew that these two treasures would be lost, so he reluctantly gave Qin Ling the Yin-Yang Fish Picture and the Yin-Yang Banner of Rebellion. Finally, with Qin Ling's many guarantees, Niu Mang gave them Take out the Eastern Emperor Banner and let Qinling take a look. (At the beginning of the update, is there a reward?)
(End of this chapter)

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