Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 450 Chapter 459: Fighting in the Night

Chapter 450 Chapter 450: Fighting in the Night
In the dark corners around, there are many figures watching the two of them. It is obvious that these people are also aiming at Qinling, but they did not fight with Jiaomu Jiao, but chose to wait and see. If Jiaomu Jiao can kill Killing Qin Ling is naturally the best, if not, the two of them will lose both, and if they take action at that time, they can kill Qin Ling without much effort.Of course, there are also people who have another idea, that is to rush into the Qin family, as long as Qin Ling's family is caught, Qin Ling will naturally submit obediently.

While glaring at Jiaomu Jiao, Qin Ling glanced around, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent.

Jiaomujiao moved, without any hesitation, and rushed towards Qinling. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Ever since Qinling seriously injured him, for a while, Jiaomujiao had only one purpose in mind, to kill Qinling , thinking about it all the time.Now that Qinling was in front of him, Jiaomujiao seemed to be insane, with a cold killing intent exuding from his whole body.

The one-armed Jiaomujiao doesn't seem to be that weak, and even a bit stronger than before, but this is all thanks to Qin Ling. Ever since Qin Ling cut off one arm, Jiaomujiao has been practicing hard. The purpose is to behead Qin Ling with his own hands and take off Qin Ling's head.

With a punch, Jiaomu Jiao attacked angrily, with a murderous intent, and his black hair was loose, as if possessed by a demon.

Qin Ling stepped forward and greeted each other with his palms, and the mana in his fingers and palms rolled, surging endlessly.


There was a loud noise and violent air waves, sweeping in all directions, and the gate of the Qin Mansion was crumbling.

The two flew back at the same time, Qin Ling stepped into the void, as if he didn't want the Qin family to be destroyed, Jiaomu Jiao followed closely, and sneered, "I'm going to die, but I'm still looking after a broken Qin mansion, I'll take care of it later It razed to the ground!"

Ziyang City exploded, and the sudden battle made many monks not know what happened. Some people sneered, isn't attacking the City Lord's Mansion at this time a plot to court death?Everyone knows that there is Shan Jishu in Ziyang City, who is not even an opponent of Sanjie Sanxian. It is absolutely foolish to go against Ziyang City at this time.

However, a rumor suddenly spread in Ziyang City, that is, Shan Jishu is no longer there, and has already ascended to the fairyland. As the war continued, Shan Jishu did not show up, and soon more and more people began to believe that Shan Jishu might He has really ascended to the fairyland, otherwise he would have already shot.

Since Sima Yan'er entered Ziyang City, she has been protected by the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect. There is a Sanxiao Sect's residence in Ziyang City. Sima Yan'er has never gone out since she came here. It's not that she doesn't want to go out. It was the brothers and sisters around her who guarded her tightly and did not let her leave half a step, saying that the ancestors of the master and the head teacher would come over soon.

These disciples were afraid that Sima Yan'er would disappear again, and that all the disciples of Sanxiao Sect would have a bad life by then, so no matter what Sima Yan'er said, these people would not let Sima Yan'er take a step forward.

Fortunately, the ancestors of the Sanxiao Sect arrived one after another after receiving the news. Before it was dark, five or six ancestors had already arrived in Ziyang City. In the middle of the night, the head teacher of the Sanxiao Sect Ying Qianqiu Su Yiqing, Sima Yaner's master, also arrived hand in hand.

In the room, more than a dozen ancestors of the Sanxiao faction and senior officials of the Sanxiao faction gathered together. This was probably the first time in the history of the Sanxiao faction. Sima Yaner looked at everyone curiously, and did not think that she was just missing one month?How did it alarm so many seniors of the master's school, especially seeing her master respectful in front of many people, Sima Yan'er knew that these people's seniority was higher than her master's, and her master was a Sanjie Sanxian, Doesn't that mean that these people are all above three kalpas?

"Yan'er, tell me, where have you been in the past month, and it is said that you were captured by an evil spirit, and how did you escape?" Su Yiqing asked.

Sima Yan'er told everything, but she didn't say that Patriarch Hongyun was still by Qin Ling's side, only that Li Gui was missing.

After listening to what Sima Yaner had said, everyone suddenly realized, no wonder they almost turned the cultivation world upside down before, and they didn't find any trace of Sima Yaner, so it turned out to be in Tianjingyuan.

"Yan'er, you said you have been with that Qin Ling for a month, and he didn't do anything to you?" Su Yiqing said.

Sima Yan'er took Su Yiqing's hand and said, "Master, what are you talking about? Does your apprentice seem to be so easily taken advantage of by others?"

"Since Yan'er is fine, follow me back to the teacher's gate!" the old woman said.

"Old Ancestor, Yan'er still doesn't want to go back..." Sima Yan'er looked so pitiful that it was hard to bear to refuse.

However, the old woman's face remained unchanged, "No! The city of Ziyang is too chaotic, it is dangerous for you to stay here, you must return to the master's gate!"

Next, no matter what Sima Yan'er said, the ancestors disagreed with Sima Yan'er staying here and had to return to the sect. Sima Yan'er had no choice but to ask her master Su Yiqing for help.

