Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 452 Chapter 461: Pretending to be struck by lightning

Chapter 452 Chapter 460: Pretending to be struck by lightning
Lu Zheng led the rest of the people to rush towards the city lord's mansion. As soon as these hundreds of people appeared, they attracted He Lu's attention. When he saw Lu Zheng, He Lu's murderous intent surged, "Is that you, old man?"

"Little He Lu, I advise you not to resist. Ziyang City belongs to me, Lu Zheng, and no one can take it away. Surrender obediently. This old man will not only spare your life, but also reuse it with you. If not, tonight will be your doomsday." !"

He Lu scolded, he had long suspected that it was Lu Zheng's tricks, but now it seems that it really is, "Old man, you are dreaming, just because you still want to be the city lord, it is simply wishful thinking..."

Lu Zheng smiled instead of anger, "Whether you are delusional or not, you will know soon, I hope you don't kneel down and beg the old man then. Kill! Don't leave a single one!" Lu Zheng ordered to hundreds of monks behind him, all of these He is his confidant, and also a core member of the Lu family, who is absolutely loyal to Lu Zheng.

Those monks who attacked the City Lord's Mansion earlier saw that Lu Zheng had finally killed them, and immediately became more vicious, rushing into the City Lord's Mansion recklessly.

Above the night sky, Qiuzhong and Sanyi Sanren are still fighting, and the two of them are stuck together for a while, no one can do anything to the other?
"Sanyi, you are too useless, you can't even take down a junior who has just entered the tribulation stage..." In the void, a figure suddenly appeared, it was a thin man.

Looking intently, Qiu Zhong secretly groaned, why did another one come, Qiu Zhong didn't know the person who came, but the purpose of the other party was obvious, he was attracted by the precious light emitted by the Eastern Emperor Banner before, "Who is your Excellency? Do you also want to be an enemy of my Ziyang City?"

"Why is your Ziyang City very powerful? Without Shan Jishu, do you think I will be afraid?" A sound of ridicule filled the night sky.

Qiu Zhong was furious, "Since this is the case, then let Qiu Zhong learn your master's clever tricks, see if you are showing off, or really have that strength, and don't take my Ziyang City in your eyes!"

"Why do you want to fight with both of us at the same time? It's ridiculous, Sanyi, I'll leave this junior to you. I'll go down and see what kind of treasure it is?" A figure fell straight down in the night sky.

Sanyi Sanren didn't speak until the figure rushed towards the city lord's mansion, and then he scolded lightly, "Taoist Wujin, if you want to monopolize the treasure, you have a good idea!"

The two swooped down one after the other, heading towards the city lord's mansion. Qiu Zhong followed closely, and his killing intent soared. The city lord's mansion is a symbol and a kind of majesty. Ziyang City is definitely an indelible shame.

The star-picking hand came out, the huge palm print, exuding bright starlight, and grabbed the back of Sanyi Sanren. At the same time, Qiu Zhong activated the universe in his sleeve, and a hurricane was born across the sky. The suction force shrouded the sky over the city lord's mansion.

The three of Sanyi and the man who called Fellow Daoist Wujin turned pale with fright, and hurriedly turned around, but suddenly found that the strong suction force couldn't be shaken off by themselves, and it became stronger and stronger. Suddenly slowed down, and there was a feeling of being out of control.

Qin Ling fought with the rickety old man. The old man is definitely a master in the tribulation period. If it weren't for Qin Ling's speed and strange means, he might not be able to compete with the old man. , will definitely be seriously injured by the opponent.

The old man smiled cruelly, "Boy, your cultivation is not weak, but if you meet this old man, you are unlucky, you should die!"

In front of the City Lord's Mansion, Lu Zhengzheng led the crowd to charge. At this moment, almost everyone made a move. Some people couldn't resist the temptation of the treasure, and some had enmity with the City Lord's Mansion. It can be said that everyone has plots against Ziyang City at this moment. The people, all shot.The enemies of Ziyang City all jumped out that night, and the walls fell and everyone pushed them down. This is the same truth for thousands of years.

He Lu was so numb from killing, he didn't know how many people died in his hands. The corpses in front of the city lord's mansion were piled up all over the ground, and blood was slowly flowing on the cold bluestone ground.Seeing that his own side was about to be unable to resist, and the defense line was about to collapse, just at this moment a series of white figures appeared, He Lu smiled.Ziyang City was saved.

"Ziyang City is an ally of our Sanxiao faction, you attack Ziyang city for no reason, do you want to become an enemy of my Sanxiao faction?" Under the night, a clear and loud sound broke the noisy fight.

At this moment, everyone stopped and turned their heads one after another. They saw a piece of white floating in the dark night sky, just like a piece of pure white cloud. They were the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect. There were hundreds of them, all dressed in white. Spectacular.

"It's a member of the Sanxiao Sect!" Someone was horrified, looking at the hundreds of disciples of the Sanxiao Sect, some people's legs immediately went limp.

