Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 449 Chapter 458: The Strong Enemy Attacks

Chapter 449 Chapter 450 Eight: Strong Enemy Strikes

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one spoke. In the end, the young man from Yujianmen was the first to say: "Fellow Taoists, is there anyone who is willing to go with Jianmou? The Lu family has also heard of it. The biggest force in the mansion, if they help, not only can the shame of tonight be washed away, but the treasure may..."

As soon as they heard about the treasure, everyone's eyes lit up, and the last group understood and headed towards Lu's residence at the same time.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Qiu Zhong and He Lu returned. At this time, Niu Mang was holding the Donghuang Banner and inspected it carefully. Because the Donghuang Banner was very different from before, Niu Mang even wondered whether Qin Ling was stiffened by Li Daitao.

The Eastern Emperor Banner is still fiery red, standing in the void, like a ball of burning flames. At the same time, what is shocking is that there seems to be some patterns printed on the fiery red flag. If you stare carefully, it looks like a ball of violently burning flames. The flame, there are some flowers, insects, birds and animals around the flame, which is very extraordinary.

Qiu Zhong and He Lu also looked at it for a long time, secretly thinking that this is indeed a good treasure, and they guessed it was probably a fairy weapon.

Qin Ling held the Donghuang Banner in his hand and looked at it for a long time. He can be sure that the Donghuang Banner has changed a lot. It should be because of the burning of the sun just now. A ray of sun is sealed by real fire?And the real sun fire in his body devoured that ray of real sun fire, and invisibly opened the seal, so the Eastern Emperor Banner showed its original appearance.This is the real Eastern Emperor Banner.

The acquired spiritual treasure, Qin Ling can be sure that the Eastern Emperor Banner is definitely an acquired spiritual treasure, "You have a good fortune as a pervert, and this Eastern Imperial Banner is indeed very good!"

Seeing Qiu Zhong and He Lu come back, Qin Ling asked them about the affairs outside the mansion, He Lu said: "Don't worry, it's just some small fish and shrimps, they have receded..." Qiu Zhong and He Lu also It is very clear that the precious light just now may have alarmed everyone in Ziyang City, and there may already be many strong people watching the City Lord's Mansion secretly. The reason why they did not appear just now is entirely because of the existence of Shan Jishu, because There is also Shan Jishu who is about to ascend to the ascension in the City Lord's Mansion.

Niu Mang left with the Eastern Emperor Banner in his arms. Now that the Eastern Emperor Banner has changed a lot, he can't wait to refine it, so the most important thing is to refine it as soon as possible.

Everything was fine, Qin Ling remembered that he had been back to Ziyang City for so long and hadn't returned home yet, then Qin Ling took Ao Li and headed towards the Qin Mansion together.

In the Qin residence, old man Qin already knew the news of Qin Ling's return. It was late at night, and the old man was still in the hall, as if he was waiting for Qin Ling. As for Qin Ling's delay in returning, the old man also knew that his grandson would take over tomorrow. As the city lord, there must be many things that need to be busy.

When Qin Ling returned to the Qin Mansion, the old man was overjoyed and hurriedly dragged Qin Ling into the hall.

Qin Ling introduced Ao Li to the old man, saying that he was his good friend and would live in his home.

Tonight, Qin Ling didn't intend to rest. To the monks, there was no difference between sleeping and not sleeping.It's half past night, just wait for tomorrow.

The Lu Mansion was very quiet at this moment, and it was hard to see half a person in the huge mansion. In a secret room, there were more than a dozen figures, and those young people just now were among them.

Lu Zheng walked in, followed by a crooked old man, who said: "This is the Patriarch of my Lu family!" The old man continued: "The reason why all the fellow Taoists came here must have such and such a purpose. , but they share a common goal, the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and tell your plan, I can't wait for a moment, I want to enter the city lord's mansion now..."

The old man was not angry at all, instead he smiled and said, "Don't worry, little friend, the city lord's mansion will surely flow into rivers of blood tonight, maybe fellow Taoists don't know that Shan Jishu has already ascended to the fairy world, and now there are only Qiu Zhong and He Lu in the city lord's mansion Two people..."

"What? Shan Jishu has ascended to the Immortal Realm. Are you serious? You didn't lie to us?" Hearing this news, everyone couldn't calm down, and a dozen people exploded in an instant.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the old man smiled and said: "Of course what I said is true, if there are false words, it will be thundered!"

Seeing that the old man discovered such a heavy oath, everyone naturally had no doubts, because the way of heaven would naturally respond to the oath, and if it was violated, what was said in the oath would come.

A young man stood up excitedly, "Okay! Since Shan Jishu has already ascended to the fairy world, we have nothing to be afraid of. We will go directly to the city lord's mansion and seize the treasure!"

In an instant, more than a dozen figures stood up at the same time, wanting to bring the news back, and then rush into the city lord's mansion. From their point of view, there is no need to worry about Ziyang City without Shan Jishu.