Seeing Sima Yan'er's pitiful appearance, as Sima Yan'er's master, Su Yiqing couldn't bear it, and said to the ancestors: "Uncle, let Yan'er stay! We can't always let Yan'er If she stays at the master's gate and won't let her go down the mountain, there will be disciples accompanying her, so there shouldn't be any danger!"

Seeing that Su Yiqing also spoke, the ancestors were slightly relieved, "In this case, you will stay here with Yan'er, and remember not to let her have any mistakes..." In the end, the ancestors left at the same time.

When the ancestors left, it was already past midnight, and when everyone was about to rest, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting in Ziyang City.

Ying Qianqiu has not left at this moment, she is still in Ziyang City, she also heard that Qin Ling will take over the position of city lord tomorrow, since she came, she went to congratulate her, the sudden sound of fighting surprised her, she was about to call her disciples to inquire At that moment, a disciple hurried in, "Master, a group of monks with unknown origins are attacking the City Lord's Mansion..."

Ying Qianqiu said to himself: "Attack the city lord's mansion? Who is so bold, isn't he afraid of Shan Jishu?" A Mahayana monk who is about to ascend, most people would not be stupid enough to provoke him, it would be uncomfortable for himself.

"No, master, now there are rumors outside that the city lord Shan has already ascended to the fairy world, and the city lord's mansion was shining with precious light just now. They suspect that the treasure in Qin Ling's hand before, the city lord Shan did not take it to the fairy world, but left it to Qin Ling. Most people go for treasures!"

"What did you say? The city lord Shan has ascended? Is the news accurate?" Ying Qianqiu immediately walked out of the room and looked in the direction of the city lord's mansion.

"Yes, master, the news should be true, because so far the city lord Shan has not shown up, and many people have taken action!"

Ying Qianqiu frowned, and asked after a while, "Which forces are taking action?"

The disciple said: "There are Yujianmen, Qinglanzong, Sanyi Sanren and other casual cultivators, and the Qin family has also been attacked. The leader seems to be the Yanhuangjiaomujiao, who is now fighting Qinling... "

With a cold snort, Ying Qianqiu became annoyed, who didn't know that Ziyang City and the Three Nights faction had formed an alliance long ago, and now everyone is attacking Ziyang City openly, isn't that not taking the Three Nights faction seriously?
Seeing the change in Ying Qianqiu's face, Ming Sanxiao's disciple whispered, "Master, do you want us to take action?"

Ying Qianqiu sneered, "Call everyone to come to discuss the matter immediately!" Because of Sima Yan'er's incident, the Sanxiao faction came to Ziyang City this time with [-] or [-] people, and the six island masters alone came Four people were recruited, plus some elders. The lineup was very strong. Although some of them returned with the ancestors just now, there were still hundreds of people left.

In the Lu residence, Lu Zhengzheng was waiting anxiously, when suddenly a loud noise resounded through Ziyang City, and then the sound of fighting was heard all over the sky, Lu Zheng smiled, knowing that those people had already made a move, he immediately summoned someone beside him and said, "Let's go! City Lord's Mansion!"

Lu Zheng made his move, and this moment was the best time. At the same time, there was a sudden roar of killing in Baidi City. A group of mysterious people appeared out of nowhere, all of them were highly cultivated, and attacked the City Lord's Mansion frantically.

At this time, sitting in Baidi City was a confidant general under Qiu Zhong, named Li Yi, who had a mid-term cultivation base. When the mysterious man attacked the city lord's mansion, Li Yi immediately sent the news back to Ziyang City, and at the same time began to call The guards of Baidi City fought with each other.

In the dark night sky, Qin Ling and Jiaomujiao were fighting together. At the moment Qin Ling soared into the sky, several figures quietly sneaked into the Qin Mansion in the darkness. They were the few people who were whispering in the corner just now.

Qin Ling sensed it, smiled coldly, and with murderous intent, he yelled at the Qin family, "Brother Ao, kill without mercy!" How could Qin Ling not be angry if someone really dared to attack his family.If he is not fighting with Jiaomu Jiao, Qin Ling will definitely kill him without leaving any.

There seemed to be a dragon chant coming out of the Qin mansion, followed by several screams, and the next second, corpses flew out of the Qin mansion and landed on the Qingshi street in front of the gate.

Those monks who were about to make a move were all shocked. There are still masters in the Qin residence, and they are not so strong. It turned into a corpse, how could everyone not be horrified!But tonight was the best opportunity, if he missed it, not only would it be difficult to kill Qin Ling, but he might even be hunted down.

Everyone lingered outside the Qin Mansion for a long time, and finally, after a while of discussion, they rushed into the Qin Mansion at the same time. This time there were dozens of people, and it was overwhelming.

Time is running out, not only the Qin mansion is facing a huge threat, Qin Ling found that even the city lord's mansion is surrounded by people, he must get rid of Jiaomu Jiao as soon as possible, stop talking to Jiaomu Jiao, and come out powerfully with the Overturning Palm. The horned wood jiao flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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