Lu Zheng also noticed the arrival of the Sanxiao faction, but he didn't worry at all, he laughed and said, "Little He Lu, if you don't send people to help your Baidi City, I'm afraid it will fall into the hands of others." Already!"

"What do you mean? Do you know who they are?"

"I don't need to tell you who they are, I just know that in a while, Baidi City will change hands... Haha..." Lu Zheng laughed, "Kill me, rush into the City Lord's Mansion..."

He Lu is in a hurry, Baidi City cannot be lost, and only the Sanxiao Sect can rescue Baidi City right now.

Ying Qianqiu scolded, thinking it would be able to calm everyone down, but it had no effect at all. Just as he was about to order the disciples of the Sanxiao Sect to take action, He Lufei walked up to Ying Qianqiu, and a disciple of the Sanxiao Sect asked, "Stop! Who is it?"

He Lu has never met Ying Qianqiu, and he doesn't know that she is the head teacher of the Sanxiao Sect, "He Lu in Xiaziyang City, who is the leader of your sect?"

A person came out from behind Ying Qianqiu, and it was Yi Linqing, "You Daoist He, this is the real person in charge of my Sanxiao sect..."

Yi Linqing and He Lu knew each other. The last time Baidi came to attack, it was Yi Linqing who came to rescue him. Seeing Yi Linqing walk out now, He Lu thought it was her, but what he didn't expect was the person in charge. Yi Linqing turned out to be the head teacher of the Sanxiao Sect. Looking at the majestic and stunning woman in front of him, He Lu was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "He Lu has seen a real person!"

"No need to be too polite..." After finishing speaking, Ying Qianqiu frowned and glanced around, "Are these the only people in your Ziyang City? Isn't it like your Ziyang City's strength?"

"The real person is right. Originally, these people did not pose any threat to my Ziyang City, but most of my Ziyang City has been transferred to Baidi City, so I let them take advantage of it. This is why I am here. It happened, I just got the news that Baidi City was also attacked, according to my guess, it is very likely that the Shushan faction did it, so I would like to ask Sanxiao to send fellow Taoists to Baidi City for support, as for Ziyang City, etc. People, we haven't put our eyes on it yet.

"What you said is true, the Shushan faction is attacking Baidi City?"

"This is just my guess, because according to the news that the opponent is a group of people with advanced swordsmanship, and a while ago, the Shushan faction frequented Baidi City, so I only guessed this." He Lu was not sure. The other party is a member of the Shushan School, after all, he has never seen it with his own eyes.

"Since this is the case, regardless of whether it is the Shushan faction or not, Baidi City must go to the rescue. Junior Sister Yi, you leave some disciples here, and the rest follow me to Baidi City."

"Yes, teacher in charge!"

Seeing hundreds of people from the other party heading to Baidi City, He Lu was finally relieved, the worries in his heart were gone, he could finally let go, and immediately rushed to Lu Zheng, "Little Lu Zheng, die!"

Facing a cultivator in the Tribulation Stage, Qin Ling felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. This might be the most difficult battle in history, and Qin Ling was ready to fight.

But just when Qin Ling was about to make a move, thunder and lightning flashed suddenly above the night sky, and silver snakes were swimming in the night sky, illuminating the entire Baidi City. It's raining!"

A thunderbolt struck from the void, heading straight towards Qinling.

Qin Ling's eyes were straightened, and his first thought was that I didn't summon Shenlei, what's going on?While thinking, Qin Ling quickly retreated, and it was obvious that the lightning was coming in his direction.


When the thunder fell, Qin Ling heard a scream. When he looked up, Qin Ling found that the crooked old man was shining with electric arcs and smoke, like an electric man.


Another one fell and hit the old man again.

At this moment, the monks around were stunned, wondering if the old man was going through a catastrophe, but this thunder didn't look like a catastrophe?And the old man didn't seem to be able to fight back at all, so there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Qin Ling had already retreated a hundred meters away, and he didn't know what was going on. He didn't use lightning at all, so why was the opponent still being struck by lightning? Moreover, the power of the lightning didn't seem to be weak, and it made a cultivator in the tribulation period no resistance at all. The power, it must not be too arrogant at ordinary times, that's why he was struck by lightning.After much deliberation, Qin Ling could only think of this reason.

Qin Ling counted, in this short period of time, there were five thunderbolts falling, the power was extraordinary, it was five thunderbolts, the thunder stopped, and the night sky returned to calm.Looking at the old man again, he had already turned into a piece of charcoal. He couldn't die anymore. Qin Ling felt like he was dreaming. He died like this. Qin Ling, who was ready to fight, suddenly felt that everything was not so real.

Many of the monks around saw this scene, and some people stopped fighting quickly, as if they thought of something, their face paled instantly, recalling that scene in their mind, the old man vowed: "Shan Jishu has already ascended to the fairy world, if there are lies, The old man is struck by five thunders!" The monk whispered to himself, "Five thunders, really five thunders, Shan Jishu hasn't ascended to the fairy world yet?" The monk looked around, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was true, because the old man's oath was fulfilled.

(End of this chapter)

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