The old man was about to dissuade him, but Lu Zheng signaled the old man not to move. After more than a dozen figures disappeared, Lu Zheng said, "I want them to be scouts first. Anyway, I'm not interested in any treasures. Only Ziyang City That's what I want..."

Then Lu Zheng said again: "Is everything ready?"

There was light in the old man's cloudy eyes, "Master, don't worry, everything is ready, just wait for the master's order, you can go straight to the city lord's mansion and kill Qinling's children!"

"There's no need to kill the kid in Qinling, we just need to win Ziyang City. As for that kid, there are many people who want to kill him, so there's no need for us to do it..."

The two walked out of the secret room, and Lu Zheng said again: "What happened to Shushan?"

"As for Mount Shu, master can rest assured that they have already sneaked into Baidi City. As long as there is a move here, they will respond. At that time, Qiu Zhong's son will definitely go to Baidi City to rescue them, so they will definitely be difficult for both sides. We You can take Ziyang City as quickly as possible..."

Ziyang City under the night is still so noisy. Although it is past midnight, all the monks in Ziyang City seem to have come out.

The City Lord's Mansion was still so quiet. Since Qin Ling came back, Qiu Zhong and He Lu didn't have any worries. As for Lu Zheng, the two had already sent someone to monitor them. Even if the other party had any conspiracy, they could detect it immediately.

But when the two were resting their minds in the hall with their eyes closed, a sudden roar broke the tranquility of the City Lord's Mansion and the noise of Ziyang City.

Countless monks suddenly poured out in front of the City Lord's Mansion. All the monks showed murderous intent, and rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion like a tide. Soon the monks came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and the fighting began!
Qiu Zhong and He Lu started up, and were about to ask what was going on, when a guard rushed in, his face was covered with blood, "My lord, it's not good, a group of monks came from somewhere, and they are going to The mansion rushed to kill..."

"What? How daring!" He Lu was furious, "Come on, follow me out to see who is so daring to be an enemy of my Ziyang City!"

When He Lu walked out of the mansion, he was shocked by what he saw. He thought it was just a few blind monks, but there were hundreds of people in front of him, and many of them were powerful people.

Because the opponent came over so suddenly, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were already showing signs of retreating. Seeing this, He Lu was furious, and rushed into the crowd like a fierce tiger, and began to fight.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Everyone, don't be afraid, Shan Jishu has already ascended to the fairy world..."

Qiu Zhong stood in front of the gate the whole time, he didn't make a move, at this time many guards had already gathered and surrounded the hundreds of people, but after the loud shout, Qiu Zhong's face changed drastically, and he knew immediately that something was wrong !Immediately in a hurry, he said to the guards of the city lord's mansion who rushed over: "Kill! Don't leave a single one behind!"

Qiu Zhong knew that this was obviously a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the City Lord's Mansion, just after Qiu Zhong had just issued the order to kill Wu's amnesty, above the void, a huge palm came down from the night sky and grabbed at a certain place in the City Lord's Mansion. go.

Qiu Zhong sternly shouted, soaring into the sky, a gorgeous handprint quickly condensed in front of him, pushed out horizontally, and grabbed towards the huge palm.

Two huge palms collided in the void, and a huge wave of air erupted. Standing in the night sky, Qiu Zhong glanced around, "Since your Excellency has already made a move, are you still afraid of being recognized? Why hide your head and show your tail!"

"Haha...Qiuzhong, I didn't expect you to break through, but you are no match for this old man. If you are sensible, quickly hand over the treasure for tonight, and this old man will retreat immediately, or don't blame the old man for being rude!" In the black night sky, stepping out A black figure, looking carefully, is a black-haired old man.

"Sanyi Sanren! Is it you?" Qiu Zhong stared at the person in front of him in surprise.

The Qin Mansion not far from the City Lord's Mansion, at the moment when the fight started, Qin Ling was aware of it, and was about to go to check it out, when suddenly the gate of the Qin Mansion was split open with a palm, and at the same time, a sound containing thousand years of venom filled the whole place. Qin Fu, "Get out of here, Qin Ling, I want you to die tonight! And your entire Qin family will not be spared!"

Qin Ling turned cold, and said to the old man beside him: "Grandfather, don't panic, I'll go and have a look!" Then he said to Ao Li beside him: "Brother Ao, I'll leave it to you here..."

"Brother Qin, don't worry, as long as I'm here, Brother Qin's family will be fine!"

In front of the gate of the Qin Mansion, Jiaomu Jiao exudes a terrifying killing intent. He has only one purpose tonight, and that is to kill Qin Ling no matter what, even if they die together.

Qin Ling walked out and recognized Jiaomu Jiao at a glance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Is that you?"

When Jiaomujiao saw Qin Ling appearing, the anger that had been pent up for a long time erupted instantly, "Child Qinling, you finally appeared, I want you to die tonight, and your entire Qin family, I will never leave behind! Haha..." Jiaomu Jiao laughed wildly, venting his anger and resentment.

"You are courting death!" The killing intent was concentrated, what Qin Ling hated the most was that the other party's own family threatened him, at this moment, Jiaomu Jiao was already a dead person in Qin Ling's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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