Supreme Wuzu

Chapter 453 Chapter 462: Shan Ji Shu Xian

Chapter 453 Chapter 460 Two: Single Record Shuxian

Lu Zheng didn't pay attention to this at the moment, and was still directing the crowd to kill the city lord's mansion. As long as he rushed into the city lord's mansion and snatched the seal of the city lord's mansion, Ziyang City would be his own.Lu Zheng was full of confidence.

Sima Yan'er was spinning anxiously in the room, she wanted to go out, especially after hearing someone attacking the City Lord's Mansion, Sima Yan'er couldn't sit still anymore, but there was another figure in the room, her master Su One sunny.

Su Yiqing did not allow Sima Yan'er to step out of the room, no matter how much Sima Yan'er begged or acted coquettishly, it was useless.

In the sky above the city lord's mansion, Qiu Zhong was still fighting with those two people. Although the star picker and the universe in his sleeves had great power, Qiu Zhong was still a little powerless to deal with them at the same time.

Niu Mang has been refining the Donghuang Banner in the secret room of the city lord's mansion, but suddenly a thunderstorm woke him up, and Niu Mang was so angry that he just wanted to curse and walked out of the secret room. Niu Mang heard the sound of fighting, what's going on?When Niu Mang appeared in front of the gate of the city lord's mansion, he was taken aback. He saw that there were densely packed people in front of him, whether they were alive or dead, blocking the city lord's mansion to death.

Niu Mang said to the guards who were fighting, "What happened?"

But before waiting for a reply, the guard rushed to another place, and at this time someone also rushed towards Niu Mang, Niu Mang yelled, "It's easy to bully you when you are Grandpa Niu?" among the crowd.

Yi Linqing looked up at the void, saw Qiu Zhong was fighting against two strong men alone, and was about to go to support him, when suddenly a figure appeared in midair, and that figure exuded a shocking aura just by standing in the void, Yi Linqing There is a feeling that I am afraid that I will not be able to catch even a move under that person's hands.

A powerful aura permeated the city lord's mansion, spreading to the surroundings, and soon this aura shrouded the hearts of everyone in Ziyang City.

Qiu Zhong looked at the figure in front of him in surprise, it was so familiar, "Brother, is that you?"

The face of that figure gradually revealed that it was Shan Jishu.Shan Jishu nodded slightly to Qiuzhong, and then turned his gaze to Sanyi Sanren and Wujin Daoist, "Are you deceiving me that there is no one in Ziyang City?" A question echoed over Ziyang City, but in the eyes of everyone, it was more Like scolding.

Sanyi Sanren and Wu Jin had ugly faces. They were not respected wherever they went as strong men in the tribulation period, but now they were scolded in front of so many people, and their faces twitched. Fellow Daoist Wu Jin slowed down. Slowly retreating towards the rear, at a certain moment the figure suddenly disappeared.

"Want to leave? It's late!" A cold voice filled with murderous intent.

Everyone heard a cold snort, and that cold killing intent.

boom!A black shadow fell from the void and just landed in front of the gate of the city lord's mansion. All the monks saw that it was Taoist Wujin, but at this moment he had become a corpse, dead!A cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period just died like this.At this moment, all the cultivators who were enemies of Ziyang City suddenly felt a chill from their feet to their heads, and their whole body was cold. How could Shan Jishu be so powerful, he could judge a person's life and death with just a gesture of his hands and feet.

Sanyi Daoist was stunned, he didn't expect Shan Jishu to kill as soon as he said, so he stared at Shan Jishu vigilantly, "What do you want?" Sanyi Daoist was scared, afraid that Shan Jishu would kill him.

"Get out! If you dare to come to Ziyang City to play wild again, someone will kill you!" Shan Jishu waved his hand, and Sanyi was fanned into the night like a dead leaf, missing.

In front of the gate of the city lord's mansion, Lu Zheng was dying at this moment. Shan Jishu didn't ascend to the fairy world. All of this was a fake, a trap deliberately designed by them. Lu Zheng knew that he had been fooled, and also knew that what was waiting for him would be There is a dead end, just like fellow Wujin Taoist just now, Lu Zheng didn't want to wait for death, suddenly shouted loudly, and said to the people behind him: "Everyone follow me to kill, he is not Shan Jishu, Shan Jishu has already ascended to the fairy world , he's a fake..." At this point, Lu Zheng can only go to the dark, and it is impossible to turn back. In his opinion, only in this way can he have a chance of survival.

Above the void, Shan Jishu stared at Lu Zheng, and then seemed to sigh, "Your Lu family has been kind to me, if you commit suicide, the rest of the Lu family will be exonerated!"

"Self-discipline, don't lie to me, kill with me! Capture Ziyang City!" The sound of killing recurred, and everyone in the Lu family seemed to be crazy, and rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion desperately.

Shan Jishu sighed again, and there was helplessness and killing intent in the sigh. In the next second, in the horror of everyone, Lu Zheng fell to the ground slowly. The monks around didn't know when Lu Zheng was killed. In the end, no one saw Shan Jishu make a move.

However, Lu Zheng's death did not stop the monks of the Lu family. They were still heading towards the city lord's mansion. He Lu had already stood in front of the city lord's mansion, and said to the guards: "Kill! Since they are looking for death, there is no need to kill them." show mercy!"

Qiu Zhongfei went to Shan Jishu's side, "Brother, so you didn't ascend?"

Just now, Qin Ling witnessed everything from below, and jumped into the void, "Senior!"

Shan Jishu nodded in satisfaction, and said to the two of them: "You stay here first, I'll go to Baidi City, there seems to be some troubles there..."

Baidi City, blood flowed like rivers, and now, apart from the City Lord's Mansion, every part of Baidi City has already been seized by that mysterious person.

When Ying Qianqiu arrived with all the disciples sent by Sanxiao, the City Lord's Mansion was about to be breached, but fortunately, he arrived in time. In front of the City Lord's Mansion, Ying Qianqiu looked at the person in front of him, it was a familiar figure, " Han Lin, it really is your Shushan faction, what do you want to do, do you want to provoke a war between the two factions?

Han Lin was also surprised, he didn't expect Ying Qianqiu to come in person, and he came so fast!There was no news before, "Master Ying, this Baidi City seems to have nothing to do with your Sanxiao Sect, right? You better not meddle in your own business, this Baidi City is going to be settled by our Shushan Sect!"

With a sneer, "What a big tone, Baidi City belongs to Ziyang City. It is well known that my Sanxiao Sect and Ziyang City belong to each other. Today I want to see how you can take this Baidi City!" ?" Behind Ying Qianqiu, a person walked out, it was Shui Lingyu.

Just when the two sides drew their swords to face each other, a figure strolled in mid-air, exuding a powerful force, Han Lin was overjoyed, hurried over, and respectfully said: "Old ancestor!"

The person who came was a black-haired old man. From Han Lin's respectful attitude, it can be deduced that this old man's status in Shushan is definitely not low, and he may be a Sanxian.

As soon as she saw this person, Ying Qianqiu knew it was bad. She didn't expect that the Shushan faction even sent Sanxian. It seemed that they were determined to capture Baidi City. The Sanxiao faction also had Sanxian, but But in Ziyang City, it is too late for rescue now.

The old man slowly said to Ying Qianqiu: "Get back! This old man doesn't want to bully you, this White Emperor City, our Shushan faction is going to settle!"

Ying Qianqiu is in a dilemma, retreat, Baidi City may really fall into the hands of the Shushan faction, this is what Ying Qianqiu absolutely does not want to see, if you don't retreat, you are not the opponent of the opponent at all, even if you have many people, Also in vain.

"Why don't you want to leave? If you don't leave, the old man will not show mercy!" Sanxian's majesty cannot be violated. At their stage, besides the catastrophe, face is the most important thing they look at.Killing is just a snap of the fingers for them.

"Let's go!" At this point, the only way is to leave first, and then find a way, otherwise the other party may really make a move.

"Shushan faction is so majestic, do you really think that there is no one in my Ziyang City, and let you slaughter me?" A voice of anger came down from the void, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone.

The moment he saw the figure clearly, Han Lin was startled. How could Shan Jishu be possible? Hasn't he already ascended?The Sanxian from the Shushan School obviously didn't know Shan Jishu, but he could feel that Shan Jishu was extraordinary, "Who is your Excellency? Do you also want to take care of my Shushan School?
Han Lin immediately whispered in the old man's ear: "Old Ancestor, he is the Lord of Ziyang City, Shan Jishu!"

"Shan Jishu, didn't you say that she has ascended?" The old man frowned, obviously he had heard of Shan Jishu's reputation.

"This disciple doesn't know..." Han Lin was cursing Lu Zheng at the moment, and the other party swore that Shan Jishu had already ascended, but now Shan Jishu appeared in front of him.

Shan Jishu stared at the old man, "It's ridiculous, you want to take my Baidi City, but you still ask me who I am?"

Han Lin whispered in the old man's ear: "Old Ancestor, this Shan Ji Shu has already become an immortal, so it's not easy to deal with. I'm afraid that Baidi City..."

The old man knew Shan Jishu's strength, but he would not be reconciled if he just gave up like this, "Since you are the lord of the single city, you still need to do one more battle. If your Excellency wins the old man, I will take people away immediately. Shushan is about to be settled!"

"Okay, but I also have one condition. If your Excellency loses, then you must swear that from now on, the Shushan faction will not make any plans for my Baidi City."

The old man thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I promise you!"

Immediately afterwards, the two figures disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. Above the void, everyone could vaguely see the two figures, as if they were fighting.

Ying Qianqiu was also shocked when he saw Shan Jishu. It turned out that Shan Jishu hadn't ascended. Did he cover up the news of Ascension on purpose?
With Shan Jishu here, Ying Qianqiu is relieved, the Sanxian of the Shushan School is definitely not Shan Jishu's opponent, because Ying Qianqiu once heard Yi Linqing say that a Sanjie Sanxian can't do anything to Shan Ji Shu, and the Sanxian of the Shushan School in front of him is obviously less than three kalpas.

In Ziyang City, some people began to retreat. After Shan Jishu appeared, everyone knew that everything was hopeless. At the same time, they were also guessing whether this was intentional by Shan Jishu. The enemies gathered together and wiped them all out.

Qin Ling was fighting, and there were at least two hundred monks brought by Lu Zheng. Now these monks are Lu Zheng's desperate followers. Even if Lu Zheng is dead, they still attack the City Lord's Mansion without fear of life or death.Three nights disciples also joined the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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